Skeptics Welcome (Part 3)


For Skeptics Welcome TOC: Parts 1 to 12  (Click Here)

The Scientist’s Challenge —To Scientists


Dear Friends,


“Either there is a god or there isn’t.
Both possibilites are frightful,
 because if there is a god then we better find out who he is,
and find out what he wants, and do what he says.
If there is no god then we are in trouble,
because we are hurdling into space
 at 66,000 miles an hour
and nobody is in charge.” *


~Famous Quote by an alleged Russian Atheist Astronomer * 


Spoiler alert: * Several other people have claims to this quote,
depending on whose sources you list. (See Footnote*)



The Russian Astronomer* poses
Two Options?


1) There is a God.  
2) There is no God.


As a Truth Claim: Only One Claim can be True.
The other claim by default, must be False.

The True Choice is Left to Us to Choose: Which Claim Has The Better Evidence?

  • Which claim Makes more Rational Sense?
  • Which claim best Agrees with what we see in Nature all around us?

Have you ever attempted to See this World through the Eyes of the Creator?

Have you ever allowed yourself to See from the Perspective of Eternity?

How would those two viewpoints have an impact on your vision?


This Webpage will present information that has commonly been hidden from the Majority public view. 

This Webpage will tell the other side of the Story. It will open up the Public Records–that have been blocked, or more like hidden and derided on mainstream media for decades.  I don’t know how long this website will be allowed to exist. Soon this information will disappear. So I share these short clips and bits of information with those who desire to Examine the Truth from Both Sides of the Proverbial Primordial Soup Pond.

May this data help you to make wise decisions that will affect your future, both short term and more importantly, long term. Below we can pose two options about: Where your body came from? and How you came to exist?–just to get the ball rolling. Then we can look more specifically at the evidence. One of these two options is right, the other is wrong. Yes, it is that simple. So let’s get ready to evaluate the evidence … hopefully with an open and clear mind.


Author’s Note: It is the author’s opinion that there is no such thing as a truly “open mind.” No matter how open one wants to feel about their own opinions being open: the truth be known, each person’s opinion is shaped by the content that fills their cup.

To put it another way: We don’t get to choose the results (or fruits) of our own opinions, we only get to choose the source of our opinions. Once we have chosen the source, then the results and fruits of our opinions are for the most part—more or less—predetermined. What makes the difference is the source we choose to trust.

We are simply containers of information. What makes the difference is did you get your coffee? Yeah so to speak but that smile turn the frown around turn the frown around this morning and here we got breakfast prepared for us and this is what I need just for you told me you were you would kick the habit you told me a for a few days, I didn’t habit about it. I never wanted to take cocaine because I thought I would like it when I was a kid. I never wanted to try cocaine because I thought I would. I would like it too much and I never wanted to smoke cigarettes or drink coffee because I thought I would get addicted to it and you never did never did that’s great. I mean I’ll have a cuppa coffee here and there, but I won’t make it a habit, I like it with sugar and cream tea coffee when I was I don’t know 89 or 10 gone to a football game at USC Trojan Stadium and it was cold and there’s nothing there for us. We didn’t have any money I don’t know how I was there, but there was a coffee stand that was open and we got coffee out and put some sugar in there and some cre some chocolate hot chocolate before I couldn’t I didn’t like the taste: Who has filled our cup? Who has the influence over our thinking? To Whom have we given the authority to shape our thoughts? What is the source of the information we trust? Where did it come from? Who developed it? How reliable is it? To what degree can we trust it? And should we?

Many times it is a better conversation to discuss the origin of our information, than the information itself.

In other words, if you want to cut off the influence of a bad tree, let’s say: a poisoned apple tree, it does little good to keep throwing the harvested poison apples into a ditch year after year. You run the danger of poisoning your whole landscape. And the possibility of having uninformed members of your family or community eat from you poisoned tree is a real threat. But, if you cut down the tree, and remove the branches, the trunk, the  roots and all, and burn them completely—Only then can you remove the whole poisoning influence of such a tree safely–and all the poisoned opinions that went with it. 


