Dear Friends,

Either there is a god or there isn’t. Both possibilites are frightful, because if there is a god then we better find out who he is, and find out what he wants and do what he says. If there is no god then we are in trouble, because we are hurdling into space at 66,000 miles an hour and nobody is in charge.

~Russian Atheist Astronomer            (Source:

Now let’s be open to the two options, and let’s weigh the evidence. Below I will freely share my conclusions that can be clearly drawn from the evidence being presented here.

Can Darwin’s Theory of Macro Evolution be mathematically proven or disproven by simple statistical analysis?

Ever hear of Borel’s Law: “It’s Absurd!” There is a statistical number that beyond it, statistically speaking, it will never happen, that number is 10 to the 50th (that’s ten with 50 zeros behind it), and it is a huge number. (He calls that number statistically absurd.)


How do you overcome such overwhelming odds? (You will see in just a minute.)

In short, Evolutionists believes the human race came from a rock that cooled down billions of years ago. A Creationist believes that the human race was created by an incredibly Intelligent Designer (ID) and a Powerful Creator (PC). Both are belief systems based on faith. Which one demands greater faith? Which belief resides in greater common sense and superior logic? Which faith system squares with the observable evidence that everyone can see with their own eyes? Which one can be proven or disproven mathematically?  You decide Please Note: The entire known universe only has enough space to hold 10 the 96 grains of sand.

Under 2.5 minutes long:

God’s Word says:

You are Fearfully and wonderfully made  … (Psalm 139)

This begs the question: Were you created in God’s Image? Or are you just a cosmic accident of proteins? You Decide. (Your answer may surprise you!)

Are the laws of probabilty applicable to evolution?

Yes! according to Dr. Coppedge.

“Evolution is an ideal subject in which to apply the laws of chance. As defined earlier, evolutionary doctrine denies advanced planning, and has a random matter-in-motion as its basic causal source…”

Evolution denies the existence of God, and so there is no intelligence guiding it.

Too Improbable Means Scientifically Impossible “Borel’s law of probability states that the occurrence of any event, where the chances are beyond one in one followed by 50 zeroes, is an event that we can state with certainty will never happen.    

No matter how much time is allotted and no matter how many conceivable opportunites could exist for the event to take place” [it is beyond absurd].

In other words, according to the science of mathematics, anything with a chance of one in 10 to the power of 50 and above, will never happen –ever – regardless of how much time is available and how many possible opportunities arise. With this in mind, let us examine what science says about the probability of evolution.

Dr. Harold Morowitz estimated that the chances of the simplest life-form arising through evolution is one in ten to the power of 340,000,000.

That is one chance out of one followed by 340 million zeros! This is a probability that exceeds the maximum possible probability by 6.8 million times! Evolution is impossible!

The late Dr. Carl Sagan estimated that the chances of life evolving on a planet like the earth is one in ten to the power of 2 billion. That is one chance in a one followed by 2 billion zeroes!

That is even more improbable than Dr. Morowitz’s estimation!

But how could the chances stacked against evolution be so high?

In the “Life” section of the 1993 edition Encyclopedia Britannica, the smallest lifeform, a “simple” cell is said to have 1 trillion bits of information stored within it. That is the equivalent to the number of letters on 100 million pages of the encyclopedia Britannica!



<The Straw that “Broke the Camel’s Random Back”>
 The DEATH KNELL to Natural Selection 

10 to the 164thWhat about a living cell? What about a living organism? What are the chances?  Watch and Decide.

The next four very short video clips expose the irrational depth some pseudo scientists will to go, to deny that you and I are “fearfully and wonderfully” created by God is beyond absurd, ridiculously so.

Borel’s Law of Absurdity: What are the odds? Absurdity begins at 10 to the 50th. A single protein starts at 10 to the 96th. A single protein at 10 to 164th. A living cell: 10 to the 340 millionth. Just for the record: Those are impossibly low odds to bet your life upon. To Put This In Perspective: There are an estimated 10 to 78th “atoms in our Universe.” Now compare that to the chance of one protein molecule to make itself by random accident, without any intelligent design: The mathematical statistic is 10 to the 96th. That, my friend, is a staggeringly and absurdly impossible chance to bet your whole faith upon. To entrust your eternal life to such overwhelming odds: That’s Absurd. Ask any evolutionist:
How do you overcome such overwhelming odds?

