What is the Purpose of Life?

Common Sense that can Save a Nation

(Ignoring it can Destroy One)

What’s the Purpose of Life? From God’s Perspective.

The answer is simple: to know God.
And to know God’s direction, and to follow it.

Are you walking in God’s purpose for your life?
How do you know: if you are or if you are not?


When a man says he is following God, but is clearly choosing to disobey God’s word, and goes against God’s explicit direction, such a man is proving that he has an impenitent heart: A heart that knows the will of God, but rejects it. Such a man puts himself and his family in into perilous danger. Such a man, will believe in his own mind, that he knows more than God, that he knows better than God, better than the church, better than the Word–what is good for his life: What is Good in God’s Sight.


Do You know Him? Or more importantly:
Does He Know You?


John 17:3 (KJV)

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

That is the purpose of life. More specifically it is the purpose of eternal life.

Check this out:

Who Knows His Purpose?
Who can you Trust?

You cannot trust just anyone. Many will come in his name, saying: I am here, I am the Messiah, I am his teacher, etc., follow me, etc., etc. But only one man came down from heaven above, and took on human flesh as a baby, and only one man carried the sins of the world upon his back, and died with them on the cross at Calvary. And only one man rose again from the grave by his own authority and power, and proclaimed the message of salvation to all his chosen children, to all who would have ears to hear, eyes to see, and a heart to believe, that he was exactly who he said he was.

Jesus proved it by the life he lived, and ultimately by the way he died and rose again. He proved that death had no hold on him. He had no fear of death. Because he was the Author of Life.


John 10:17-18 (KJV)

17 Therefore doth my Father love me,
because I lay down my life,
that I might take it again.

18 No man taketh it from me,
but I lay it down of myself.
I have power to lay it down,
and I have power to take it again.

This commandment have I received of my Father.


Whose Word is Reliable? If you know, the father, you will know the son. If you do the will of the father, that will be clearly demonstrated: by what you say, and what you do.  


John 7:16-18 (KJV)

My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.

If any man will do his will,
he shall know of the doctrine,
whether it be of God,
or whether I speak of myself.

He that speaketh of himself
seeketh his own glory:

but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him.


How are you going to Arrive at your most holy sacred and secure final destination?

And, how are you going to influence others to arrive at the same holy sacred safe and secure, final destination? Learn how William Booth, Catherine Booth, and others chose to walk out their faith, even as the apostle has said, with fear and trembling. They chose to follow a model of revival, teaching, preaching, and living that changed fabric of the world they lived in.



What is God looking for in you and I?

Ever think about the things stir up God’s heart? Ever imagine the things that may God stand up and take notice? Ever wonder about the kind of man God is seeking to pour out all of his treasures upon? Have you ever decided or desired to become that man? Do you know what he’s looking for? Are you ready to take the challenge?

There are some radical men that have gone before us, and can teach us a lot about what we do not know. Just by hearing their testimonies, and learning from the impact, God had on their lives, and that impact that was translated into the lives of those around them.


“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.”

If this is your prayer: then it will be seen in your life. By the words you speak, the goals that you have, the priorities that you keep, and the work that you do.

This new kingdom lifestyle can be clearly seen in the life of the man named Charles G Finney.  Check this out for yourself. The work of God, he accomplished in one city in six months, proved that he was following God and new God, and proclaim God to others, so that they could know him as well.

An Intelligent Student & Frank Turek discuss: What’s the Purpose of Life?


Simple, common sense, logic, but powerful.


Your Purpose in Life is Tied to your Identity:


Your Purpose in Life is tied to Your ultimate Destination:


Your Purpose in Life is also tied to your “Will”:

In other words, in the kingdom of God, the ultimate goal stated by Jesus, and the ultimate reason for being accepted into heaven, is to do the Will of His Father. (Matthew 7:21–22)

And God never promised us that His WILL would be easy:


Luke 22:42-44 (KJV) 42 Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. 43 And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. 44 And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.

