What does Jesus mean by: “Good in Thy Sight”? [FROM THE FRONT PAGE]

Mark this Down: “Good in Thy Sight” means that: It is “Good from God’s Heavenly, Eternal, and Unchanging Perspective.” God’s Eternal Perspective is the missing ingredient, in every false convert, false teacher, false leader, false religion, and self absorbed person.

Please Note: My Perspective (or your perspective) is not what matters here most. Why is that?

Our Natural Perspective is not Eternal. Not Unchanging. Not Everlasting. Our comprehension is limited to our own finite Reality. God’s Reality is Infinite. In order to see anything from God’s eternal perspective, one must humble himself. He must suspend his own natural self-centerd prideful prejudices, and limited preconceived notions, in order to gain God’s Unlimited Perspective. Due to man’s own preprogrammed pride, such true humility, may only come through some miraculous intervention. Only then will some find the grace to see “What is good in His Sight.” (Romans 5:8)


What is “Good in Thy Sight” will often differ dramatically from what is good in a man’s own opinion:

“Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.”
Matthew 5:3-5

These are just a few of the things that are hidden from the wise and prudent.

Check this 1 minute clip out.

Jesus puts the challenge put before us plain as Day:

If you or I want to see What is “Good in Thy Sight”? We need to put on God’s Eternal Glasses. We need to see things through the Lens of Eternity. Huge portions of the Bible will not make any sense to you, until your factor in the Promises of God being offered through His Eternal Perspective.

In every story, in every instruction, in every life lesson, in every law, rule, and commandment: God is interested in the long-haul effect. He is looking for people who are able to put aside their lust and greed for short term gratification, that can handle, embracing the promises of God for his long term eternal gratification. The people he originally created, lived to be almost 1000 years old. So the life span of six of those men would cover all of human history from the beginning of Genesis chapter 1 to today. But even if a person lived, for ALL those 6000 years, and then died, and spent eternity in hell. Those 6000 years would not even feel like a drop in the bucket of an ocean compared to the eternal torments that would never end. Again those 6000 years would even equal a thimble full of water compared to the Pacific Ocean.

Therefore once a man truly obtains God’s Eternal Perspective, there is a shift in him from the bottom of his toes to the top of his soul! A never ending, never changing shift that only gets bigger and better every day he lives any where near God’s Presence.

King David, the shepherd boy, turned King by God’s divine favor, put it this way:

Psalms 84:10-12 (KJV)

For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand [elsewhere].
I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God,
than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.
11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield:
the LORD will give grace and glory:
no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.
12 O LORD of hosts,
blessed is the man that trusteth in thee.

Imagine burning your hand for just one second from a hot pan or fire, then imagine that pain increasing to only one hour in the fire. Then imagine that for one whole day. Then expand that to one whole week. And guess what, you haven’t scratched the surface of the depth and breadth of pain waiting for ALL who DISHONOR, DISREGARD, AND DISRESPECT God’s Will and God’s Ways, and God’s Word.

Once you crack the door open to God’s Perspective everything begins to change, all your thoughts, all your attitudes, all your previous beliefs will either have to change, or you will have to shutout God’s Eternal Perspective.

Why? Because you can’t have one without the other. You cannot have God’s Eternal Perspective, and not many very real, very permanent, very deep and life changing transformations.

It would be impossible to not change. Therefore, if there is no change, then there has been no true reception of God’s Heavenly Eternal Unchanging Perspective.

Matthew 21:43-44 (NKJV) 43 “Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it. 44 And whoever falls on this stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder.

So the choice is clear. One can become broken. Or one, will eventually be ground into powder.

Again, it is God’s Perspective. Once you get it, you can’t stop it. It will define you in a whole new Light. And your relationship with God will begin to take on a whole new meaning, and priority in your life.