The Great Good News about the Truth is that it will always compel you to go to the root, to deal with the poisoned fruit, not just cut off a few poisoned branches. In this analogy, the fruit is simply a product of the tree. Therefore, the question we should be most concerned about is this: Which Tree am I eating from? Which Tree is filling my cup? Which Tree has taken authority over my mind, my will, my emotions and the intellectual as well as the spiritual direction of my life? And finally, after examining and exposing the two trees roots and fruits–Which Tree do I want to direct my internal and eternal affairs.


It takes a wise soul to perceive, and acknowledge that there are two different roads, upon which person can travel, and there is a war between the opinions of both. Whichever one we choose in the end, will have a dramatic effect on all of our opinions and the entire direction of our life.


As Common Sense Logical Skeptics,
Let’s just weigh the evidence of each position:

Let’s be clear about the probabilities that exist, and expose the claims being made. Let’s examine the mathematical probabilities like true scientists. Then let us decide:

    1. Does it take more faith to believe your physical body evolved from a rock
      (Rock to >>> Water = Primordial Soup >>> Goo to Zoo Evolution).
      In others words: Are You a Walking Talking Accident?    OR…………
    2. Does it take more faith to believe your physical body was: 1) divinely designed, 2) intricately woven together, 3) by an intelligence and 4) and a technology—far beyond human conception and comprehension? (As God’s Record says: Psalm 139: 14-18).


At this initial stage: We don’t need to dive into deep motives or nefarious schemes.

We just need to evaluate the data and learn all we can.

In other words: Are you a walking talking random accident? 

Living like an empty shell filled with a mixture of bio-chemicals with no real purpose or divine direction? As Richard Dawkins so boldly proclaims. Believing that God is a Delusion …    OR …

Are You a precious Child of the King of Heaven?

Seeking your true purpose for living in His Kingdom?
As the Record of God so boldly proclaims. (Jeremiah 1:5)

Before we dive into the big Topic of DNA (and the art and science behind our body’s phenomenal ability to read, write, and duplicate code language, replicate living structures, build incredibly complex and fine tuned systems, dependent on an heavily prepared and phenomenally, fine-tuned, and protected environment, (electrically, atmospherically, magnetically, gravitationally, chemically, and far more)  beyond our ability to fathom (far more advanced than any computer could prepare or keep up with)– let’s take a short look (1 minute clip) at what it takes for us to hear words spoken to us in our own language.


Then, we can decide: Did we really did get our gift of hearing by accident, or was it by design, and for a much higher purpose than what we can currently realize? 


The Gift of Hearing

(under 1 minute)



Now,  that we can hear–Hopefully, we can decide after examining the evidence:

Is hearing is a gift from someone far more intelligent than us?

Or do we believe along with the modern professors that say hearing was designed by millions of years of random accidents? Which makes more sense? How did each meticulously integrated part, cell, structure, organ, system, and environmental resources converge at just the right perfect time and place with all the right coding and language and cooperation of all the billions of codings in each individual cell all develop simultaneously into a newly mutated and fully functional entity?

Here is a Classic example of the Billions/Millions of Years mindset. Evolutionists like to hang their  scientifically based statements out there on thin air. They tend to promote their own statements as facts, using all kinds of inferences, assumptions, and predictions like they were there when these things happened. They make scenarios up in their minds, and then declare them, like they were eye witnesses to the events they witnessed. Isn’t that exactly what skilled liars do? Apparently, the author below has the authority to tell us that eyes appeared by at least 40 million years before ears did. 

Which evolved first: eyes or ears? 

It’s up in the air whether early lifeforms developed seeing or hearing first.

Luis Villazon

Asked by: Corben Jubian, Sydney, Australia

Eyes, by at least 40 million years. The only invertebrates with ears are land arthropods and they didn’t emerge until about 480 million years ago. Older invertebrates had antennae that would have been able to sense vibrations in the water, but that’s not quite the same thing as hearing. Trilobites already had complex compound eyes 521 million years ago, and simple eyespots without a lens probably date back to 570 million years ago, when the first multicellular animals appeared.

Luis Villazon

Q&A expert: Luis trained as a zoologist, but now works as a science and technology educator. In his spare time he builds 3D-printed robots, in the hope that he will be spared when the revolution inevitably comes.



Moving On:

Let’s just follow the evidence: Which technical position honestly squares with the obvious facts?

Which is more credible? 

  • First, let’s examine the mathematical probability of a single living protein being created by random accident.
  • Then, let’s examine the mathematical probability of a single living cell being created by random accident.

If these two factors pass the probability test, let’s examine the the mathematical probability of a single dynamic living organ being created and developed by random accident, and then finally we can examine the probability of creating an entire human being by chance? 


What do you think the odds are?  Let’s start with this question:

Does Your Language require intelligence?

In other words, did you naturally read and write letters all by yourself without any intelligent design, help, education or training?

Or did you language require you to use your intelligence and apply it to the subject of learning to read and write.


Does Language Require Intelligence?

Or can random chance create language?

(1 minute, 43 seconds)




Next we need to answer the question:

Does Life Come from Non-Life?


Has life ever come from Non-Life?
Is that even a possible scientific opinion or precept? 


What would be the scientific backing and support, 
the evidence needed to put forth the concept, 
that starts out by contradicting already known science?


Check this out. It is fascinating!

(Data presented  below is taken from excerpts of these short videos.)

(2 minutes, 20 seconds)


God’s Word says:

You are Fearfully and wonderfully made  (Psalm 139).

God’s Testimony does not contradict the latest
biological scientific data (and never has),

but rather, it supports and confirms it.

This begs the question: Were you created in God’s Image? 

Or are you just a cosmic accident of proteins? You Decide.



Can Darwin’s Theory of Macro Evolution
be mathematically  “proven”  by statistical analysis?

Let’s start with Borel’s Law.

Borel’s Law says: There is a statistical number that is beyond believability.

Statistically speaking, it will never happen. That number is 10 to the 50th power (that’s ten with 50 zeros behind it). It is a huge number. (Borel calls that number statistically Absurd. You will see why it is Absurd, in just a minute, if you view one of these videos they will do a pretty decent job of deconstructing the argument, and communicating the odds.)


“If Pigs could Fly”
—Place your bets here!

Tongue and Cheek aside. 
I would not want to bet my life on the odds that
 Mr. Randon Chance, is my Royal Daddy.

(1 minute, 32 seconds)





How does one overcome such
an overwhelming statistical hurdle?

(You be the Judge)

In short, the Evolutionist believes the human race came from a rock that cooled down billions of years ago. With no science, no facts, no observable evidence, but just a raw blind belief, that he takes on pure faith–very seriously. His belief is so strong in what he believes, that he needs no real no facts, no real evidence to back up his blind faith beliefs–just imaginary unprovable man centered ideas, backed up by fake dummies and stuffed mannequins featured at the Smithsonian Institute and immortalized in National Geographic Magazine. The evolutionist has been taught (groomed) to believe in certain facts that were created in the imaginations of men who simply needed a story that could be believed in, that rejected and opposed the Story of Creation.

It is a strange kind of science indeed, that needs no real or reliable proof to believe in it, all you need is just millions or billions of years to believe. The Only Problem with the millions of years model: If the earth was millions of years old, it would have been burned up by the Sun, millions of years ago. Every year the Sun is shrinking. It is burning off its fuel supply and will eventually burn out. At the current rate of depletion, if the sun is as old as evolutionists say it is, the fire of the sun would have been touching the earth, and the whole solar system. And none of it would have existed. It could not have survived the massively larger size of the Sun.


If the Theory is True Where is the Evidence?

Does evidence support or refute the Theory? Is it Science, or is it Religion?

When a person believes something by pure faith with no concrete evidence … that takes faith, and that faith in my book is equal to a religion. Once an atheist or evolutionist can come to this point of truth, then a real discussion can happen about what a person is forming his belief system upon, but until that point comes, there will be a lot of arguing about the elephant in the room that nobody is willing to see.

(53 seconds)



Which belief demands greater faith?

Which one can be proven or disproven mathematically?

(7 minutes, 27 seconds)




Please Note: according to some statisticians the entire known universe only has enough space to hold 10 to the 96th grains of sand (that’s 10 with 96 zeros behind it).

When we reach any number of 10 to 50th, the law of absurdity kicks in.

Scientists know that the laws of chance have proven Darwin’s Random Chance Possibility is an Absurdity. They have blown Darwin not only out of the Water (the primordial soup), and have blown Darwin and his theory, completely out of the Universe.

If not convinced yet, the following videos should put the final nails in the coffin.



Do the laws of probability
apply to evolution?


Yes! according to Dr. Coppedge.

“Evolution is an ideal subject in which to apply the laws of chance. As defined earlier, evolutionary doctrine denies advanced planning, and has a random matter-in-motion basis as its basic causal source…”

Evolution denies the existence of God, and so there is no intelligence guiding it.

Too Improbable Means Scientifically Impossible “Borel’s law of probability states that the occurrence of any event, where the chances are beyond one in 10 followed by 50 zeroes, is an event that we can state with certainty will never happen.    

No matter how much time is allotted and no matter how many conceivable opportunites could exist for the event to take place” [it is beyond absurd].

Below is a one minute short on Epigenetics, that show why Darwin’s finches disprove Macro Evolution.


(59 seconds)



Our biology disproves Macro Evolution:  In other words, according to the science of mathematics, anything with a chance of one in 10 to the power of 50 and above, will never happen –ever – regardless of how much time is available and how many possible opportunities arise. With this in mind, let us examine what science says about the probability of evolution.


Dr. Harold Morowitz estimated that the chances of the simplest life-form arising through evolution is one in ten to the power of 340,000,000.

This is a probability that exceeds the maximum possible probability by 6.8 million times! Evolution is impossible!


The late Dr. Carl Sagan estimated that the chances of life evolving on a planet like the earth is one in ten to the power of 2 billion. That is one chance in a 10 followed by 2 billion zeroes! (Carl Sagan is often promoted by atheists, as one of their own.)

That is even more improbable than Dr. Morowitz’s estimation!

But how could the chances stacked against evolution be so high?

In the “Life” section of the 1993 edition Encyclopedia Britannica, the smallest lifeform, “a simple cell” is said to have 1 trillion bits of information stored within it. That is the equivalent to the number of letters on 100 million pages of the encyclopedia Britannica!



Can Life come from Non-Life?

Has it ever happened before?

When did non-living matter ever becoming living matter? In other words, when did sand become alive? Except in the Spiderman Movie? 

(48 seconds)



Cosmic Accident or 

Cosmic Designer?

<Which demands greater Faith?>



Which puts the believer at a higher risk of Loss? or Gain?

About 4.5 minutes.




Another witness:

Can a single protein make
itself by random chance?


About 9.5 minutes, but this is worth the 10 minute investment.
(It’s hard to argue with scientists sharing authentic statistical data.)





How Simple is The Simple Cell? 

(The Nail in the Coffin of Darwinian Evolution)


Please explain how this all happened by accident?

(13 minutes)






Quantum Physics 
Science backs the Bible Narrative

—Casts Doubt on the Naturalist / Atheist Agenda 

What is our physical Reality all about? Answers from Quantum Physics …

About 13.5 minutes long:




From a Cosmic Stew—
Nothing made organic gooh and pooh,

And Finally Nothing—Created a Zoo!




From My Perspective: I don’t have enough faith to be an Atheist

It appears it takes much greater faith to be an atheist than I can muster. I know for certain I no longer can trust the professors and educational institutions that seek to hide critical information in order to brain wash students.

There is a masterful, and devious plan of attack bent on suppressing Truth Facts, and pushing a false narrative.




Although I once blindly believed in Darwin’s Theory of Macro Evolution. I have come to realize that none of the original arguments or proofs or discoveries can stand up to a genuine scientific investigation. 





In short, the Creationist believes that: “In the Beginning God Created the Heavens and the Earth” and then he filled the Earth with Diverse Life, Great Beauty, and Marvelous Design, with a mind boggling balance of elements, properties, laws, and chemical equations, and interplanetary perfection–all of which needs to be extremely fine tuned and maintained within the strictest margins for LIFE to exist. And mankind was the crown of His Creation.


The human race was originally planned and created,

with a vital purpose in mind:

That Man would:

Want to Know God,

Want to be near to God,

Want to enjoy God, and

Want to become Loving like God.


When a Man chooses to listen to and obey God, he begins to reflect the beauty, nature, mindset, values, plans, purposes, and virtues that God bestows on all who choose to Follow in the footsteps of His Son. 

Yes, Man screwed it all up, but God fixed it all up, and made a way back to Him through His One and Only Begotten Son. Very soon, every wrong will be righted. Every lie will be exposed. Every evil deed and perverse speech will be judged, even every careless word–will be weighed in the balance.

