5 Reasons Your Husband Doesn’t Want Sex Anymore Sex in Marriage—Part 3 Some short points: Day-to-day behaviors like criticism, controlling mothering, and neglect can emasculate husbands, leading to feelings of inadequacy and withdrawal from sex. Covert judgment of a husband’s appearance or weight
Tag: marriage
Sex In Marriage Part 2—Sex is Mandatory if you ask a good man: What what are the top three things that are most important to him in a marriage relationship? Sex is going to be
Sex In Marriage Part 1—The Story What is “The Story” Women tell Men about Sex? Why do women cut off sex with their husbands? What’s the impact of emotional manipulation in marriages? Why do affairs happen
What does Respect Mean to a Man? Part 1 This post discusses the importance of respect in marriage from a unique female’s perspective. [From an enlightened female for other enlightened females.] What RESPECT Means to A Man –