God’s 50 Judgments
on America

[1991 to 2006]

Source:   http://www.pilgrimscall.com/US%20Actions.htm

God’s Word is full of verses that tell us the Holy Land belongs to the Jews and God will be against the [HEATHEN] nations who attempt to divide God’s Land and give it to others. 

Joel 3:2-3 (KJV) 2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land [DIVIDED UP MY LAND]. 3 And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink …

Zechariah 12:2-3 (KJV) “Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”

Joel 3:11-14 (KJV) 11 Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O LORD. 12 Let the heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about. 13 Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great. 14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. 

The verses above clearly say God will judge nations who come against Jerusalem and will seek to destroy the nations who divide up God’s Land. Condoleezza Rice and President George Bush should reconsider their “Two State Solution” and select actions that will bring God’s blessings instead of His wrath. 

The USA has been a friend to Israel in some ways however the US under several recent presidents have pressured Israel to give up land for peace, this pressure is not God’s will and America will receive God’s wrath as a result. 

Let us now look at some US President’s decisions and natural disasters that occurred at the same time. Do you see the connection? 

If so please send this link to a friend as Christians around the world can change our future for the better if we would pray for our leaders and take action to inform them of the need to really support Israel and not attempt to divide God’s land. As of 11/13/07 Condoleezza Rice is pressuring Israel again hard to give in to demands to give up the West Bank during the upcoming conference in Annapolis Maryland. I am personally praying God will foil her plans and strategies to pressure Israel to make more concessions. –God Bless.–


America’s Actions 

       God’s Judgments


Oct. 18, 1991 Baker announced US & Russia planning Madrid Middle East “Peace” Conference

Reference: USINFO.STATE.GOV scan down page to find date. 

Oct. 20,1991 The Oakland firestorm worst fire in the Bay area since Frisco Quake fire of 1906. Reference
#2  Oct. 30-31, 1991 Madrid “Peace” Conference Reference: USINFO.STATE.GOV scan down page to find date.  Oct. 31-Nov The Perfect Storm hit East coast, 100’ waves – huge damage from Maine to Florida. Heavy damage to Bush’s home in Kennebunkport. Reference 



Aug. 23-24, 1992 “Peace” talks moved to Washington D.C. Reference: USINFO.STATE.GOV scan down page to find date. 

Aug 23, 1992 Hurricane Andrew ruined S. Florida. Reference
#4  Feb. 26, 1993 Clinton & Christopher visit Israel, declare they will get “Land for Peace” going  Feb. 26,1993 World Trade Center ground floor bombed-many die Reference


#5  March 10, 1993 US Declares itself “Full Partner” in the “Land for Peace” Process (going between Muslims & Israel!)  March 12-15 “Storm of the Century” covered 1/3 of America (East 3 rd) Cost $6 Billion. 270 deaths, 48 more missing at sea. 15 tornadoes killed 44. 6” of snow on Florida Panhandle. Tennessee 56” snow, power gone – Transportation nixed. Reference
#6  May-Sept, 1993 Secret Oslo talks Reference  Summer of major floods in Central US. (North Dakota to Mississippi Delta) Cost = $26 Billion damage – loss of business trade – barge traffic, ruin of towns – 600 river sites above flood averages. 


#7  Sept. 13, 1993 “Land for Peace” agreement reached & public acclaim including US approval between Pares & Arafat. Signed including handshakes at Whitehouse – Clinton beaming over the doings! Reference: USINFO.STATE.GOV scan down page to find date. 


Sept. 13, 1993 – Hurricane Emily (had been wondering around for 5 days) hit North Carolina on the very day of this infamous dealings – it brushed the coast & then went out to sea. (700 Club had prayed it away) Reference
#8  Jan 16, 1994 Clinton met with Syria’s Assad in Geneva over the Golan & giving land away. Reference


Jan 16, 1994 Northridge Earthquake cost $15 Billion. 2 nd worst destructive natural disaster to hit America – 6.9 Earthquake. Reference
#9  Oct 17-21, 1994 Rebin & Jordan signed a peace arrangement – Clinton fully approved of this appeasement for peace. Reference: USINFO.STATE.GOV scan down page to find date.  Oct. 17, 1994 Worst flooding in SE Texas on record. 30” of rain fall in 2 days $1.2 Billion damages Reference
#10  Sept. 27-Oct 5 – Israel –PLO agreement (West Bank & Gaza) giveaway signed in Washington D.C. 31 articles & 7 annexes Reference: USINFO.STATE.GOV scan down page to find date.  Oct. 4, 1995 Hurricane Opal (Category 4 status) hit from SW Florida to Louisiana – Rated strongest to hit that area since 1900. Reference
#11  March 1, 1997 Arafat arrived in America – big deal met with Clinton at Whitehouse dividing up God’s Land. Reference

March 1-2, 1997 Powerful tornados & Flooding hits Center of USA – 67 deaths. Cost $1.1 Billion Huge flooding also in Dakotas. Reference


#12  April 7, 1997 Clinton met with Netanyahu – disrespected him tried pressuring him to comply with the “Land for Peace” deal Reference  Late April –May, 1997 Huge snow melts & flooding of the Red River Valley North Dakota & SW Minnesota 80,000 people displaced. Cost $4.1 Billion and 5 deaths. Reference


#13  Jan. 4-9, 1998 Dennis Ross in Jerusalem to prepare ground for DC meeting to move the “Land for Peace” talks along. Reference Jan 4-9, 1998 Huge Northeast Ice Storm – Power out – a real mess. 4.5 million people lost power. Cost $1.5 Billion damage and costs. Reference


#14  Jan 20-26, 1998 (Jan 21 Clinton rebuffed Netanyahu & the very next day welcomed Arafat to Whitehouse. And called Arafat a “Partner to Peace” Reference: USINFO.STATE.GOV scan down page to find date.  Jan 22-26, 1998 Clinton scandal with Lewinsky broke & Clinton in big hot water. The Lewinsky scandal & Clinton’s lying leads to impeachment Reference 


#15  Feb., 1998 Albright tries to start-up the “Land for Peace” deal again. (Pressure on Netanyahu to give in) 


Feb, 1998 Series of storms hit California, 17 deaths $550 million damage 
#16  Sept. 24-28 Clinton to meet with Arafat & Netanyahu when they all at UN. Purpose: Stalled peace talks, Plan: give away 10% of land. Albright met with Arafat & Netanyahu Sept 27.


Sept 27, 1998 Hurricane George slammed into Gulf- Coast. Cost $6 Billion. 
#17  Oct. 15, 1998 Arafat & Netanyahu forced to meet at Wye Plantation in MD. Pressure on Netanyahu – Clinton and Arafat push Net. To give up 13% of Judea Samaria.


Oct 17-22, 1998 Huge rains & tornadoes in Texas. 20” in 1 day. During the entire talking days storms raged in Texas – Damages $1.1 Billion 
#18  Dec 11-12, 1998 Clinton visited Arafat in Holy Land to ensure the Wye Agreement proceeding.


Dec. 12, 1998 Clinton Impeached by House. 
#19  May 3-6, 1999 Clinton affirmed the Muslims rights to Holy Land parts forever as a sovereign state.  May 3-4, 1999 Tremendous tornadoes over Oklahoma & Kansas. F4 & F5 tornadoes – 260 mph winds Cost $1.7 Billion Most powerful tornadoes to hit America in America’s history.


#20  Sept 1, 1999 Albright net with Muslim leaders in their countries – Push Peace arrangements to be signed at Sharm El-Sheikh on Sept 4 th. Arafat & Barrack to resume talks Sept 13th  Late August Hurricane Dennis started up the East Coast slowly ambling – much water picked up. Stopped – went south- then north again – suddenly Sept. 3 (after 5 days of up & down) it struck N. Carolina. Huge flooding took place along cost Costs $1.1 Billion.


#21  Sept. 13 PLO & Israel forced together by America settled the “Final Status” of the land.  Sept. 7-17, 1999 Hurricane Floyd huge Category 5 storm slammed into N. Carolina – greatest evacuation in US History. Damage $6.5 Billion Sept. 21-23 Stock Market fell 504 points.


#22  Oct. 14-15, 1999 Jewish people living on 15 hilltops in Judea Samaria evicted as part of the “Land for Peace” deal.  Oct. 15, 1999 Hurricane Irene hits N. Carolina. Oct. 16 a 7.1 Earthquake hits the Southwest of America, 5 th most powerful to hit America in the 20 th Century. Total costs were billions of dollars.


#23 July – August, 2000 Camp David Talks (a real fiasco with Clinton, Arafat & Barak) (offer to give everything away)  July & August 2000 Tremendous forest fires all over the West. Especially in Montana & Wyoming 7 million acres burned. Major Drought in South – Cost $4.3 Billion


#24 Nov. 7 – Dec 12, 2000 USA messing with Israel put their political process in crisis & destabilized. (Barak out & Sharon in)


Nov 7 – Dec 11, 2000 Our national elections & political process destabilized & in crisis. 
#25 May 21-24, 2001 Bush & Powell endorse the Mitchell Plan  Same time Republicans lose of majority in US Senate.


#26 Nov. 11, 2001 Bush told UN that US supported Palestinian State  Nov 12, 2001 Crash of American plane #587 exploded & crashed on NY City 0 255 people die.



Apr. 28-30, 2002 Bush pressured Israel to let up on Arafat & allow him free movement.


Apr. 28-30 Tornadoes ravage cities from Montana to Minnesota 
#28 June 8, 2002 Bush called for Palestine state & Israel gives up their land for it. (as proposed by Egypt’s Mubarak. (Camp David Address)

June 8-18 Hayman fire burned 135,000 acres – largest fire in Colorado history. 
#29 June 18-26, 2002 Bush planned to give his vision on middle east (June 18) ws postponed by 2 suicide bombs – June 24 delivered the speech. 


June 18, 2002 Rodeo fire in East Arizona burned 550,000 acres. June 19, 2002 Chediskl fire took off. 
#30 Oct 2-31, 2002 Congress calls on Bush to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem – Bush refused.


Oct 2-31, 2002 Hurricane Lily hit – Sniper attack in DC area. 
#31 Nov. 6-13, 2002 Nov 7 Bush hosted a dinner in Whitehouse honoring Islam & Their Month of Ramadan. Nov 10 – Big pressure on Israel to move on road map.


Nov 9-11 88 tornadoes smack through Ark, Tenn, Alab, Missip, GA, Ohio and Penn. 
#32 Dec 5, 2002 End of Ramadan & pressure continued on Sharon. Dec 4 Sharon accepted the principle of Road Map


Dec 5, 2002 Ice Storm hit N. Carolina loss of power for 1.2 million houses. 
#33 Feb 1, 2003 Bush declared much more active role in Road Map Talks, etc 


Feb 1, 2002 Loss of Columbia Space Shuttle which exploded over Texas. 

May 1-10, 2002 US Ambassador presented New Middle East Plan to Israel – from Quartet on Road Map Modified


412 Tornadoes hit US Midwest, more then 40 die in storms. 

May – Aug, 2003 Europe and America continued to exert pressure on Israel over the Road Map. 


Summer of 2003 record eat Wave killing many – Crop losses – America violent weather, drought, fires and power losses. 

May 12, 2003 Powell visits Jordan & pressures on roadmap. 


May 12, 2003 Riyadh Terror Bombing on Suburb by Al Qaeda 

July 15, 2003 Muslim officials met on Capitol Hill with congress members on the roadmap 


July 15, 2003 Hurricane Claudette clobbered Texas. 

July 17, 2003 Bush & Blair joint speech on support of Road Map. 


2 High profile suicide bombings (1 on England and 1 in US) 

Sept 6-19, 2003 US pressure on Israel to withdraw money from Israel if Israel allows “Settlements” 


Sept 6-19 Hurricane Isabel hit the East Coast & DC. 

Oct 24- Nov 5, 2003 Bush criticized the well being built in Holy Land & sponsors dinner in celebration of Ramadan 


Oct 29 Record Solar Flares – Oct 27-Nov 5 wild fires in southern California 
#41 Aug 13, 2004 Bush sent envoys to Israel to help plan Gaza withdrawal pledged $1 Billion to pay for evacuation.


Aug 13, 2004 Hurricane Charlie hit – cost $3.9 Billion – 2.9 million evacuated. Fires in West. 

Aug 31, 2004 Bush made acceptance speech to run for 2ed term for Republican party. Pressured Israel to increase total Gaza exit. 


Aug 31, 2004 Hurricane Frances – 2.8 Million set to evacuate. 

Sept 14, 2004 Israel set up procedures for Gaza Exit. 


Sept 14, 2004 Hurricane Ivan did $10 Billion damages. 

Sept 21, 2004 Bush speech at UN said “ Israel should impose a settlement freeze, dismantle unauthorized outposts, end the daily humiliation of the Palestinian people, and avoid any actions that prejudice final negotiations.” 


Sept 21, 2004 Hurricane Jeanne hit Florida on Yom Kippur day. 

Dec 1-2, 2004 Abbas declaration blatant anti-Israel Jan 4-15, 2005 Bush still invited Addas to USA – help for Palestine. 


Jan, 2005 Worst Storms in 119 years hit western USA. Rain & heavy snow. Big floods in Ohio & W. VA. 

August – Sept, 2005 Gaza given up, 10,000 Jews lose homes 


Aug 24-30, 2005 Hurricane Katrina hits – 80% New Orleans of city destroyed, 350,000 jobs lost, 

Early Sept, 2005 Condolessa Rice in Israel told Israeli they must give up all land & go back to 1969 boarders. 


Sept, 2005 Hurricane Rita hits 
#48 October, 2005 Pressure on Israel to give up certain settlements in Northern Samaria.  Oct., 2005 Much flooding in Northeast especially New England, tornado destruction in Midwest and center south.


#49 Nov 5, 2005 US continued pressure to keep road map going, call for “The Quartet” to meet 


Nov. 24, 2005 Three heavy snowstorms by Thanksgiving, big storms in S. California 
#50 Dec 2005 – Jan 2006 State Department & Condi Rice pressure on Israel to let Muslims vote in Jerusalem, and let Mamas hold political rallies on Temple Mt., etc. Hamas won the majority votes in the Jan 25 elections in Gaza, Judea & Samaria.  Dec-2005-Jam, 2006 Drought & many fires in Texas, Okla., N. Mexico, Colorado. Threatened sections of Oklahoma City burned plus 2 complete towns & many other businesses, farms & homesteads. Worst drought since 1954. 

For further reading: God’s Final Warning by McTernan, Israel The Blessing or the Curse by Bill Koenig, Eye To Eye by Bill Koenig (excellent book) , As America Has Done to Israel by John McTernan



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