All who would hear His Voice, and willingly choose to walk in His Ways, do His Will, and Abide in His Word–would be Forgiven and be restored to the original glory God originally intended Man to have.

All those disinterested in Hearing His Voice, or knowing His will, who have abandoned His Ways, and His Word–will be given the rewards they have chosen.


Your Mother’s Science: Disproves Evolution

(49 seconds)




Meet the Fakes:  Frauds Created By Criminal Scientists
Nebraska Man, Piltdown Man, Lucy, and much more: Many False Facts: are still being taught in schools today.

Lying seems to be a mainstream part of Evolutionist Science.

(21 minutes, 59 seconds)




On the Political Front: We know what happens to societies and cultures that depart from the Word of God as their source of faith, truth, obedience and social responsibility. Things get uglier and uglier the further men and women depart from the Truth. One example is witnessed below.




Does your God see the Future and Tell you about it—in precise detail?
<500 to 1500 years before it happens?>

The Bible was translated into Greek circa 270 B.C. (known as the Septuagint Version of the OT.)  The following prophecies were perfectly fulfilled exactly as they were predicted, in very specific, and unambiguous terms.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. More to come on this subject. Check out 356, prophecies Yeshua Fulfilled. Check out Over 30+ fulfilled the Day He was crucified.

For Skeptics concerning God, Racism, Nazism, Genocide, and Abortion, this is a must see video.


One Simple question Stumps All These Intellectuals

 Top University Professors of Evolution cannot answer.



                        “180” Movie        



Concluding Remarks:

Let’s address these two options simply by using: Math/Logic/Statistics, Common Sense, and Evidence, using the Scientific Method of Observation.

  1. If there is no god, then we are what? Animals or Robots without: a purpose, a design, a plan, a goal, or any intelligent moral or spiritual reason for being here–we are simply accidents of nature. So if we should act like animals, as heartless, mindless, selfish beasts, that’s ok, because that is who we are. As such, we should be doomed to remain ignorant of God’s Glory, God’s Majesty, God’s Laws, God’s Holy Love and Perfection, and God’s Promises.
  2. If there is a God, we should see incredibly complex and mind blowing design all around us. We should see His: purpose, intelligence, creativity, and even His beauty and splendor, reflected in all that He has made. We should see and feel, and experience, a moral code, and consequences for breaking the moral code with an inner witness, that when we do something wrong, we know it (ergo: our conscience). We should see the existentence of laws governing social justice, as well as, physical and spiritual laws, visible and invisible forces and observable laws, that will govern our existence, and our entire Universe. And if we Seek God’s Character and Nature, maybe we can reflect it back to our family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. If there is a God, then we are, brothers and sisters for eternity in God’s Holy Heavenly Family, then God’s two greatest commandments make perfect sense: 1) to love the Lord your God with all your heart mind soul and strength, and 2) Love your neighbor as yourself. That is how we are designed to treat each other and live in harmony for eternity with one another, as we were designed to co-exist in God’s Love. If we rebel against these rules of conduct, of justice and truth, and we break the moral law of God, then it is only reasonable that we should expect to be corrected and disciplined, that’s what any good father would do to train his children to be good, honest, just, respectful citizens of his Kingdom, and Heavenly Family. If we reject every form of correction God provides, through His Word and His Laws, through the Parents He has provided, through the governments HE has allowed to be formed–but we continue to rebel against every form of correction, then we should be excluded from the life that is offered to those who want to Live holy and righteous, loving and good, pure and kind, gracious and humble for eternity. Why should we be excluded? Because we would be like a deadly virus infecting everything we touch, bringing evil, wickedness and death into His Holy Kingdom and Family. In others words, if God allowed sin and rebellion into His Eternal Heavenly Kingdom, man would fill it with evil even as they have already done here on Earth.  Personally, as I see it, we have been given one chance, one life, one choice to make in the totality of our life here on earth. We can: 1) choose to walk with God, inviting His Spirit into our lives to convict us, correct us, and transform us into his Image and his likeness, to Learn his ways in order to abide with Him and live in His Presence forever, or 2) choose to walk away from God, reject His Spirit, reject his correction, reject his promise of deliverance from sin, and abhor his transforming power, and abide outside of his presence for all of eternity–and have his wrath abide on us for all of eternity, a.k.a., the lake of fire.


Below the Apostle Paul, describes our situation. (circa AD 60)

Romans 1:20-22 (KJV) 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made [Ever see a hummingbird fly? Can you believe a hummingbird was formed by accident? What a foolish idea], even his eternal power and Godhead ; so that they [they = unbelievers, mockers, sinners, liars, thieves, murderers, and all immoral people] are without excuse: 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools…


Below King David, describes our situation.
(circa 1000 BC)


Psalms 19 (KJV) 

1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
      and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
2 Day unto day uttereth speech,
      and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
3 There is no speech nor language,
       where their voice is not heard.
4 Their line is gone out through all the earth,
    and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,
5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.
6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven,
and his circuit unto the ends of it:
and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.


7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul:
the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.
8 The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart:
the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.
9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever:
the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
10 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold:
sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
11 Moreover by them is thy servant warned:
and in keeping of them there is great reward.
12 Who can understand his errors?
cleanse thou me from secret faults.
13 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins;
let them not have dominion over me:
then shall I be upright,
and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.
14 Let the words of my mouth,
and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight,
O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.



If you still are heavily doubting: check this out …

compare this testimony to any other in history:

If you still doubt God’s testimony: check this out:

The Name of God (Part 1) Riches

The Blood Covenant (Part 1) Eden


Footnote *

According to Ask Ai Questions Search Engine:

Blaise Pascal wrote the quote: “Either there is a god or there isn’t, both possibilities are frightful.”

Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer, and Catholic theologian. He made significant contributions to mathematics and science but is also known for his philosophical works. One of his most famous works is “Pensées” (Thoughts), a collection of fragments on theology and philosophy.

In this particular quote, Pascal reflects on the uncertainty surrounding the existence of God and the implications of this uncertainty. The quote highlights the profound existential dilemma faced by individuals when contemplating the existence or non-existence of a higher power.

Pascal’s quote encapsulates the concept of Pascal’s Wager, which suggests that it is rational to believe in God because the potential benefits of believing (eternal salvation) outweigh the potential consequences of disbelief (eternal damnation). The quote underscores the weightiness of this decision and the existential angst that accompanies it.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources:

  1. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is a comprehensive and authoritative online resource that provides in-depth articles on various philosophical topics, including the works and ideas of prominent philosophers like Blaise Pascal.
  2. Encyclopædia Britannica: Encyclopædia Britannica is a trusted source for information on a wide range of subjects, offering detailed articles on historical figures, philosophical concepts, and literary works such as those by Blaise Pascal.
  3. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy is an open-access resource that publishes peer-reviewed articles on philosophy. It offers scholarly insights into philosophical texts, theories, and thinkers like Blaise Pascal.


Other links, from my AI search:

Skeptics Welcome | Do You See Him?

https// › skeptics-welcome

Skeptics Welcome | Do You See Him?


“Either there is a god or there isn’t, both possibilites are frightful, because if there is a god then we better find out who he is, and find out what he wants and do what he says. If there is no god then we are in trouble, because we are hurdling into space at 66,000 miles an hour and nobody is in charge.”   ~Russian Atheist Astronomer.


Who wrote the above quote? “Either there is a god or there isn’t, both possibilities are frightful … ”

We have six options to choose from: My take is that different people at different times have used or modified the original quote that seems to come from Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician. But in the end you guess is as good as mine.

  1. Russian Atheist Astronomer.
  2. Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician, physicist, and philosopher, wrote this statement. It’s often paraphrased as “Pascal’s Wager.” He presented it in his work “Pensées” (“Thoughts”), a collection of his notes and ideas published posthumously in 1669.
  3. Jean-Paul Sartre, a French philosopher and existentialist.
  4. Philip K. Dick was an American science fiction writer (wrote the novel that Blade Runner is based on)
  5. Nicolas Cage, actor  “City of Angels,” spoken by the character Seth, played by Cage.
  6. Albert Camus, a French philosopher and author known for his existentialist works such as “The Stranger” and “The Myth of Sisyphus.” Camus explored themes of absurdity, the meaning of life, and the human condition. While Pascal’s quote on a similar theme is well-known, this particular formulation is indeed attributed to Camus.


For Skeptics Welcome TOC: Parts 1 to 12(Click Here)


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