When You see from God’s POV–point of View …

You will see the choice clear as day:

1. Spend Eternity with the Most Holy, Most Powerful, Most Loving, Most Serving, Most Faithful, Most Sacrificial Person ever to Exist. And be welcomed into His Home, and gain a place at His Table, and man a post in His Kingdom forever and ever and ever and ever.

2. Spend Eternity along side the most despicable, conniving, reviling, malicious, bitter, resentful, poisonous being ever to exist, and join in his suffering in the Lake of Fire for always: What? Never ending pain, suffering torments and regrets, and the grinding of your teeth, and gnawing of the tongue in excruciating pain: Pain that is 1000 worse than burning your hand in the fire, for less than one minute.

IN Other Words, God is interested in the long haul, because he knows how valuable it is.

Throughout history, he is allowed his saints to die at the hands of wicked and evil men. Even being tortured. Even being burned at the stake. Even being eaten alive in the Colosseum by wild animals. And ripped apart for the entertainment of Roman citizens, by gladiators in the Colosseum.

But these righteous lives stood fast, and they instantly left this world to be near the throne of God. All the pain. All sorrows. All the lies. All the evil machinations ended. All sickness and disease gone. All mental and emotional tortures–ended. They shall never touch them ever again.

These will abide in the holy place with God, even as we shall, if we repent of our sins, except Jesus at his word, and live in such a way that we draw honor and glory, and praise to God–by living from His Eternal Perspective, Forever and Ever.

If we do, guess what? We will draw others out of darkness into light.

We may never be famous. Never be popular. Never be liked. Never be appreciated, by anyone but God. But if we are right with God, nothing else can take that place.

Of course, there will always be famous, experts, and the, super smart and intelligent professors from across the world that will be naysayers about life after death. These are the wise and prudent ones from whom these things are hidden. What are these things Jesus is talking about. Those are the these things that attend to a man’s personal salvation and sanctification.

Jesus said, if we think that we are wise, we should rethink ourselves and consider ourselves fools, that we may in the end become wise. The problem with human wisdom is, it always exalts itself. And it tries to exalt itself above the wisdom of God. Above the call of God. Above the word of God. Above the council/counsel of God. Anyone walking in these things is walking in their own wisdom and prudence, not in Wisdom coming down from the father of lights from heaven above.

We need to loosen our death grip on our own wisdom, our own prudence, our own security blanket of what we think we know, and challenge ourselves to let go 10 cent certificate, and pursue God’s Trillion Dollar Graduate Degree, that is offered to us for Free.

We need to loosen our death drips on our own wisdom, our own prudence, our own security, blanket of what we think we know. We need to challenge ourselves to let go of our $.10 paper certificate of worldly wisdom, and pursue God’s trillion dollar gold plated graduate degree that is offered to us for free.

Jesus commands his students: Freely you have received, therefore Freely Give.

And as you will see from beginning to end, the only agenda behind all of God’s Giving, is the Eternal Salvation of the Human Race. People from every tribe, every tongue, every place on Earth will be welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven. Why? Because they freely received what God was freely giving.

And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

Matthew 10:7-8 (KJV)

If we choose not to Open Our Eyes and not See from God’s Perspective, we become the ones blocking ourselves from seeing what is “Good in Thy Sight.” And yes, billions of people do this every single day, almost every single hour of the day.

Then they have the audacity to blame God for the evil, wicked, fruitless, and destructive lives they are living. The wicked things they are doing to themselves and to others around them, they also blame on God. Yet, these are the very things, God says will bring destruction upon them, but they block themselves from hearing His voice, and also from seeing what is Good in Thy Sight.

That scenario is the poster child of ignorance.

The Truth be Told: Once I make your bed, I am going to have to lie in it. God has given me that freedom. If you or I choose that route (to ignore God’s Perspective), He will not take your choice away from you. He will honor your decision. And there is something else God will not take away from you: The consequences of your choice.

