The Blood Covenant of God

New Wine Skins

Chapter 1


What is the Blood Covenant of God all about?


When and Where did it start?
What is its purpose?
How does it apply to me today?

How long will it last?


Have You Prepared Your Wineskin for the New Wine  



The Blood Covenant of God is …



A foundational teaching for every child of God:

  1. Who wants to walk in ALL of God’s Covenant Blessings (not just some of them).
  2. Who wants God’s Favor to be showered down upon his life–in every area of HIS LIFE.
  3. Who wants to prepare HIMSELF for both the hard times, and the good times ahead.
  4. Who wants to walk in the life of the miraculous, and the supernatural …
    that God has called all of his children into, but can only be received by those with Faith from God’s Perspective, and by those who refuse to receive all of man’s fake substitutes for Faith, that don’t come close to measuring up to God’s Standards of Faith and Practice in the Kingdom of God:



Remember, Jesus said:

According to your faith be it unto you.”  

(Matthew 9:27)


All of God’s Promises are “Yes and Amen in Christ”

“For all the promises of God in him are Yea [Yes],
and in him Amen, unto the glory of God …
2 Corinthians 1:20 (KJV)

Now, if all of God’s Promises are Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus: Which promises are excluded? Which promises are no longer for today? Which promises have faded away? Which ones have been barred from the Church today? Which ones are no longer applicable to your life and mine today–if all are ALL truly Yes and Amen in Christ? These is just some of the questions we will need to confront head-on, as we allow the Word of God to be our guide, and we allow the traditions of men to fall by the waste side.

Can your think of one good promise that God specifically wants to be excluded from your life? If you can please leave a mention of it in the comments along with any scriptural notations you might have for the support of it.



Walking with God according to HIS Nature:

HIS Freedom, HIS Power, and HIS Grace.


This will be a will ride, but it is not all roses, and lemonade.

Just as Jesus suffered in laying down his life for his friends, leaving us an example to live by: So has Jesus called us, his followers, to lay down their lives for one another.

Oftentimes those sacrifices will be painful, and costly. Sometimes we will share a little of the glory on this side of the veil, but most of the glory is reserved for the other side of the veil: The Greater Life–The One we can only see by Faith in this Life.

In our flesh, what we will mainly feel (in our old wineskins) are the sufferings, the pain, the trials, temptations, tribulations, and persecutions. These are all designed to help teach us how to overcome our flesh, and learn to walk in God’s Spirit, just as Paul and Silas, learned to rejoice in the midst of their suffering, and saw the miraculous Salvation, Sanctification, and the Glorious Witness of God transform a whole city in Ancient Macedonia (Greece). Acts 16:9-40

There are two sides to the Blood Covenant, and both sides are very real. Both sides of the Covenant are also very challenging. Therefore it is important to properly understand them, in order to rightfully and successfully walk in them:

1)     The Promises, and
2)    The Warnings are both contained in the Blood Covenant of God.
        (Also known as the Blessings and the Curses. They are both Majestic and also Terrifying.)

Note: This teaching will be mixing in the Prophecies of Jesus–promised in the Old Covenant, fulfilled in the New Covenant, along with the warnings of Jesus laid out in the Old Covenant, repeated in the New Covenant.

These prophecies awaken in Us the Testimony of God–and teach us from God’s Supernatural Perspective. While learning the incredible accuracy, beauty, and thoughtfulness contained in the Prophecies of God, we become familiarized with the Ways of God, through the Will of God, as we receive a Revelation from Him in the Word of God.

Whether we like it or not we are facing our Final Call: All that God has said. All that God has Done to get our attention, in order for us to pay attention to both His Promises and His Warnings is about to come into it final stage. Like a stage play that has 7 Acts, and 7 Scenes in each Act, we are, according to God’s Prophetic Timetable, coming to the closing end of our last chance to Hear, See, and Act according to God’s Plan for His blessings to be poured out upon us. What is coming soon, and is now here, are the Curses of God, ready to be poured out upon all flesh, upon all who chose not to Hear, See, And Act upon his promises. They will one and all experience His Curses, because the time of Redemption is over, and the Time of Judgement has now come.

If learning these things matters to you: then you have come to the right place. If you do not carry around in your breast, the terror or fear of the Lord, then chances are good these Warnings will not mean much to you. But I pray that you will hang in there just a little while, so that you can investigate these things thoroughly for yourself. That you might be light the favored ones in Berea, who truly wanted to know that these things which have been hidden from the wise and prudent, have been reveal unto babes. Therefore, I pray that you will hold onto the line long enough, to gain the insight, clarity, and faith to see God’s “these things” from God’s Heavenly Perspective, so that you can and will know: What is Good in God’s Sight,” even though it will seem foolish in the eyes of man.

If you are ready to begin: Pack up your backpack, and lace up your hiking boots, because we will have some rough territory to hike through.

Jesus’ Prophecies are for His Disciples


These prophecies opened the eyes of two men who were on the verge of losing their faith in their Messiah.

Actually, it might be said that: they had already lost their faith in Messiah. (Luke 24:21) Why? Because the Messiah didn’t measure up to their belief system that they had in the Messiah. In other words, they were in deep need of a new wineskin.

A case can be made that they needed to loose their faith in the Messiah. Why is that?  (Luke 24:25)

Why did these disciples clearly need a new wine skin? Because their faith was not based on the Word of God. It was half baked in with the Traditions of Man. In other words, they had a partial faith, sometimes know as a fake faith. And that needed to be tested. It needed to be refined.

