How does the Megachurch Destroy Christianity?

You can tell a tree by its fruit? Right? Apple trees don’t grow bananas? Right?

And the Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Especially the Apple of Nepotism.

So, maybe here we can see the fruit of the Mega-Church it in all its grand fullness.



What kind of worldly, kingly, and extravagant empire do men typically make for themselves–under the guise or disguise of the Mega-Church Gospel?

Can you imagine Paul gathering church money for his own private jetliner? His third mega gigantic vacation home with pool and tennis courts and 6 car garage?  Or raising money for his next luxury vacation get away Carribean or Mediterranean Cruise? Or his new carpeted church basketball gym?

Is this what Messiah warned about us about: Wolves traveling around in Sheep’s Clothing wearing Italian tailored European Silk Suits?

What kind of fruit do we seen happening in the Megachurch Ministry?

Can you be a small church but still have a mega-church Motivation Leadership that goes to Church Growth Seminars? Be a Mega-Church Wannabe?

Which one can you see leading a church growth Seminar: Jesus?James? John? Peter? Paul? Silas? Barnabas? Stephen? Phillip? Timothy? Titus? Apollos? Or Simon the Sorcerer? Can you imagine early church leaders charging $300 dollars a head for the training?

What kind of worldly, kingly, and extravagant empire do these men typically make for themselves–under the guise or disguise of the Mega-Church Gospel?

Can you imagine Paul gathering church money for his own private jetliner? His third mega gigantic vacation home with pool and tennis courts and 6 car garage?  Or raising money for his next luxury vacation get away Carribean or Mediterranean Cruise? Or his new carpeted church basketball gym?

Is this what Messiah warned about us about: Wolves traveling around in Sheep’s Clothing with European Silk Suits?

What kind of fruit do we seen happening in the Megachurch Ministry?

Can you be a small church but still have a mega-church Motivation Leadership that goes to Church Growth Seminars? Be a Mega-Church Wannabe?

Which one can you see leading a church growth Seminar: Jesus?James? John? Peter? Paul? Silas? Barnabas? Stephen? Phillip? Timothy? Titus? Apollos? Or Simon the Sorcerer? Can you imagine early church leaders charging $300 dollars a head for the training?

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