Again, God simply puts the challenge before you. You are are to Seek to See: “What is Good in God’s Sight.” Once you see it. Then, it’s your choice to follow it, or not follow it. God still leaves the door open for both options. At any time in your life you choose to stop seeing this world from His Unique Eternal and Unchanging Perspective; the chances are pretty much assured that you will experience the consequences of that choice.

There’s a funny thing here: Yours and my perspective on Life is not Eternal, and not geared towards clear, unchanging, and eternal realities.

So, it just might be good common sense, that you might want to thoroughly check out God’s Eternal Perspective with a strong dose of personal integrity, and a strong balance of Eternal Justice, and a heavy emphasis, on what is Good, for All People, for ALL ETERNITY in God’s Sight, following the Rules, Guidelines, and Unchanging commandments that have defined what is Good for All Eternity, by the Only One who really knows, understands, and can teach you what that Eternity is all About.

Here is a quick Test: Which one in the video below best describe God’s Perspective?

Which one in the Video below, best describes your perspective?

Which one is actively seeking to do “What is Good in God’s Sight”?

And finally, what is the outcome of their pursuit in comparison to the outcome of the other pursuits, that chose to defile, and dishonor what is good in God’s Sight?

What will be the Eternal Outcome? And why should we care?

What will happen when you begin to See: What is Good in God’s Sight?

Please Note: My Perspective (and your perspective) is not what matters here.

Our perspectives are not Eternal. Not Unchanging. Not Everlasting. Our comprehension is limited to our own finite Reality. God’s Reality is Infinite.

Now understand this: You cannot know me, unless I choose reveal myself to you. And visa versa: I can not know you, the real you, the eternal you, unless you choose to reveal yourself to me.

Yes, I can learn a bunch of trivial facts about you, but I certainly cannot “KNOW YOU” until such a time that you willingly, openly (without manipulation, or coercion) you joyfully (hopefully) share something of the deep person in you, that reveals a real part of who you really are.

But if I give you good reason, that I am not trustworthy of sharing such a revelation of you, and not honoring to your name, and your person, and your reputation. It would be foolish of you to continue to reveal those delicate parts of you, not only for your sake, but also for mine.

An untrustworthy steward of your treasure, should not to be invited into your eternal home to corrupt it, pollute it, and defile it for eternity.

Now, Dearly Beloved, it is exactly the same with God. If God chooses to reveal himself to you, and deems you trustworthy, and capable of handling a true revelation of Himself to you, then He will do so joyfully, and hopefully.

But if I take his Word, and His Revelation, and I use it in a dishonoring way, a selfish way, or a deceptive, or even an evil way: then, Have I not proved myself worthy of such a revelation?

Not only do I put my relationship with God at risk, but I put every other person who was looking to me as an example of what a real relationship with God looks like. The remedy now for this problem is in God’s Hands.

There will be GRACE and MERCY for the humble and repentant, but for the proud and unrepentant (impenitent) there will be LAW and JUSTICE (which also means punishment).

1 Peter 5:6-7 (KJV) Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.


Every time I choose to mishandle a revelation of God, my knowledge of God will by necessity shrink. Eventually, it will likely dry up, if I choose not to correct myself, nor humble myself under the mighty hand of God. (See John 15:1-6, the dry branch will be cut off and thrown into the fire.)

When I bring false, selfish, and Hypocritical motives into my Perspective of God’s Kingdom, I dishonor God, and His Word, and His Kingdom, and that will be cut off, for the sake of the purity of His Home. That only makes sense, right?

If you offer forgiveness to a murderer, a thief, a pedophile, a liar, a drunkard or drugee, a manipulator, or a religious hypocrite–and offer them clothes, food, a bed, and shelter in your home, but they choose not to repent of their evil ways, and choose to continue their evil in your house, and to target and groom your innocent and pure children to become victims for their next crime–What kind of Father are You? Will you become one who enables and thereby becomes a supporter of the evil done in your home? against you own precious children? Would that be the definition of Good?

