From God’s Perspective: Do You See Him?

{Disclaimer, this webpage is under construction and is in need of much editing and revision, please excuse its current state of incompleteness. Some day, hopefully soon, it will be updated. Let me know your suggestions etc.}



From God’s
Unique Perspective


Who is The Angel of The LORD?


We Stand, 
Divided We Fall.



Learn, Grow, & Share





A Rare Gift 

Today, it must be said, that many people have not received the rare gift that is freely offered. Fewer still fully comprehend their gift. As a result, they fail to see this World, and their own lives through The Eternal Lens of God’s Perspective. Thus they remain in Darkness. The gift was given so we might live in the Full Light of God.


A Rare Person

It is a rare person, that rises above himself: above his ego, his selfishness, his greed, and his lust. It is a rare person that overcomes all his preconceived prejudices in order to see his complete life from God’s Perspective.

He is a rare person who defeats the peer pressure around him. Such pressure seeks to mold his mind and beliefs to dishonor and disobey God. Why is that? Where does the pressure truly originate?

It is a rare person that successfully disciplines his own mind, and soul to step away from his herd instinct mentality. Such a one, seeks to judiciously Grasp the Vision of God; so that he can See All of the World, and All of its ingenious design from God’s Perspective.


The light of the body is the eye:
if therefore thine eye be single,
thy whole body shall be full of light.
But if thine eye be evil,
Thy whole body
Shall be full of darkness
If therefore the light
That is in thee be darkness,
How great is that darkness!”
~Matthew 6:22-23 

How many people are walking in darkness, because their eye is not single, and they are not walking in the light of God?

[Please note: Thee, Thou, Thy, and Thine–they are all singular, referring to, speaking directly to a singular person individually. YOU and Ye, refer to “You Plural” to a group as opposed to an individual. The King James Bible is often criticized for this feature, but in fact this is one of its most precious and valuable translation rules, that keeps it faithful to the original.]


Only a rare person can see through the Darkness, and be filled with God’s LIGHT. According to the scriptures you shall be one or the other. Which one are you?

See Matthew 7:13-14 (KJV)

“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”

Are you one of those rare persons that has found the narrow gate, and entered through it? How will you know if you have? How has it changed your perspective? Are you confident that you see things from God’s perspective?


A Rare Opportunity

Of course, Every one of us has a long laundry list of our own shortcomings.

Yet ….. we have the opportunity of a lifetime:
to be completely cleansed from our sins. To be washed clean, made whole, and become prepared to walk worthy, walk holy, walk cleanly and purely in the presence and power of Christ’s Love and Forgiveness, becoming a light to the World– building our lives upon God’s Eternal Foundation.

  • Who am I?
  • Where do I come from?
  • Where I am Going?
  • How am I going to get there? And,
  • Why am I here in the first place?

These questions should be mastered in Kindergarten 101, but most college graduates, university professors, astro-physicists, and molecular biologists cannot confidently answer, even 1 these most basic of questions. Why, because they don’t know, the creator of the universe let alone the creator of mankind. First Corinthians 2:14

[Side Note: Check out this challenge given to Top University Biology Professors, who failed to comprehend or honestly answer this most basic question, yet still claim to be reliable experts. Such Professors expose the gaping wholes in their basic understanding of the Universe and how it was put together.]


Professors Stumped by 1 Question 
[4.2 million views]

A Rare

We can choose to overcome all of our own lies, sins, darkness, and condemnation. [See below …]

God’s Solution is not too difficult, not beyond our reach, but It requires the rare gift of humility to access it.

It requires the rare pursuit of discipline to acquire it.  Becoming a Mature Man or Woman, learning how to be made into Image of His Maker, requires discipline and perseverance.

The Path is simple–FROM GOD’s PERSPECTIVE


  1. Stop Loving Darkness.
  2. Start Loving Light.
  3. Stop Doing evil deeds.
  4. Start Doing righteous deeds.
  5. GIVE the Best of Yourself to Others, even to Strangers, and most especially to GOD.
  6. Love God with all your heart.
  7. Love your neighbor as yourself.

Learn & Do the good works that were ordained for you to do from the beginning of eternity, that God foreordained that you should walk in them.

For God has raised us up for this Purpose:

Ephesians 2:6-10 (KJV) 6 And [HE] hath raised us up together [WITH HIM], and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: 7 That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

IF WE ARE NOT GIVING OUR BEST to God, and to our brother, mother, sister, father, neighbor and friend–Then what are giving?

If WE ARE NOT LOVING THEM–How can we say we are loving God?

1 John 4:20-21 (KJV) 20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? 21 And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.


If we are allowing our friends and family to perish without ever hearing the Word of God, from God’s Perspective, and compelling them to hear His Word, by assisting them to overcome their own darkness…

How can we say we love them? How can I say I love God?

If I don’t tell those who are headed for hell, how to avoid it–how can I say I am loving God by neglecting the work he has called me too, and neglecting to reach the ones he’s put in my life for that very purpose to be saved from hell?

How can I say that I am born again by the Spirit of God, and have been made a new creature, if I don’t share His Message of Light and Life, with those in Darkness and Fear.

We Are Never to Forget:

  • Where we came from
  • Why are we here
  • Where we are going, and
  • How are we going to get there


Those who forget plunge themselves into all kinds of darkness, you probably know all about this even as I know about this, firsthand:


And this is the condemnation,
that light is come into the world,
and  [or “but”] men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be [exposed and then] reproved.”

“But he that doeth truth, cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.”     ~John 3:19-21 


WE MUST Never forget: In God we are all called to live a life of Excellence.


Philippians 4:8-9 (KJV)

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue [moral excellence], and if there be any praise, think on these things. 9 Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.

There again, we see, becoming a rare person, is doing the wheel of God, as outlined in his perspective throughout his word. That takes a person with a rare ability, indeed.


A Rare Test

Now is our chance to test ourselves. To test and compare our perspective and our insight to God’s Perspective, and his insight. 

  • Are we walking in agreement with God?
  • Are we walking in God’s wisdom? or
  • Are we walking in opposition to God?
  • Are we walking in our own deception?
  • Walking in man’s foolishness?


Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?”
~2 Corinthians 13:5 


“Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried [TESTED], he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
~James 1:12 (KJV)


A Rare Invitation

Hopefully, some questions raised here, will provoke a few people to stop and take an internal inventory of what they have, or who they have guiding their life.

God has offered us His Wisdom, His Grace, His Patience, His Goodness, His Kindness, Even His Forgiveness, to lead us and guide us, so that we might become His Children of Light and Truth. WHY? TO WHAT END?

So that we can be restored in relationship to Him, and to one another. So that We will be able to stand up against the Darkness, and lead ourselves and our loved ones out of the  lies & snares, the traps & pits, and the wicked  spider web of this world, that would seek to cling to us, and fatally imprison us in its dark lair.


May God use some of the questions here to help us redine our lives from His Perspective with the goal of Gaining God’s Insight on ALL the Central Themes that are near and dear to Him and could be as dear to us if we fully comprehended God’s Perspective. 


Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. 21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. 22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”
~Revelation 3:20-22


As you can see, from God’s perspective, the challenge is great, but the rewards are far greater, for those who will choose to take up God’s challenge.


The Challenge of

  1. To become a Vessel of God’s Righteousness, Holiness, Grace, and Truth—A Vessel of Honor. Matthew 5:14-16 (KJV) 14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
  2. To let your light shine. To Let your voice be heard. To shake your world out of its apathy, compromise, corruption, dissipation, delusion, and self destruction.


2 Timothy 2:19-21 (KJV)


Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour [TO DRINK FROM], and some to dishonour [TO POOP INTO].

If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for

the master’s use,
and prepared unto
every good work.

Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes. And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.”
~2 Timothy 2:19-26


Now is the The Time

So let us avoid foolish questions, we have entertained in the past.

Let us begin to address Life’s Real Burning Questions. Our time here is short, and we need real answers to live by, for we shall be asked even these following questions, and we must have answers, that we can rely upon — that are trustworthy unto eternity. Without them we remain ignorant, and spiritually dead, headed for deepest darkness by our own choice.


We must have answers, that we have investigated personally, that we have internalized, that give us deep confidence in our own understanding, not the understanding of someone else. We must have our own testimony. We must be our own living witness. We are called to stand before God and Men and give our legal witness to the Truth of What WE KNOW.

May we be able to do so with excellence.


What is Hell? @


What has Man done? @
What has God done?
What is Sex for? @
What is Sin for? #
What is Covenant? @
What is Salvation? #
What is Truth?  @
What is Righteousness? #


[He who has an ear,
Let him hear …]


Some Defining Questions
That explain God’s Actions

What is Justice?   #
What is Freedom? #
What is Healing? #
What is Favor? #
What is Judgement? #
What is Adultery? #
What is Sacrifice? #
What is Punishment? #
What are Blessings? #
What are Curses? #
What is Mercy? #

Helpful in Discussion  

What is a Liar?  #
What is Love? #
What is Hate? #
What is Good? #
What is a Demon? #
What is a Saint? #
What is Evil? #
What is Loyalty? #
What is Faithfulness? #
What is True Worship? #
What is a Name? #

[Webpage articles are being written as we speak.
They are undergoing editing and review;
If you would like to request a specific article,
Please feel free to do so:
“The squeaky wheel
often gets the most grease.”]


If you are able to answer the above questions,
and provide Biblical Support, and reasons,
and scriptures to back up your points,
you may well be
in the top 95 percentile of
Christians in the world today. 
That is just some food for thought.

God’s Answers
God’s Perspective:


Isaiah 55:8-12 (KJV)
8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

9 For as the heavens
are higher than the earth,

so are my ways
higher than your ways,

and my thoughts
than your thoughts.

10 For as the rain cometh down,
and the snow from heaven,
and returneth not thither,
but watereth the earth,
and maketh it bring forth
and bud,
that it may give
seed to the sower,
and bread to the eater:

11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth:
it shall not return
unto me void,

but it shall accomplish that which I please,
and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.


[He who has an ear,
Let him hear …]


Check out One
Ultimate Topic that Covers
God’s Perspective on Life


College Students across
the Cultural Spectrum,
Change their Minds
on the Word of Life.


Have you changed your mind, yet?   

“I changed my Mind  …”


Life is a Gift that
Keeps on Giving Life

If my Life is not Giving Life, 

Then What am I Giving?


Am I a disciplined learner, a true disciple of Christ, one who seeks to do the Will of God with all of his heart, mind, soul, and strength?

Or am I a causal observer, an outsider, a foreigner to the covenants and powers and promises of God?

If I am one or the other, how can I know for sure? Who can tell me? 


If I fail to address these vital questions and fail to make God’s Word my daily bread, What will become of me when I have to stand before the Throne of God and Give a full accounting of my whole Life before God? 

Answering Life’s
Toughest Questions
for Believers &
Church Leaders

This Series is Currently under construction, Input is Welcome …

Just for the Record: These are Tough Questions for Mature Believers …
They may not be appropriate for the immature believer …


Tough Questions for Mature Believers …



Is God’s

Higher than Man’s?


How could it not be?


If not: How could it be God’s Perspective?


Is God’s Perspective unfamiliar to you? Fear Not. You are not alone. It is in fact, unfamiliar to the vast majority of all of humanity, but it is not inaccessible to you. All you need is a willing heart and a clear thinking mind–one that is not already prejudiced against God’s Perspective.


Yet the Fact, that God has His Own Perspective is VERY Offensive to Many. In fact, it is not only Offensive, it is often grossly Repulsive.


“How Dare God, have a different opinion
and perspective than Me!”


Sounds kind of Arrogant, doesn’t it?
But … Is that not the predominant attitude
Across the World Today?
Where do you think that attitude comes from,
who is the author and source of it?


That is the attitude that almost every skeptic will predictively bring to the table when it comes to Facing God’s Perspective.

Skeptics will often fight, “tooth and nail” before bowing the knee of their own false understanding before the God of Truth. Such men often wear their offenses on their sleeves, and are triggered by even the mention of: God, Jesus, the Bible, Church, Truth, Holiness, Purity, Judgement, Repentance, Forgiveness, Sacrifice, Selflessness, etc.


Now make a Note:  These same people are quick to use His Name as a Foul Curse Word.

