Skeptics Welcome—Part 2

The God Theory 4 Minute Challenge

Most of the videos clips below are less than 1 minute long.

The Challenge:  Pick 4 clips from the list below to Watch and Decide 
Which Evidence best supports the Theories Presented?

And Please share what you have discovered.


For Those looking for a quick reference:
Skeptics Welcome—For 5 Minutes
Skeptics Welcome—For 4 Minutes
Skeptics Welcome—Scientist’s Challenge


Part 1 — Deals with Science & Evolutionary Theory Problems

Part 2 — Deals with Science, Evolution, Age of the Earth, and Theology Problems

Part 3 — Deals with the “Full Monty” — The Challenge of Scientists who Challenge Evolution




Comments Below are most welcome on this Page.


Age of the Earth: Does it support Evolution?

(Under 1 minute Video Short)





Who can You Trust?  Who’s testimony is more trustworthy God’s or man’s?    

(Under 1 minute Video Short)





Dead Sea Scrolls:  99% Similar to today. Predicted exactly what would happen. How can ancient scrolls predict the future with 100% accuracy. Ancient myths or God’s Word, which takes greater faith?

(Under 1 minute Video Short)



The Flood: Millions or thousand of years? Soft Tissue? 120 Scientific Articles? 50 reporting soft tissue in dinosaur remains? Does the Fossil record refute Evolution, prove Creation?

(Under 1 minute Video Short)




Ancient Asteroid, or Recent Flood:  Which best fits the Evidence?

(Under 1 minute Video Short)



Noah vs. Gilgamesh:  History vs. Legend?  Can you tell the difference?

(Under 1 minute Video Short)





Consensus:  Nerve Tissue, Collagen, Blood Cells, Blood Vessels, Hemoglobin, and Cartilage 

(Under 1 minute Video Short)




This Bible is a Pack of Lies

(Under 1 minute Video Short)



Can We Trust God’s Word? 

(Under 1 minute Video Short)




Do Your Roots Grow Deep:   Is your house build on an immovable foundation?

(Under 1 minute Video Short)




Below this line video clips are longer than one minute,

but well worth your time to expose yourself to these messages.



Doctors Discover Why Hospitals
were Killing Mothers in Child Birth (2 out of 10)

This confirms the Teaching of the Bible

(9 minutes, 56 seconds)




Proof for God: Discoveries that Confirm God’s Word

(8 minutes, 4 seconds)



Ten Magnificent Facts: Proves the Bible is far ahead of Science (and always has been)

(29 minutes, 41  seconds)



20 Facts:  This moves quickly
(It repeats some of the original 10)

(26 minutes, 14 seconds)




God Exalts His Name: In Ways Beyond Our Imagination

The Torah Directs us to His Name

(6 minutes, 32 seconds)




Written by accident? Without a brilliant Mind? Not a chance.

(13 minutes, 22 seconds)




It’s a common belief among common people that the Bible is not reliable, because it was written and propagated like a group of people playing the game of telephone. They believe the message got corrupted in the transfer.


But what if God were there assisting the Transfer? What if God supernaturally preserved His Word, just as He supernaturally Predicted the Coming of His Son, and supernaturally Created the Heavens and the Earth, and the birds, bees, kittens, and trees, men, women, children, and puppy dogs? What if God preserved His Word as well as He has preserved our DNA–that keeps us alive and gives us speech, and hearing, taste, and seeing?


Below are 7 Promises of God to Preserve His Word.

Either He has done that, or else He is a liar, and not a covenant keeper. God doesn’t leave you a third option.

When you come to Him in humility, He will direct you in the way you should go, and give you the word of Life that you need.

Trust in Him like you trust a parachute.

  • You don’t put it on because it is comfortable, or it looks cool.
  • You put it on to save your life.

The Jump may be scary. You may need to be purified 7 times, like silver in a furnace, but when He is done with you, you will reflect His Beauty, Majesty, Glory, Likeness and Love … hang it there. If you follow Him you are going to be in for a wild ride.

    1. Matthew 24:35: “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”
    2. Psalm 12:6-7: “The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”
    3. Peter 1:25:  “But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.”
    4. Isaiah 40:8: “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.”
    5. Psalm 119:152: “Concerning thy testimonies, I have known of old that thou hast founded them for ever.
    6. Isaiah 40:8: “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.”
    7. 1 Peter 1:23: “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.”


Below are 7’s on Steroids: 

Here’s mini intro to one of the most mathematical books ever written.

(10 minutes)



A Very Helpful introduction to the Gospels

(8 minutes, 7 seconds)


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