That is why, Many are Called, but Few are Chosen. Like the man with dirty garments at the Wedding Feast of God. He was cast out. That man clearly did not choose to clean up his act.

In the Gospel, that man could be your son or daughter, your spouse or parent, sibling or friend, or neighbor. Therefore, it is the work and duty of the believer to bring the Gospel of repentance and faith to every soul within his reach.

Not to do so is a sign of unbelief. A sign of incompetence. A sign of no revelation. A sign of complacency and self deception. A sign of self imposed ignorance. A sign of fake religious training and living. A sign of a lifestyle and mentality that is antithetical to the Gospel of Christ, and one that defies the Commandment of God, to Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.

Go ye into all the World,
And preach the Gospel to Every Creature.
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved;
But he that believeth not shall be damned.

Mark 16:15-16 (KJV)

Is that a hard saying? Yes, it is. Now, Why would God give His people such a hard saying? Such a difficult commandment. Such an anti-social calling? Such a repugnant job description?

Maybe God knows something that we don’t know. What do you think?
Maybe God has prepared something awesome, beyond what words can describe.
Maybe God has Eternal Plans that cannot be understood, until we begin to see:
What is “Good in Thy Sight.”

“Go ye into all the World, And preach the Gospel to Every Creature.”

That is God’s commission to every believer, and every follower of Christ, but how many actually walk out this commandment in their own personal lives in reality? How many strive to run this race every day of their lives? How many give themselves, mind, body, soul and spirit to living out the fulfillment of this commandment?

The Apostles did. The early Church did. Does your Church teach this to every new convert? Does every member in your church hold this commandment as a sacred trust between every believer and God himself?

How many truly see this command from God’s Perspective? And act on it accordingly?

And how many souls have become like dried up branches on the vine, because they have not given their full attention to doing that which is “Good in Thy Sight.”

What you will come to find out if you continue to read, and understand the things presented on this website, is that “Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.”

We all have one of two options:

  • To be those who deem themselves wise and prudent, holding fast to their own worldly perspective.
  • To be those who deem themselves to be babes, are ready to receive and learn from God’s Heavenly Perspective, without human interference.

Those who are wise and prudent, will always default back to their own understanding, they will latch on to their own opinions. They will bolster themselves through the vehicle of the herd instinct, just following the butt of the person in front of them. But, to be perfectly honest, this is not what is “Good in Thy Sight.”

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.
For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.
And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise,
that they are vain.
Therefore let no man glory in men.

1 Corinthians 3:19-21 (KJV)

Those who are wise in their own eyes, will be full of hypocrisy. They will be lacking the number one ingredient that will open their eyes to Seeing from God’s Eternal Perspective.

In fact, if a religious person, or a worldly person, has not humbled himself and his opinions thus far, chances are good, he will be offended at most everything presented on this website.

That is just the nature of the beast (in more ways than one).

Every time I choose not hear carefully what God has instructed as a faithful Father, I put myself not only in danger of receiving no future revelation, but put into jeopardy all past revelation that it may be taken away from me.

This precept is fully covered in the above quote from Jesus.

If our leaders set the bar low, when it comes to preaching the Gospel, and inviting lost souls to enter into eternal Life, chances are good that the bar will stay low throughout the duration of that person’s life.

When you truly read and study the teaching of Jesus, you will find quickly that Jesus never lowers the bar of His expectations of His Disciples. In fact, at every point, what his disciples expected, was not what they were taught. Jesus constantly raised the bar on their expectations.

You will notice, for example: Peter thought forgiving his brother 7 times would be sufficient.
But Jesus raised the bar to 70 times 7. You will notice, Jesus told the rich young ruler, to go sell everything he had and give to the poor, and then come follow me. Jesus told his followers that unless their righteousness surpassed that of the Pharisees and Sadducees, they would in no wise enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus said, unless you deny yourself and pick your cross and follow me, you cannot be my disciple. Jesus said, unless you forgive others their sins against you, the Father will not forgive your sins against Him. He said, if you even look with lust your commit adultery. If you even carry hate in your heart, you commit murder.