Note: that almost all those who claim they don’t believe in God, use His Very Name and Reference as a Curse Word! That seems a bit odd doesn’t it?

How illogical! If they don’t believe in Him why on earth would they use his name, or speak his name in vain? Where does such behavior stem from? Who is the author and perpetrator of such a mindset, and how do so many ignorant people fall into it?

Many who are honest will confess that they have little tolerance for any opposing view to the one they already believe.  It is pretty hard to fill an already full cup, don’t you think?

Someone once said, It is easier to tell a person a lie, than it is to convince a person that they have been lied to–why do you think that is?


Sadly, speaking from personal experience, I was once as trigger happy and as quick to be offended and intolerant as the next guy, and also used God’s name as a curse word.


Personally, I believe deep down I knew, when I was doing things that they were offensive to God, and my way of dealing with them was to be offended by God first, trying to take the higher ground.


At times I would even blame and accuse God, for my misbehavior,  acting like I knew more and had higher morals than God.  It would seem I would do just about anything to stay secure in my own delusion. (My own little show of bravado of intolerance of God was my way of doing it).


So, I was very outspoken about things that were offensive to me in God’s Word, and justified my intolerance of His Sovereignty & Heavenly Perspective, and willfully kept myself ignorant of God’s True Perspective, Purpose, and Plan.  Know anyone else like that? 


For this very reason many people (like me) automatically attack God’s Word, purely because it comes from God’s Perspective, and also that they don’t understand nor comprehend all the spiritual entities that are in play. They don’t see the spiritual war going on for the loyalty of their hearts and minds, has already been bought and sold. 


So … How can God’s Perspective be understood, when our nature is so adamantly against it?




Sadly, America as a Nation, has not recognized the chastening of the LORD. She has not heard the Voice of LORD, nor has She Seen the Hand of the LORD—Disciplining Her.


Instead, She has chosen to reject His correction, and to chaff under His hand of Discipline. She has chosen to live with the consequences of Her Rebellion, rather than “Turn and Live” underneath the abundant Blessings of His Protection, Production, and “Plan of Provision & Salvation.”


America has misunderstood the signs of the times. She has clearly misinterpreted the Hand of God in the Natural Disasters sent upon Her to Correct Her (Fires, Floods, Plagues, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Ice, Sleet, Snow, causing of billions of Dollars of Destruction in one Day—repeatedly. (See for yourself in the Link Below:


God’s Warning to America

America has become a Rebellious & Reprobate Daughter (Very much like Sodom and Gomorrah before Her). She has gone whoring after the lies & entertainment of Her most wicked & beguiling Enemy–The Prince of All Evil and All Darkness–The Devil himself. She has crossed the line into Darkness.


She is now paying the price of confusion, depression, and disillusion for Her Unfaithfulness, Her Idolatry, Her Lies, Her Adultery, Her Fornication, Her Abortions, (the murdering for God’s Precious, Unprotected, most vulnerable Citizens, more 70 million and counting). 


Judgement has come upon America,

for this foolish mindset, resulting in the clearly document loss of 100’s of billions of dollars lost,

and millions of lives lost … see link above. See the clearly recorded and undeniable evidence.


Sadly, the majority rule in every generation has somehow (in one sense or another), carried these prejudices around with them.

Even when many actually do get around to reading the Word of God–their eyes often remain closed, and their ears blocked to the Voice of Heaven, due to their own personal prejudices against the Word of God. This is nothing new, it has been a continuing saga in every generation since the World was Born.


Yet, VERY Soon the time of Trashing and Abusing His Creation, and rejecting His Heavenly Leadership, and His Eternal Word, will come to a infinite end.





Sadly, only those who ARE willing to listen and willing to do the Will of the FATHER, will be invited to enter through the Gates of Heaven. 


Please Note Carefully: This is not Man’s Opinion, This is God’s Testimony, His Legally Binding, Eternally Living Testimony, Sent down to us from the Throne of Heaven to Men all over the Earth …. HIS WORD, has been recorded and preserved for Every Generation. If we choose to receive His Word from His Perspective, the chances are good that His Life will transform us from the Inside OUT.

