Your Life was Designed to be Eternal
Is it fair to say that some people don’t have a clue about who they are?
- Or, where they’ve come from?
- Or, where they are going.
Your Life was Designed to be Eternal
That’s not just a cute saying. That’s the main message of these most accurately translated ancient document and modern languages around the world. The number one most red book around the world. The number one most criticized, slandered, picked apart, lied about, and possibly the most misunderstood book in the world.
But interesting enough, it is the most studied book ever written, while at the same time being the most attacked book. It is possibly the only book where names from this book have been used as curse words around the world.
And strangely enough, some of the worst offenders on the planet, claim to be atheists who don’t even believe in the names of the people and individuals and beings, whose names they use as curse words.
I would go so far as to say, that: at least half of the sins committed in history of the world, are in this category, because unbelievers failed to recognize that they are eternal beings, and that the ones they perpetrate their crimes and sins against are also eternal beings and because of that they do not feel guilty, nor feel shame, no feel the combination condemnation that they would experience if they agreed with God that not only they themselves are eternal, but the ones they sing against are also eternal, and as such every action, will come into judgment, and every judgment will ultimately receive its just reward.
I believe it is fully safe to say, that: if every man, woman, and child, had a full and deep experience with the knowledge of the fear of the Lord, that fear alone, would greatly hinder every sin, and if strong enough, would actually eliminate every sin out of every person’s life, so that the devil wouldn’t have no room to work, his evil plans, dark deceptions, wicked, Temptations, and Hellbound demonic lifestyles would end in an instant.
Due to the fact that men do not BELIEVE, nor KNOW, nor LIVE-IN, nor WALK-BY the Commandments of God with ALL of their heart, They don’t fully connect, nor fully operate in the FEAR OF THE LORD, because they don’t fully believe that they are eternal, and that all their actions have eternal consequences, and eternal ramifications, that inform all their decisions, and all their actions both in the mind and in the heart, and in every relationship, they have here on earth.
I dare say that if: all relationships were fully understood to be eternal, there would be no divorces, no child abuse, no child molestation, no abortions, no rapes, no murders, no betrayals, no gossip, no evil lusts, no greed, no robberies, no extortions, no kidnapping, no sex, trafficking, no prostitutes, (male or female), no more lying, no more cheating, no more physical or verbal abuse, no more bullying, no more drunkenness, drugs, partying, alcoholism, witchcraft, no idolatry, no bullying, no prejudice, no racism — you name it, it would not exist, to the point that everyone would treat one another with due honor, due respect, and due dignity.
Imagine a world where every single person in the world treated every other single person, the way they themselves wanted to be treated. Doing unto others, as they would have them do unto themselves in other words:
Imagine in the world where everyone would do this. Everyone would: love thy neighbour as thyself.
Matthew 22:37-40 (KJV)
Jesus said unto him,
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God
- with all thy heart,
- and with all thy soul,
- and with all thy mind.
This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like unto it,
- Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
The truth be told, when we live our lives by the values of God’s Kingdom, we do things that make no sense to others in this world (who do not have eternity in their hearts), but his values make perfect sense to the one who seize the one who sits on the throne of heaven.
When our lives produce the fruit of his consciousness, his judgment, his insight, his loving care, mercy, and truth, then we do the things that are pleasing in his sight, and we reveal that we have and carry eternity in our hearts.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NKJV)
He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts …