John Bunyan (1628 – 1688)

John Bunyan (28 November 1628 – 31 August 1688) was an English Christian writer and preacher, who is well known for his book The Pilgrim’s Progress.

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    John Bunyan (1628 – 1688)

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    Sermons & Allegories

    John Bunyan
    ( 1628 – 1688 )

    See A Timeline Chronicling the Life of John Bunyan for more about the events of his life.

    **These sermons and allegories are arranged in the order of the year published. *Age is determined from the year published. They do not correspond to the year John Bunyan first penned them.

    This is NOT a complete listing of everything
    John Bunyan ever wrote, only what can be
    found at this web site in the ‘Sermons and
    Allegories’ section.








    A Few Sighs From Hell,
    or, The groans of the damned soul.

    John Bunyan


    John Bunyan wrote this two years before being placed in Bedford Prison. This is the third book he wrote.


    The Doctrine of the Law and Grace Unfolded

    John Bunyan


    The last book John Bunyan wrote before being placed in Bedford Prison for twelve years.


    I Will Pray With the Spirit and With the Understanding Also-
    or, A discourse touching prayer.

    John Bunyan


    Written while in prison in 1662, and published in 1663.


    The Holy City,
    or, The New Jerusalem

    John Bunyan


    A vivid Biblical account of Heaven, written from Bedford Prison.


    The Resurrection of the Dead, and Eternal Judgment,
    or, The truth of the resurrection of the bodies, both of good and bad at the last day: asserted, and proved by God’s word.

    John Bunyan


    Written from Bedford Prison.


    Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners
    (A spiritual autobiography.)

    John Bunyan


    John Bunyan wrote this book while still in Bedford Prison. It was first published in 1666, the year of the Fire of London.


    Christian Behavior

    John Bunyan


    Written in 1663, while imprisoned in Bedford Prison. This was John Bunyan’s third book during his first incarceration.


    Reprobation Asserted,
    or, The doctrine of eternal election and reprobation promiscuously handled.

    John Bunyan


    Published two years after John Bunyan’s twelve year incarceration, which spanned 1660 to 1672, with one brief interval in 1666.


    The Strait Gate,
    or, Great difficulty of going to heaven.

    John Bunyan


    Published twelve years before John Bunyan died in 1688.
    “The Lord awaken poor sinners by my little book.” – Excerpt


    The Pilgrim’s Progress – Part One

    John Bunyan


    Written during a brief re-imprisonment in 1675.


    A Treatise of the Fear of God

    John Bunyan


    First published seven years after John Bunyan’s twelve year incarceration.


    The Life and Death of Mr. Badman

    John Bunyan


    Published two years after Pilgrim’s Progress, part one.


    Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ,
    or, A plain and profitable discourse on John 6:37.

    John Bunyan


    Published seven years before John Bunyan’s death.


    The Holy War
    made by Shaddai upon Diabolus, for the regaining the Metropolis of the World,
    or, The losing and taking
    again of the Town of Man-soul.

    John Bunyan


    John Bunyan wrote this book sometime during the first six years of his incarceration in Bedford Prison. It was first published six years before John Bunyan’s death. By now, Pilgrim’s Progress had reached it’s eighth edition.


    The Greatness of the Soul

    John Bunyan


    Written six years before John Bunyan’s death.


    Seasonable Counsel,
    or, Advice to sufferers.

    John Bunyan


    Published four years before John Bunyan’s death.


    The Pilgrim’s Progress – Part Two

    John Bunyan


    Published six years after part one.


    The Barren Fig Tree,
    or, The doom and downfall of the fruitless professor.

    John Bunyan


    The title page was printed with a wide black border, most probably, to get the reader’s attention.


    The Water of Life,
    or, A discourse showing the richness and glory of the grace of the Gospel, as set forth in the Scripture by this term, ‘The Water of Life’.

    John Bunyan


    Published the year John Bunyan died.


