The Ministry of Reconciliation:
Our responsibility to embrace God’s calling
This promotes the Freedom of Man to Choose His Own Destiny:
And it Greatly Enlarges our Responsibility:
To Be faithful to the the Calling of Christ Jesus,
To Become His Ambassadors in this World.
To be completely, honest and clear: I see this as a personal choice of every single believer to accept or reject, as their own personal responsibility, and therefore duty to fulfill in Christ. God is in no way ambiguous or nonchalant about this calling and personal duty to fulfill in our own lives, during our lifetime here on earth. To the degree we are faithful to this calling, will be the degree we will be fruitful in our work, labor and harvest, while working in Christ’s Vineyard. (John 15:1-8)
17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:
Old things are passed away;
behold, all things are become new.18 And all things are of God,
who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ,
and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself,
not imputing their trespasses unto them;and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.
20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.
21 For he hath made him to be sin for us,
who knew no sin;
that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
Let me be so bold to say this:
It is the responsibility of EVERY FAITHFUL MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL (which includes every believer in Christ), not only to practice this ministry of reconciliation in his own walk with God, but also to raise up a whole new generation of God ordained, God Gifted Gospel Ministers to accept the Duty to become Ambassadors for Christ, committing themselves and those they bring into the Kingdom of God, to be trained up in the Ministry of Reconciliation, seeking to reconcile every person in the world around them unto Christ Himself, that ALL might have the chance and opportunity to be clearly reconciled to God–not in pretense, or in pretend faith, nor in fake pew sitting modern christianity: But in Powerful, Faithful, Bold Witnessing of the Word of God to the Lost. We are all called to go outside the camp. To raise up our voice like a Trumpet, and to compel those outside the Kingdom to come in, so that His House might be full.
Now, if you are honest with me and God, please answer these next questions carefully:
How many in your Church, Live out this Calling in their lives? How many have been truly trained and equipped to do the work of this ministry of reconciliation? How many pastors, teachers, evangelists, and church leaders have spent individual time and commitment as Jesus did with his disciples, and as the apostles did with their disciples, to pass the baton of the Ministry of Reconciliation onto you? And how many have you personally invested themselves in raising you up to pass this ministry of reconciliation to you and to the next generation?
How long have you been in the faith, to grow in this Ministry of Reconciliation? And How effective have you become in your ministry of reconciliation?
How many times have you yourself, gone outside flock of the 99, and determined to seek and to save the one lost sheep and bring them back into the Shepherd’s Sheepfold, and to raise them up as Ambassadors of Christ?
Now let me ask you about those who have personally mentored you? (If you have been in a church alive in the work of God, should not you have begun the training in the ministry of reconciliation? What excuse does your church have for not training you and equipping you to do the work of the ministry?)
Who has personally taken you under their wing, and personally devoted themselves to your personal success and growing maturity to become faithful, skilled, bold, confident, fearless, uncompromising, and has been a sterling example to you of what it looks like to follow them, as they follow Christ, even as Paul was that faithful example to Timothy and a multitude of others throughout his lifetime, while being a faithful ambassador of Christ, reconciling the world to Christ.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
This is the Bread and Butter of the Ministry. This is the Meat and Potatoes of our Faith. This is the foundation of the Gospel and its faithful expression in our Day.
But guess what? My guess is that less maybe five our of 100 believer’s have been actively involved in the ministry of reconciliation, and less than that have been personally mentored and discipled by a faithful minister in Christ devoted to developing their skills, their experience, their confidence, their boldness, courage, fearlessness, to produce and reproduce the ministry of reconciliation in their own lives, and in their lives of all those they personally bring into the Kingdom of God.
And yet we act surprised:
That our world is sliding down into the pit of hell all around us? And the church is leading the parade into dissipation?
There is little to no sense of holiness, nor the Fear of God, even in our churches. We have Trans Pastors, Gay Ministers, Bi-sexual believers? Why? Because we have abandoned our duty to do the work of the Gospel, to become ambassadors for Christ, being New Wineskins, filled with the New Wine, and Glory of God, bringing the Bold, Compelling uncompromising, Powerful, Authoritative Word of God to the World, and raising up a generation of believers who Know God, and make Him known to others: on a daily Basis.
Did not Jesus call us to be Fisher’s of Men?
If you are a fisherman of men, but never take out your fishing pole, never put a hook on your line, and never bait your hook, and never cast your hook, line, and bait into the water where their are live fish ready to bite on your line, hook, and bait, how many fish are your going to catch?
Of course. None.
How many have you caught this month? None?
This year? None …
This decade? None?
This century? One, or More?
Guess what, you are not alone. That picture reflects the majority of “christians” in our day. But not so, in the time of the Early Church.
So what makes the Difference. It is the Gospel that has been changed, diluted, sugar coated, compromised at the pulpit, compromised in the pew, compromised in the home, compromised in the marketplace, in the school, in politics, in education, in business, you name the arena, there it has been denigrated.
Now who is to blame? God? No.
God’s Word? No.
God’s Ministers? Yes! Your Mentors. Yes!
Your personal duty and responsibility to embrace the Gospel and the Whole New Testament? yes.
So, here is some parting advice:
If you are attending a church preaching a watered down Gospel, and raising up compromised complacent leadership, who do not take seriously the ministry of reconciliation, what should you do?
Ask me personally. This is too sensitive a topic to discuss without accountability.