Here is His Primary Concern, and it should also be our primary concern, if we are seeking to Know His Word from His Perspective: 



Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that Doeth the Will of my Father which is in heaven.”

Matthew 7:21 (KJV)


If anyone today is not sure that they are specifically & diligently doing the Will of The FATHERToday is the Day to Make Sure. Why?—because Tomorrow is not Promised. Therefore, only today, can be the Day of Salvation. If you or anyone you know has not yet met the LORD of LIFE, I strongly encourage & recommend that you Read the Question below, and then seek to answer it.


Who is The Angel of The LORD?

While you diligently search out the answer to know the One who is:
The Angel of the LORD, you will predictably provide you with many mysterious and ancient discoveries.


If you Seek to Understand the Question and the Answers that God has Provided from His Privileged and Eternal Perspective, you will no doubt enter into a new world of discovery that you may never conceived truly existed.


It is an ancient world, One that never changes. It never lies, so it never has to change its answers to Life Most Important Questions. It always remains the same. It is a Kingdom that is always protecting, always providing, always preserving, always producing, and forever promising eternal fruit that goes far beyond anything this world could ever offer or produce. 


But Suffice it to say, you will never receive His Word, or believe it, without the eye of Faith, the heart after Truth, the Love for Justice, and the Hope of Eternity driving your ship through the rough seas in this world of militant “unbelief” all around you.

But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.                   Hebrews 11:6 (KJV)



This is the Promise we have to look forward to …


Soon there will no longer be any cancers, any sickness, any disease, any lies, any thefts, any bullies, any bullets, any bombs, any threats, any murders, any deaths, any hatred, any jealousy, any depression, any idolatry, any greed, any Lust, any rape, any immorality, any kind of verbal abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, or spiritual abuse, or any kind of foolishness.


Wisdom will prevail,
around the clock!


There will be no devils, no demons, no satanic rulers or teachers, no liars, no lies, no evil judges, no evil armies, no executioners, no assassins, no suicide bombers, no … jailers, prison guards, pollution, poisons, nor any wicked Presidents, nor Perverse Popes.


There will be no more stock market manipulators, no more insurance companies, no lawyers, no doctors, no fake news casters, fake Hollywood actors, fake politicians, and no more … deceiving, lying, profit motivated brown-nosing scientists, teachers, writers, or public speakers.


Yes, that may be hard to imagine, but that is the Very Promise of God, if you know anyone that fits any of the above descriptions, or if one of them fits you. You have a very short window of time  in front of you, to turn it all around, and you cannot do that on your own. You will need tons of help.


Heavenly help is available, to him who will ask, he shall receive. To Him who knocks, it shall be opened. To him who seeks, he shall find, when his total motivation is to do the Will of God. 


God wants to Abundantly and Lavishly Give His most Precious, Most Glorious, Most Lasting Gifts, that will never fade, tarnish, break, nor ever be stolen, but WE must want them, Seek them, cherish them, and use them to Extend His Life to OTHERS, His Goodness, His Glory from His Perspective. If you meet His Conditions of Faith & Obedience, the Sky is the Limit, the Transformation will be incredible, the change will be miraculous, and you will never regret seeking Him with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and you will soon discover, He did all of that for you, and did so a 1,000 times deeper, than you can even imagine.


You will know when
You have received His Gift of Life,
When you know
You cannot keep it to yourself.


In fact, when you simply have to share it, and feel the deep need to pass the gift on to others, the Gift of God will grow and mature and Blossom and Bear Fruit in You in such a way, that no man can conceive, and no man can thwart, the Gift of God Working in and through your own Life. 


The greatest joy you will ever experience is the reality that you are walking in the Gift of God, and becoming the Living Gift of God to Others!

Then, you will be walking in the Footsteps of the One who created you, and then He will literally be Walking with You. Living Inside you. Your Spiritual World will be the most precious, valuable, and desirable place to be, more than you could ever imagine.



Have you investigated GOD’S WORD from God’s Perspective?

Are you one of those rare people that God talks about who have a heart after God, like King David, Abraham, Moses, Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Simon Peter, Paul, John, Luke, Stephen and others?

Or have you been influenced to just follow along behind others in their herd instinct, doing what others have said you should do, not because it is the clear Will of God, but because it is what everybody else is doing?  Just doing and believing what others say  you should? 