    John Bunyan’s Last Sermon,
    Preached August 19, 1688, from John 1:13.

    John Bunyan


    John Bunyan died within two months of completing his sixtieth year, on the 31st of August, 1688.


    The Work of Jesus Christ as an Advocate

    John Bunyan

    Published one year after John Bunyan’s death.


    The Jerusalem Sinner Saved,
    or, Good news for the vilest of men.

    John Bunyan

    Reprinted three years after John Bunyan’s death. First published in 1688.


    An Exposition on the First Ten Chapters of Genesis,
    and part of the eleventh.

    John Bunyan

    An unfinished commentary on the Bible, found among John Bunyan’s papers after his death, in his own handwriting.


    Of Antichrist and His Ruin

    John Bunyan

    First published four years after John Bunyan’s death.


    Christ a Complete Saviour,
    or, The intercession of Christ, and who are privileged in it.

    John Bunyan

    Published four years after John Bunyan’s death.


    The Saints’ Knowledge of Christ’s Love,
    or, The unsearchable riches of Christ, Eph. 3:18, 19.

    John Bunyan

    Published four years after John Bunyan’s death.


    A Discourse of the House of the Forest of Lebanon

    John Bunyan

    Published four years after John Bunyan’s death.


    The Acceptable Sacrifice,
    or, The Excellency of a Broken Heart

    John Bunyan

    Published four years after John Bunyan’s death.


    The Heavenly Footman,
    or, A description of the man that gets to Heaven; together with the way he runs in, the marks he goes by; also, some directions how to run so as to obtain.

    John Bunyan

    Published ten years after John Bunyan’s death.


    A Relation of My Imprisonment

    John Bunyan

    Published in conjunction with a later version of Grace Abounding. Unpublished until 1765, seventy seven years after John Bunyan died.
    “The prison very sweet to me
    Hath been since I came here;
    And so would also hanging be,
    If God would there appear.
    Here dwells good conscience, also peace,
    Here be my garments white;
    Here, though in bonds, I have release
    From guilt, which else would bite.”
    – Excerpt from ‘
    Prison Meditations


    Justification by an Imputed Righteousness,
    or, No way to Heaven but by Jesus Christ.

    John Bunyan




    A Discourse Upon the Pharisee and the Publican

    John Bunyan




    Saved by Grace,
    or, A discourse of the grace of God.

    John Bunyan




    Miscellaneous Writings








    The Warrant for John Bunyan’s Arrest

    J Napier, W Beecher, G. Blundell, Hum: Monoux, Will ffranklin, John Ventris, Will Spencer, Will Gery, St Jo Chernocke, Wm Daniels, T Browne, Gaius Squire, and W ffoster

    This warrant for John Bunyan’s arrest was issued in 1674, and is responsible for Bunyan’s second, albeit brief, incarceration in 1675. It was during this second incarceration that he wrote “The Pilgrim’s Progress”.


    Mr. John Bunyan’s Dying Sayings

    John Bunyan
    (It is unknown who collected these.)

    A collection of aphorisms gathered and classified under headings. They are his thoughts, whether uttered in his last illness, or expressed earlier in life. Published in Offor’s 1861 edition of “Bunyan’s Works.”


    A Memoir On John Bunyan

    Rev. George Cheever

    “The life of John Bunyan is a very precious record of the grace of God.” -Excerpt

    Published in Offor’s 1861 edition of “Bunyan’s Works.”


    Spurgeon on Bunyan

    Charles Haddon Spurgeon

    John Bunyan has greatly influenced the lives of many godly preachers, as this small collection of references to Bunyan are proof.

    Late 1800’s to early 1900’s.

    A Timeline Chronicling the Life of John Bunyan

    Judith Bronte

    This timeline chronicles some of the events in John Bunyan’s life that can be established by dates, thus giving us a somewhat accurate overview of his extraordinary life.



    searchSearch the Acacia John Bunyan Online Library.





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