<“If Pigs could Fly”—Place your bets here!>

Under 2 minutes long:

Cosmic Accident or Cosmic Designer? <Which demands greater Faith?>

Which puts the believer at a higher risk of Loss? or Gain?

About 4.5 minutes.

What is the Chance of one single protein making itself by random chance accident–scientifically speaking?

About 9.5 minutes, but this is worth the 10 minute investment. (It’s hard to argue with scientists sharing real statistical scientific data.)

Understanding The Simple Cell? (The Nail in the Coffin of Darwinian Evolution)

Excerpts: (<Let me know what you think from viewing this video>)

Please someone, explain to me how this all happened by accident?

About 13.5 minutes long:

Quantum Physics (The Death Knell of the Big Bang Theory?)
<Science backs the Bible Narrative—disproves the Atheist Agenda> 

What is our physical Reality all about? Answers from Quantum Physics …

Excerpts: (<Let me know what you think from viewing this video>)

About 13.5 minutes long:

One man’s journey to Prove the Bible Wrong. An Atheist Journalist has a crisis of Faith.

Excerpts: (<Let me know what you think from viewing this video>)

Short Version, under 20 min.

Skeptics, Atheists, Evolutionists are Welcome Here:
Want to Disprove the Historical Record?
This man can help you with his attempt…

Full Version Movie (almost 2 hrs.)

About 1 hour, 54 minutes long.

One man stands up to Persecution and overcomes

The Story of Richard Wormbrand, the Founder of “Voice of the Martyrs”; An example of simple pure faith being lived out, and not dissuaded due to torture. Here is a man  who choose to serve Christ and obey the Gospel, even when it was not politically correct, nor convenient, nor comfortable to do so. This was a common experience for many believers throughout the New Testament’s Writing, and throughout World History. This kind of persecution is not only expected by true disciples, but it is promised by the Messiah, and welcomed by those who truly follow him. They know that genuine persecution gives birth to genuine faith. It refines and purifies false motives like nothing else.

Excerpts: (<Let me know what you think from viewing this video>)

About 1 hour, 13 minutes long.

One question University Professors of Evolution cannot answer.

Does your God see the Future and Tell you about it—in precise detail?
<500 to 1500 years before it happens?>

The Bible was translated into Greek circa 270 B.C. (known as the Septuagint Version of the OT.)  The following prophecies were perfectly fulfilled exactly as they were predicted, in very specific, and unambiguous terms.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. More to come on this subject. Check out 356, prophecies Yeshua Fulfilled. Check out Over 30+ fulfilled the Day He was crucified.

UNDER 3 minutes:

Compelling Evidence That God Writes History ahead of Time.
<<<YHWH Knows the End from the Beginning>>>

About 4 minutes:

Are the laws of probabilty applicable to evolution?

Yes! according to Dr. Coppedge.

“Evolution is an ideal subject in which to apply the laws of chance. As defined earlier, evolutionary doctrine denies advanced planning, and has a random matter-in-motion as its basic causal source.”

Just like our ball example, evolution is blind chance and thus is based completely on random processes.

Evolution denies the existence of God, and so there is no intelligence guiding it.

Too Improbable Means Scientifically Impossible “Borel’s law of probability states that the occurrence of any event, where the chances are beyond one in one followed by 50 zeroes, is an event that we can state with certainty will never happen, no matter how much time is allotted and no matter how many conceivable opportunites could exist for the event to take place”

In other words, according to the science of mathematics, anything with a chance of one in 10 to the power of 50 and above, will never happen –ever – regardless of how much time is available and how many possible opportunities arise. With this in mind, let us examine what science says about the probability of evolution.

Dr. Harold Morowitz estimated that the chances of the simplest life-form arising through evolution is one in ten to the power of 340,000,000.

That is one chance out of one followed by 340 million zeros! This is a probability that exceeds the maximum possible probability by 6.8million times! Evolution is impossible!

The late Dr. Carl Sagan estimated that the chances of life evolving on a planet like the earth is one in ten to the power of 2 billion. That is one chance in a one followed by 2 billion zeroes!