If that is all you have been introduced to, you have yet to personally Meet the LORD of LIFE. Many have not.


Sadly, churches are filled with religious people who have yet to Meet the LORD of LIFE.* They have never entered into a personal one on one intimate obedient relationship with God Almighty. Even Pastors, Deacons, Elders, Teachers, Professors, Seminary Founders, Sunday school Teachers, Evangelists, Prophets, and the like–many have never made the personal connection, and are just doing things that they think others expect of them. [*JUST READ: Revelation Chapters 2 & 3, five out of seven churches were filled with leaders that were not walking in Truth and Righteousness in their obedience to the Lord Jesus, and were in danger of severe judgment. If it was like that back then in the first century, how much greater a problem might it be today?

Matthew 7:21-23 (KJV)
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord,
shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;
but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

I am sorry to have to be the bearer of bad news,  but The Kingdom of Heaven has been reserved for those who hear the Word of God and then choose to put it into action in their own lives.

Luke 6:46-49 (KJV) 6 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? 47 Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like:

48 He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock. 49 But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great.

To be honest this is a deadly serious business from God’s Perspective. He is so serious about His Word He was willing to die for it, and did.

The Truth be Told, He wants and expects those that follow Him, that they too will be willing to die for His Word. Not like some ghoulish cult, like Jim Jones, but Like Peter, James, John, Stephen, Paul, and the rest of the early church that endured tremendous persecution, and denied not his name.


They not only walked in Jesus footsteps of obedience to the Father and the Spirit of God, but they rejoiced when they were called through obedience to suffer for His Name:

Acts 5:40-42 (KJV)

When they had called the apostles, and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name. 42 And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.


That is the real deal. Just doing religious things because that’s what others are doing around you, is not what KNOWING what The KING OF HEAVEN is all about.


Maybe some day you will have the miraculous chance to be Introduced to the One and Only True Heavenly King
–Jesus the Christ– 
Once that truly happens
Everything in you life will begin to change.



PS–To go deeper into this subject, just keep investigating, until you know that you know, you have what the King of Heaven Paid the Highest Price for you to Receive directly from Him. “The Pearl of Great Price!”


Again, the kingdom of heaven
is like unto a merchant man,
seeking goodly pearls:
Who, when he had found
one pearl of great price,
went and sold all that he had,
and bought it.
Matthew 13:45-46 (KJV) 


Hint: We are not talking about “Easy Believe-ism.” It is not about “greasy grace,” “Once Saved always Saved,” nor “the altar call,” nor “the sinner’s prayer,” nor “false conversion,” nor “looking good on the outside,” nor “doing your good works before men,” nor Crusader Salvation,” nor “tithing,” church attendance,”nor “fasting,” nor “praying enough,” nor “speaking in tongues,” nor “emotionalism,” nor: “being pentecostal, being baptist, being conservative, being reform, being liberal, being lutheran, Episcopalian, being Catholic, Charismatic, Messianic, nor Presbyterian, etc.”  

It is about The Biblical Faith handed down to Us By God Himself. Living by Faith According the Word of God. It is about Hearing the Voice of the Good Shepherd, and knowing that another voice we simply cannot follow. It is about us Knowing that “Man can not live by Bread Alone, but only by Every Word that Proceedeth out of the Mouth of God.”   Matthew 4:4



Is God’s Perspective Worthy of Investigation?


You will Never Know Until 
You Investigate it for Yourself…




Overcoming Sin & Darkness

Becoming a Messenger: of Eternal Light & Love
A  Carrier of God’s  Eternal Truth — Not a bad Goal.
A Road Marked with Everlasting Gratitude & Joy,
A Pathway of Sorrow, Suffering, and Sacrifice,
Gaining Heavenly Favor &  Rewards, 
That will never rust, rot, nor perish.
Your Vessel was Created for 
Such a Time as This!
Will  You  Let 
God fill it?

Only  you can  make
Such a Monumental 

(Matthew 6:19-21)


The Promise has never been
That it will be Easy—
Only that it will be
Worth it!


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from God’s perspective

with God’s power and

God’s blessing


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