Their broken faith: needed to go through the fire. It needed to have all the dross burned out. So it would no longer be a stumbling block for their true faith in the Messiah. In other words, the old wine skin needed to be broken, and discarded. It needed to be thrown away, and buried in the grave. Why? In order for the New Life to Come forth.

Jesus said: 

Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat [a seed] fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. 25 He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.

John 12:24-25 (KJV)

What Jesus disciples did not understand back then, and what many still don’t understand today: Was that not only did Jesus’s seed need to go into the ground and die to itself, so does our seed need also to go into the ground and die to itself.

THAT MUST HAPPEN: that it may rise from the death of the flesh, being born again through New Life in the Spirit.

SO THAT WE ALL MIGHT RECEIVE:  a totally new life, one that looks nothing like that which was before. That is what the resurrection is all about, a brand new heavenly revelation and transformation, that looks nothing like it did before.

In fact, Jesus says right here, and in many other places: if you don’t hate our old life in this world, you may never receive his new life that is eternal in the world to come. Can you see how badly we need to have a new wineskin?

Are you still trying to walk with God: know God, serve God, and do the Works of God by walking in the “Old Wineskin?”  If you are: You are not Alone! By a right Estimation in Scripture, the vast majority of people both inside the church, and outside the church are all still walking in an old wineskin. Therefore, they need to go through the fire, because not many KNOW GOD.Just like the original Apostles and Disciples: We need to have our dross burned off. We need to replace our old, crusty, stiff and rigid wineskin, with a totally new, fully flexible fluid, heavenly designed wineskin, that can fully handle all aspects of the New Wine. Both the Glory and the Pain.
(2 Corinthians 12:7–10)But here is the Problem: How many people know they are living in an old wineskin?How many pastors and teachers are fully dedicated to transforming, not only their own wineskins, but seeing and overseeing the transformation of new wineskins for everyone in the flock of God?

If the leadership of a Church is filled with old wineskins, and old wine: How can they ever hope to prepare and challenge their flocks to become new wineskins themselves?

Can you see the problem? How do we solve it?

God wants, and paid the price for, every one of His “babes” in Faith, to become new wineskins, filled with New Wine.


Now think about this: What would happen if every believer, disciple, pastor, teacher in America, become a truly new wine skin, filled with new wine? Our world and our society would be transformed just as the first and second century church transformed their societies–by the new wine of heaven.

As I understand it, every disciple in their flock has the potential to become truly powerful, dedicated, diligent, living witnesses of all that Christ came to do and say?

But no disciple of Christ can ever hope to walk in all the promises of God without first casting away the old wine skin, and replacing it with God’s New Wineskin, in the Kingdom of God. Only then can any disciple become a true, new Kingdom Living, Kingdom Loving, fully Kingdom Practicing New Wineskin Gospel Minister of  Christ. Can the Complete and full New wineskin, be only partially or slightly revised? No. Nothing short of a Totally New and Heavenly Transformed Wineskin will be able to hold, and handle all the pressures and measures of the New Wine. No half way transformation will ever be good enough. You can put lipstick on a pig, but its still a pig.

No fancy decoration, no religious clothing: no seminary degree, no higher knowledge, nor any advanced system of theology can, or ever will, take the place of a new Wineskin. Without the new wineskin all the accolades of men will be of zero value in the Kingdom of God. If that is what you have pursued, or your church leadership has pursued, or your family has wanted you to pursue, to somehow validate your faith and devotion to God, it was all for nought.


The answers to Life’s most important questions are not found in High Towers of Theology–but it the plain, simple, child like heart that comes to God’s Word open to receive all that God has prepared for him, and there like little babes the secrets and treasures of the Kingdom of God and made real and manifest to those who will seek Him, with all their heart.


At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. 26 Even so, Father: for so it seemed good in thy sight.

Matthew 11:25-26 (KJV)


Jesus knew it would not be the wise and learned, the spiffy and well educated, that would seek his new wineskin, but those who would be lowly of spirit, meek, humble, real people, not looking to impress men, but seeking to Know God. Just as Jesus said:


Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. 4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 18:3-4 (KJV)

Those with childlike pure faith (unpolluted by the machinations of man) will quickly see and receive the new wine skin from Heaven, and become permanent children of the King of Heaven, ready to do God’s bidding, whenever, and wherever God might send them. They will become like the wind of God, free to go anywhere the Spirit of God may direct.


Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

John 3:7-8 (KJV)


In the next chapter we are going to spend a significant amount of time getting to know two travelers who have just had the stuffing knocked out of them. All their dreams, and hopes, and desires have come crashing down around them. Everything they thought they had believed in and everything they thought they had been living for abruptly died and violent death, and they were still reeling from the blows. Stunned and dazed. Heart broken and confused, yet still alive enough to walk home and try to sort things out. 

They a had just heard crazy news, and they didn’t know what to make of it.

Then Cleopas and his best buddy while walking together back to their home town bump into a strange stranger, that engages them into a life transforming conversation.


Isn’t that exactly what you and I need from time to time? We need fresh eyes? We need new ears? We need a new perspective, that is large enough to handle our current crisis, and troubles? 


Thankfully, that conversation and that perspective is not far from any one of us who are genuinely and intimately pursuing the kingdom of God, as these men were.


What we will learn in the next chapter about what the Stranger had to say will have the power to transform our lives, and bring us out of our current darkness into His Eternally Bright and Holy Heavenly Light!



Spoiler Alert: This Book is in the process of being Written: Chapter 2 is almost ready, but is still need of deep revision. If Interested in reading more, please contact me, and let me know so I can devote more resources to the next few chapters. Brother Thomas. Thanks for sharing this journey with me and my heavenly family.



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