That is even more improbable than Dr. Morowitz’s estimation!

But how could the chances stacked against evolution be so high?

In the “Life” section of the 1993 edition Encyclopedia Britannica, the smallest lifeform, a “simple” cell is said to have 1 trillion bits of information stored within it. That is the equivalent to the number of letters on 100 million pages of the encyclopedia Britannica!


My Concluding Remarks:

Let’s address these two options simply by using: Math/Logic/Statistics, Common Sense, and Evidence, using the Scientific Method of Observation.

  1. If there is no god, then we are what? Animals or Robots without: a purpose, a design, a plan, a goal, or any intelligent, moral or spiritual reason for being here–we are simply accidents of nature. So if we act like animals, as heartless, mindless beasts, that’s ok, because that is who we are.
  2. If there is a God, we should see incredibly complex and mind blowing design all around us. We should see His: purpose, intelligence, creativity, and even His beauty and splendor, reflected in all that He has made. We should see and feel, and experience, a moral code, and consequences for breaking the moral code with an inner witness, that when we do something wrong, we know it (ergo: our conscience). We should see the existentence of laws governing social justice, as well as, physical and spiritual laws, visible and invisible forces and observable laws, that will govern our existence, and our entire Universe. And if we Seek God’s Character and Nature, maybe we can reflect it back to our family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. If there is a God, that is all Good, because that is what we were designed to be, brothers and sisters for eternity in God’s Holy Heavenly Family.


My Goal on this page is simply to present some common sense compelling evidence that advocates and actually necessitates that we were created by an intelligent designer, so far superior to our own intelligence that we really are completely dwarfed by His Wisdom, Intelligence, Power, Magnitude, and His Invisible Nature. Our power and our wisdom cannot touch a candle to Him. And if we go against His counsel, and reason, we will suffer unreasonably, and cause everyone around us to suffer unreasonably. If we wake up and open our eyes and look around us, that is exactly how our world operates. A blessing to the those who do right. A curse to those who do wrong. And when we block God out of our existence, we suffer greatly for it, under the curse of missing out on His Blessing. What happens Next?

Evil overwhelms us, just like He said it would. And somehow in our little cockroach existence we try to blame our failures on God. Which is what we have done from the very beginning, and have suffered for it every time, over and over. So that basically, outlines my take on God’s existence, and here are some key reasons, that support the fact that we were intelligently designed, and no other explanation comes close to describing the the logic, the science, the statistic evidence, the language, the innovation, the absolute necessity of everything needed to be built at once, even male and female, that they could not have evolved, and no evidence supports macro evolution, never has, and never will.

Now, behind this big question of our existence and who or what is responsible is The Much Bigger Question:

If God does exist: Am I ready to Meet Him?

If He has made Himself known and our purpose for living, and we are called to love and serve each other as eternal brothers and sisters in His Family; and He has warned us, there will be a day of reckoning, where every person will have to stand before Him and give an answer as to how he or she treated (loved, adored, cared for and protected) the children He created to live on the earth; and we don’t know this–We are in big trouble, wouldn’t you say? Why? Because everyone knows they could have done more to help those around them, we will be like, Oskar Schindler. “I was so wasteful, this gold pin, it could have purchased two more Jewish lives, this car, it could have purchase 10 more Jewish Lives. I was so wasteful. So selfish.”

Gods glory
” I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret …”     Psalms 139:14-15 (KJV)

May these Media clips help us to number our days rightly, and plan our deeds accordingly, with wisdom and grace, and full of good fruits, that will not leave us empty handed, nor ashamed on the day we have to give an account of all we have done. Let our lives be infused with gratitude for our maker giving us an opportunity to Know His Will, to learn His Ways, and to be granted the Power to become His Eternal Children of the Promise in the Covenant of His New Life.


Borel’s Law: “It is Absurd.”

“O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: 21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.” 1 Timothy 6:20-21 (KJV) 

Other Honorable mention randomly selected videos:

  • The Source of Syphilis. (Where Did The Syphilis Pandemic Start? | The Syphilis Enigma | Timeline)
  • More to come.

 44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.    ~Matthew 13:44-46 (NIV)

“The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.”

~Proverbs 18:17 (HCSB)

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