Sorry, I missed the talk on Eternal Life – Did You?
Yep. I did too. Seemed liked playing baseball, getting tubed (surfing), flirting with girls, acting tough, being macho, and trying to be popular (and failing miserably) was simply way more important than hearing even a little bit about Eternal Life?
Can your relate to my experience?
Ok, I admit it. I didn’t include playing with Barbie dolls; Listening to “the Monkees.” Going ape over Mickey (one of the Monkees) or watching soap operas, etc. So I apologize this should be co-ed message. (You may not know about the Monkees, (1966) but that would mean you are truly missing out.)
Anyways, I was too enormously engrossed in my own ego, and building my tough guy reputation, than to sit around and discuss Eternal Life. So, Yes! I missed the talk on Eternal Life.
And to be honest, that talk is getting more important to me everyday I live and breathe.
What about you?
Like I inferred earlier (on the front page of many people have missed this conversation, and have either grown up without it, or have totally rejected its relevance in their lives.
Have you been Lied to?
That question should be an emphatic no brainer. Yes. I have been lied to, yots and yots (or lots and lots). A friend of mine’s son from South Africa has his own unique way of pronouncing the word lots. So if you’re like me, you have to admit you have been lied to yots and yots.
And if you’re like me, it’s more of a question of what haven’t you’ve been lied to about, because you’ve been told more lies than you have been told the truth. And that seems pretty standard for everyone I know.
This world is full of lies. The question is:
Do I care?
Do I really want to know the truth. This world has so infected the minds of both young and old, that they no longer believe there is the truth. Now if I were a liar, and I wanted do accomplish my task of spreading lies, could I come up with a better strategy? Then to tell everyone there is no truth to believe in? I think not.
Hence the attack on the word of God.
But does the attack carry any intellectual integrity whatsoever?
Do those who attack the word of God know anything whatsoever about what they are attacking?
Do they even have a clue about what they are attacking? Do they know the history? Do they know the background of the story? Do they know and understand that they are not attacking one book, but a complete library of 66 different books, written by over 40 different authors? Do they know which book, and which author they have a contention with? Do they know what the contention with that book, and that author is? Do they know the author and the characters in the story? Do they know the setting? Do they understand the plot? Can they give you any technical analysis of why the story is being told? Can they tell you all of the most outstanding foundational principles opinion upon which the story has been built? Can they tell you all of the assumptions that the author has already made about the audience that he does not need to put into his message? (Why? Because the audience is already fully aware of those foundational principles and they don’t need to be repeated in order to make his point. That would make the message cumbersome and boring to the audience.) Do the critics know how to interpret all the allusions to previous the parts of the stories specific phraseology? Do they comprehend the specific pictures, and the specific events in the past that may be quickly referenced in the story, but will be completely lost by those who do not know the background of the story, the background of the culture, the background of the history, in which the story is being presented.
Do the critics know the purpose behind the story? Can they tell you the main point, and the sub points of the text? Do they know the genre, and the literary tools being used to communicate the story? Do they know the history of the translation? Do they know what year the story was written down? Do they know how many copies of the story are in existence throughout history and have been preserved in institutions of science around the world? Have they done any historical, textural, scientific study behind the story itself? Do they know the archaeological finds that support the details of the story? Do they know about the comparison texts from the surrounding cultures that cross reference many of the events and the times during which the story was written? Do they know what was happening the year the story was written down in the history of the people to whom the story was written?
Can they tell you anything about antagonist in the story? Do they know the history behind the antagonist? Can they tell you about what the character, nature, qualities, and past experiences of the antagonist are? Can they tell you about the past failures of the protagonist? Can I tell you about the past failures of the ancestors of the protagonist? Can they tell you the best philosophy, and life purpose of the antagonists in the story? Can I tell you how these philosophies in life principles are at odds with the protagonist in the story? Can they tell you the differences between the gods and goddesses of the antagonist and the God of the protagonist in the story? Can they tell you the contemporary literature about the gods and goddesses of the antagonist, and his story and how they compared to the story and the knowledge base of the protagonist?
Can they tell you any historic details about the protagonist? Can they tell you the meaning behind the name of the protagonist? Do they know who gave the protagonist his name, and what the circumstances are surrounding his name, and his divine life calling that will end up fulfilling prophetic word of his name? Do they know the name of the father of the protagonist, and the grandfather, and the great grandfather? Do they know the pattern that the family has established, and is continuing in the life of the present protagonist?
Does the critic even know what a prophetic pattern in the scripture is? Are they aware of the 365 specific prophetic details that have been fulfilled from the first book in the library of God’s testimony Can they explain how these characters qualities and experiences from the past play into the present storyline? Can they tell you what these players have done wrong in the past? Can I tell you how those wrongs are playing out in the present? Can I tell you how severe the errors that have been committed are both in the past and the present time during the story being written? Can I tell you the priorities that God has set forth to accomplish in the story?
Does the critic of the Bible even though the name of God? Does he know the story behind the name of God? Does he know the prophetic nature and calling and fulfillment behind the name of God in scripture? Does he know how the name of God fulfilled 365 specific detailed predictions that could be revealed by no other person than the messiah of Israel? Can the critic tell you the next 1200 prophetic fulfillment the Messiah is going to complete at his second coming? It has been my personal observation and personal experience with critics who claim that the Bible is unworthy to be read or believed, know basically nothing about what they are talking about and have no business even entering into a discussion of criticism
The point being made here is that when one an individual attacks the Bible, he typicallydoes so with his own opinion. Which is typically based on an empty headed, self infatuation, coming from the individual’s fantasy with his own self inflated perception of his own amorous sophistication.
or even what they are saying? into the history? Does it study the science? Does it comment using common sense? Does an exam in the legalities of personal testimonies given under the penalty of death for lying? Does invest any personal time and effort to discover the original intent and purpose for the document that it is questioning? Does it even know about the person who wrote the document from which they are criticizing? Do they know the context of the story, the background, the setting, the characters in the story, and the playing field of the battles that make the conflict in the story come to life? Does it make any accurate statement regarding the word of God at all?
From my experience, not at all. It makes broad sweeping, marking, references to miracles. Like miracles are not scientific. Miracles are not common sense. Like god who created the heavens and the earth mankind animals the stars in the sky the moons, the galaxies can’t produce a simple miracle without being mocked, slandered, by some peon cockroach of a man, who cannot even begin to comprehend even one of his own single simple living cells in his body? And this erudite genius has the pompous audacity to accuse God of being powerless to perform a miracle, because the numbskull has never seen God perform a miracle in his presence.
And that’s the man’s excuse for the disdaining, and rejecting the totality of scripture, and the testimony of God.
He has no logical argument, no practical argument, no theological argument, only a vaporous personal opinionated self absorbed