These are just a few of the qualities of purity in Heaven, but without pursuing them here on earth, how will we ever be acceptable in Heaven?

In other words, if I refuse to allow God to save me from my sin on Earth:
How can God allow me to come into His Eternal Home in heaven?

It is the very sin that I stubbornly refuse to renounce, due to my own obstinate mindset, that will actually keep me out of heaven, due to my own delusion that I am perfectly fine the way I am. And everyone must accept me as I am–that is a fatal error for those who think they are ready for heaven, that unbendingly hold to their own opinions, and place them above the Word of God.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (KJV) Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate [men acting or behaving like women], nor abusers of themselves with mankind [individuals who engage in homosexual acts], 10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

“And such were some of you.” But those “some,” are not those things any more. They have become like babes (a.k.a., Born-again children of God. See: Matthew 18:2-5). What is Good in God’s Sight, is not hidden from these babes, anymore. God has revealed to them His Salvation. And they took it: hook, line, and sinker. They have abandoned their sin. They have broken the allegiance with Evil. They cut of the snake out of their lives. How do we know this?

We know this because: They were washed. They were sanctified. They were justified.

So in summary of this section: What will happen to those who receive God’s Revelation of Himself, like babes learning what is good in God’s Sight?

They will be washed. They will be sanctified. They will be justified.

In other words, they will be welcomed into Heaven! They will be given new white holy and pure garments, clean and radiant (not defiled by the flesh). See: Revelation 3:4.

Revelation 19:8 (KJV) 8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

The truth be be told everything in this world has been pitted against the Word of God. The wise and prudent are doing their level best to subvert the Word of God.

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ever being fully revealed Through God’s Perfect Heavenly Perspective since the very beginning.

What is beautiful about the clip below is that even a former heavily outspoken antagonist in the media like Joe Rogan, who formerly mocked the Bible, The Church, God, and those who would believe in God, is now beginning to examine the evidence from a new perspective that might even cause the to receive all that is “Good in Thy Sight,” and embrace the Gospel like a babe in God’s glorious Kingdom.

4 undeniable examples of God setting the Bar High:
This is “Good in Thy Sight.” but not often in man’s sight.

Here is just a simple sample of what is “Good in Thy Sight.” A.k.a., Seeing with Eternal Eyes. SPOILER ALERT: the imagery is heavy duty, R-Rated stuff.

This raises the question: why does God use such strong language and such strong imagery to make his point? ANSWER: BECAUSE GOD WANTS TO LEAVE NO DOUBT IN THE MIND OF HIS CHOSEN DISCIPLE, HIS CHOSEN, CLEAN AND PURE FOLLOWER OF HIS KINGDOM. God wants HIS DOCTRINE, HIS TEACHING, HIS LIFE, AND HIS WAYS, to be clearly understood FROM HIS OWN UNIQUE ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE. God wants to leave no wriggle room in our minds for the devil to play with, so that we can overcome Satan, and plunder Satan’s kingdom.

In other words, from Matt. 5, in God’s Perspective, He considers:

  • Imagining and/or entertaining Hate = Murder (1 John 3:15; Mat. 5:21-22)
  • Imagining and/or entertaining Lust = Adultery (every form of sexual immorality, Mat. 5:27-29)
  • Imagining and/or Saying “You Fool” = puts you in Danger of Hell Fire. (Mat. 5:22)

    The problem with imagining things is that you are just one step closer to doing those things that you have imagined and entertained in you heart. That is why God says, Do not entertain any vain thing. Don’t even joke or jest about it. Anything that is unclean or impure that comes into your mind is a spiritual attack–coming against every true believer. We must win the battle ground in the mind, before we can will the battleground in the flesh, and the spirit. We can never hope to defeat Satan in the World, just and Jesus has called us–until we defeat Satan on the inside of our souls. That is the very reason we need to overcome our 7 Personal Hurdles before we can completely defeat our number 1 arch enemy, on the inside of us, before we will ever defeat him on the outside.

