God’s Presence:
How do I discern it?
God’s Presence
- God’s Power.
- God’s Authority.
- God’s Will—Being done here on earth as it is in heaven.
Why does it all seem so stifled?
If God’s Kingdom is so big … Why do you so many people have so limited an experience of God’s kingdom?
Why do so many people, have so little knowledge? have so little personal experience, and have so little personal understanding, so little personal holiness, and so little personal fruit relating to their intimate and divine relationship with the Almighty, all Holy, all Majestic, and all Powerful God?
Why do so many have so little patience? and so little dedication and don’t even seek to understand or learn about the Kingdom of God from God’s Perspective? Why do they love and believe man’s testimony about God, but seem to hate and disbelieve God’s Testimony about himself?
Why do so many people have such a low experience of God’s Holiness? both inside the church (even inside church leadership) and outside the church (especially in secular leadership). Why is God’s Purity, God’s Goodness, and God’s Forgiveness often mocked? Why do so many have such a low opinion of God’s Integrity, and God’s Eternal Promises? Why do their beliefs often not produce a high level of: Commitment, Conviction, Adoration, and a virtual unending and inexhaustible supply of Joy, Peace, Love, Gratitude, Charity and Clarity?
Here is another strange phenomenon: Why do so many people use the name of God, and the name of his son as a cuss word to sling about in wicked perverse speech, in scoffing deep anger, and ridiculing frustration? Why do atheists to mock Mock, and ridicule his name, when they claim they don’t even believe in God or his son? If that is truly be the case: Why mention his name at all?
Is there not a clear, obvious, undeniable, and unbendable reason: Why so many people lack a true heavenly experience with God on a daily, hourly, and even moment to moment basis?
What if we could seriously end all the feverish debating, and the great social division, and culturally confusing consternation, here and now?
What if?
- The atheist could discover irrefutable reasons to change his stripes?
- The drunkard, and the party hardy animal, could tame his compulsion for worldly beverages by satisfying his needs with heavenly drink?
- The homosexual, the adulterer, and the fornicator could break off their sexual addictions (and sexual perversions) through a clean revelation of Heaven’s Holiness and Purity?
- The greedy & selfish, controlling & manipulative materialist could abandon his selfishness, by receiving God’s inexhaustible heavenly provision?
- The nominal believer, or the backslidden disciple could actually renew their covenant with God, and assure their place in his kingdom?
I believe it to be possible …
Therefore, I put forth this personal challenge that anyone who should read the remainder of this post, and put these eternal principles into practice in their own life: They shall reap the reward of their efforts.
Will there be challenges along the way? Absolutely. Will there be good reasons to abandon these eternal principles? You bet. Will everyone gravitate towards God’s heavenly revelation? Certainly not. But the invitation always has, and always will be an open invitation.
Yet in the face of all of these challenges, I can guarantee (because I believe God’s Word guarantees) — that those who will do the work, will reap the reward.
Because God’s covenant is sealed with blood, God’s holy blood, we actually have a fighting chance to grab a hold of what God has offered to make it our own—if we choose to do so. His blood, and only his blood makes this possible. This is what separates God’s promises (a.k.a. Yahweh/Jehovah) from all other religious promises in every other religion. God offers his own blood to pay the highest price to redeem his children.
This point will be made more clear as you progress in his revelation.
Check out this short video: May its message penetrate your heart and soul.
This is a good starting place to begin this revelation:
In the book of Genesis (introducing the relationship between Abraham and Jehovah/Yahweh, the king of heaven, the God of the Jews): We find this strange covenant practice that is foreign to our own culture and understanding, but is deeply embedded in the entire New and Old Testament understanding of why and how a lowly sinner can have a right relationship with the King of Heaven.
(Genesis 15:9-17)
Carefully seeing, and understanding what is happening between God and Abraham in this dramatic interlude will greatly assist us in our own understanding of what it means to cut a covenant with God.
How we walk with God today Will demonstrate if, or if not, we have understood Abraham’s covenant relationship with God.
If anyone desires to have a personal, intimate, direct, righteous relationship with the king of heaven, understanding and seeing clearly the relationship between Abraham and Jehovah is vital. This revelation has much to teach us about what it means to walk with God in integrity, in reality, and in intimacy.
What you will notice between the three key sacrifices, Abraham was called by God to perform, is that the first sacrifice was just the beginning of the relationship between Abraham and God. The commitment of Abraham? Only involed some exceptionally valuable animals.
When a man, fully puts his trust, and his whole life, and into the hands of God, and he says to himself: to live as Christ, and to to die his gain. Such a man can become unstoppable, unbelievably heroic, and walk in a supernatural dimension, or angels, heavenly wisdom, and divine timing work things out to accomplish the very well of God in the face of fierce opposition, as demonstrated by the man’s testimony in the movie of Hacksaw Ridge. Below is just a brief clip of it.