In other words, Jesus lays it out that every man should do the will of God, above his own will. He should prioritize his values, his schedule, and his life, according to the will of God. Not the will of man. These two entities are actually at war with one another, and as we can see from Luke 22 above. The war is serious, sacrificial, and often painful, and yet God does not give anyone a pass. We are all called to follow in Christ’s footsteps to do the will of God.

Jesus lays out an incredible parable that underlines this powerful principal. It’s called the parable of the two sons. In the parable, the father tells the first son to: “Go to work in my Vineyard today.” And the first son says “no.” But he repents. The second son says “yes, I will go.” But then doesn’t go. Then Jesus asks the entire audience that was listening to his teaching: Which son did the will of the father? And the entire audience said in unison, the first son did. Then Jesus turns the table upon all those listening, especially the hyper religious ones. He said:


Matthew 21:31-32 (KJV) Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. 32 For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe him.

Notice here, how Jesus ties the requirement of believing in him, with the requirement of repenting from sin. Whenever the gospel refers to “believing” it is not just a mental exercise, but it is a life transformation that is being talked about. In other words, the Hebrew word for believe is a verb. It is an action word. It requires action, and transformation, not just changing an opinion.


Now note this: something chemically and structurally happens in the brain when a man or a woman chooses to do something that they don’t really want to do. A certain part of the brain gets stronger. Watch this one minute video clip.


The deeper you dig into the subject, the clearer your understanding will become that the kingdom of God is based on delayed gratification. And the kingdom of this world is based on immediate gratification.

And almost all the promises of God that are: “yes and amen, in Christ Jesus,” come through trust,  hope, and beliefs that are unseen (at the present) but based on firm foundation laid in delayed gratification, that will ultimately never disappoint, nor cause regret of any kind.


But many struggle with God’s Will:

Especially when it’s not in their comfort zone, nor their “feel good” safety zone. Many times in God’s word men are given difficult tasks to carry out. Possibly one of the worst, most violent, most difficult morally and culturally is in the video below. Let’s watch the video and then make a couple comments. It’s only one minute long.:



Before I came to Christ in 1982, in Taiwan, the Republic of China, I was trying to prove the Bible wrong to a few missionaries, in the city of Tai-Jong, Taiwan. Because I genuinely thought they had been deceived, and were ignorant of modern culture, and other religions.

In the middle of my research, it seemed like God was speaking to my heart, a principal that I held pretty strongly, regarding the problem between natural healing, and medical/surgical intervention.


In my own mind, I believe that the best way to heal The Body is naturally by giving it the proper amount of sleep, proper nutrition, proper exercise, and proper environment, sunshine, rest, good, solid, social and educational challenges, etc.


But when something goes wrong, and a man comes down with cancer in a liver, or in a kidney, or a lung, the most merciful thing a doctor could do would be to remove the diseased part of the body, so that the rest of the body could live.

I actually met an Indian up in northern British Columbia along the salmon river that had only one lung. I guess he was smoking too much. But he was doing not too bad with just one Long, and we helped build a log house for him while I was there, visiting a trapper and staying at the trappers place while I was hitchhiking from Santa Barbara, California to British Columbia and back.

And note, the problem with the healing process, is a time sensitive one. For example, if a man gets a gangrene infection in his baby toe, the medical solution would be to cut the toe off immediately before the gangrene can progress into the whole foot. But if the patient delays action, the doctor may need to not amputate, the toe, or the foot, he may need to amputate the whole leg, in order to save the life of the patient. But once the infection goes from the leg into the central part of the body. All hope is lost. The delayed reaction will cause a permanent death according to medical intervention.

Such is the problem with sin, and self deception. It may start in a tiny portion of the body, but before Long, it can seep into the whole body and bring complete death to the individual. The word of God has been given to men to be used like a surgical instrument. To cut away that which is diseased. That which will bring death. That which will cause the man not only to suffer a physical death, but a spiritual death. Not only death in this life, but eternal death in the life to come.

In fact, the word of God says that is the state of being into which we were born. Our natural inclination is to disobey God. Therefore, we must fight a Constant fight of faith to overcome our natural inclinations.








More to come …

Suggestions Welcome.



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