  • How serious are these issues: Just look at God’s Solution to these problems … then you’ll just begin to scratch the surface about How Serious “These Things” are that have been hidden from the wise and prudent [a.k.a., THE PROUD] and revealed unto babes [a.k.a., THE HUMBLE].”

God’s Solution: 1) Pluck out your Eye. 2) Chop off your Hand. 3) Saw off your Foot–If any of these continue to aid and abet you, leading and assisting you in committing Sin.

Now, if these three solutions don’t work, don’t worry, you can 4) Always tie an upper grinding millstone around your neck and cast yourself into the sea, and perish. For it would be better for you in the long run, to end your evil sinful life than to continue in SIN, and cause others to stumble and SIN by your example.

Note: God’s is using the Strongest Imagery, to make the Strongest Point. The it better to be footless, handless, eyeless, and drowned in this life, that it is to be cast into Hell in the Life to come.

That, my friend, is God’s Perspective on the seriousness of yours and my sin. God wants you in Heaven with Him for Eternity. But you cannot take you Sin into Heaven. And you cannot take your sin into your holy and abiding real relationship with Christ, here on Earth. And it will be abundantly clear if you continue in sin, you are not abiding in Christ. (John 15:1–8)

In other words, you have not chosen to make Jesus Lord over your sin. But you have chosen to play the hypocrite and pretend you follow Jesus on the outside, when, in reality, you have been following your own path of self-destruction on the inside. That is actually against Christ.

Right now, is the time of your testing. Your Cleansing. Your Time of Refining to see if your really will choose the Way of God, or the Way of this evil World.

Will you seek to obey the King of Heaven? or, Will you continue to obey the Dark Lord of this evil age? The choice is up to you. And the fruit of your ways will evident, and reveal to everyone on the day that will declare what mattered the most to you. And what mattered the least.

The Truth be told, my friend, you and I are being tested right now, every day, sometimes every hour of the day. Why? to see which is stronger, our love and loyalty to the king of Heaven, and our conviction and commitment to walk in “the Way” of his kingdom, or our lusts and greed and self-righteousness, excuse making, and self justification, and our opposition to do the will of God, and the word of God, and the work of God.

Now the chances are good that we will ALL recoil, and be disturbed by God’s Perspective, and that without His genuine Help from HIS Heavenly Mindset, we will by nature simply reject his Perspective and call Him Names like: Bigot, Racist, Fascist, Homophobe, Mysogynist, genocidal, maniac, etc., you know the drill.

And I can pretty much guarantee that when you encounter anyone, speaking from his clear, pure, and perfect Heavenly and Holy and Perspective, such a person will be announced seven ways till Friday, by those who have chosen not to obey God’s will.

I will conclude this section with a final note of caution: We need to take careful consideration of how we hear God’s word from God’s perspective, because it is so easy, and so common to become immediately offended by God’s perspective that we reject and renounce it, even before examining the merits of it, and the purpose of it and the many incredulously genius purposes for it. That cannot possibly be understood from a narrowminded non-eternal, limited and empty mindset not tied into eternal thinking.

Below is another Stark example of Something that is “Good in Thy Sight.” but likely not so good in man’s sight. The video below is nothing knew. The followers of Jesus have been following in the footsteps of their Master for 2000 years, in like fashion as in the clip below.

This kind of behavior and persecution is not uncommon in many places around the World, and Jesus predicted and forewarned us that this trial would come upon his followers, and he prepared them to be brave, and not to be afraid, discouraged, or alarmed, like something strange was happening that God does not know about. Below after the video are Jesus exact words on this subject:

1 Peter 4:12-14 (KJV) 12 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: 13 But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. 14 If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified.

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