Relationship Concerns
& Godly Solutions

Part 1
(Things that can be fixed)


Dearest Jacolene, 

Below are certain concerns and genuine real life solutions–that work, that can address marital problems from a mature and righteous level, that can, and I believe will, benefit everyone involved with those who will pursue them. They are time tested and produce real maturity, and in all good relationships, and especially in good marriage relationships.

Therefore I desire to share these concepts and concerns with you, openly, freely, without condemnation, in a spirit of mutual respect, and care.

Please review these videos:


May God bless your insight, understanding, wisdom, and Truth.






Women have Walls

(that damage themselves and their relationships)

I confirm this to be true:

Whether you fix this in this relationship or in future relationships, this needs to be addressed, for you to grow into the Women God has ordained you to be.




Women Deflect Taking Responsibility

(for the damage they do to their relationships) 

I confirm this to be true, in our relationship:

Whether you fix this in this relationship or in a future relationships, this needs to be addressed, for you to grow into the Women God has ordained you to be. I really needed to share this with you secondly, because if you can’t get over this hurdle and see how this concern sabotages your relationships, especially our relationship, then all the next steps will be for not.











































Some ways women maintain their Walls (Women Check out of the Relationship, They blame their husbands for their unhappiness, and fill that empty space Taking Responsibility (for the damage they do to their relationships) 

I confirm this to be true:

Whether you fix this in this relationship or in a future relationships, this needs to be addressed, for you to grow into the Women God has ordained you to be.















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