• Did God give you a special personality, and incredibly advanced skills and abilities, in order to be able to share himself with you?
  • Did God honor you with free choice it allows you to accept his understanding of the world you live in, and also to reject his understanding of the world you live in that he created for you?
  • If you put yourself in God shoes, and you imagined yourself to be God himself, why do you think God gave you the freedom of choice?

Does God want to
Communicate with you?



What do you think?

Does God want to communicate with you? 

Has God ever given you any gifts or abilities that enable you to communicate with him?


Exodus 4:11 (KJV)

11 And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man’s mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD?

If God never intended you to communicate with him, or he with you, why do you think he gave you:  


Now, if you don’t believe God gave you these things to communicate with him, who do you believe gave you these things?


Your options are somewhat limited.


  1. You can believe that time, chemicals, and evolution created you to communicate with them. But then you have to answer the question:. Who created time, chemicals, and evolution, and for what purpose?
  2. You can believe that aliens created you, to communicate with them. But then you have to ask the question: Who created the aliens, and for what purpose, and why have they done such a poor job in communicating with you?
  3. You can believe that a multiple gods created you (similar to aliens), having differing purposes in mind, and a dizzying amount of divergent storylines, that none agree with one another.
  4. You can believe in nothing. You can believe that nothing created everything, and nothing sustains everything. And that since you came from nothing, you shall return to nothing. But that does not give you any purpose whatsoever, nor does it satisfactorily explain anything.
  5. You can believe that you don’t know, or that you cannot know, or more honestly that you do not want to know, nor care about knowing, learning, nor growing up, in the knowledge of why God  created, and what purpose you are here to fulfill.
  6. And finally, You can believe that one God created you, to communicate with him. And that he has given you all the gifts of communication listed above as a down payment, and a testimony, for what is to come. And he has given you, one authorized storyline, where he tells you how he did it, when he did it, why he did it, and lays out the entirety of human history from the first man, who rebelled against His authority, and began the destruction His creation; to the first man, who completely submitted himself to God’s authority, and began the restoration of God’s creation, and God’s kingdom. He also lays out the major world events that are going to happen before the end of this cruel world, which he himself bled, and died for. And he tells us exactly how the world is going to end. And, who will be punished and why. He proclaims to have written His testimony for mankind to test, read, understand, and follow like a roadmap back to himself. ∑
  7. Even though men have lied about God, and rejected him from generation to generation, he promises to love those who will accept him, and who want to know about his kingdom, his love, his acceptance, and his eternity. He promises us, that this world, this broken world, that is full of pain and suffering, will only last for a moment in the timeline of eternity. And that no matter how bad life gets in this world, it cannot take anything away from us in the world to come. (Matthew 6:19-21)  

    Therefore, he asks us to trust him, in the midst of our momentary light affliction (1 Corinthians 4:16–18), so that we can inherit the never ending heavenly reward he has planned for us, that we will receive in the very near future—as soon as we graduate from this life. (2 Corinthians 5:8)



2 Corinthians 5:6-11 (KJV)


6 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: 7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) 8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

9 Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him. 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. 11 Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.



  1. Question: What other scientist, professor, philosopher, world ruler,  or alien being–Has ever provided and preserved, a better, more logical, more readable, more relatable, more accurate, more trustworthy, more reliable testimony? What scrutiny has it survived? Was it unchanging in its scope of reference, and never ending in its depth and breath of creation’s story? Did it cover the very beginning of time to the very ending of world history? Does it include the new beginning of the age to come? Has included precise predictions, dates, and conclusions, as well as, laws of reality and science written, centuries and millennia before modern science, could catch up and grasp their meanings. And does it contain a body of laws of morality that eclipse the wisdom and insight of any other writer in world, history? Does it clearly explain and layout the real life consequences for both honoring and observing, as well as for dishonoring and disobeying, the Direct commandments of God? Does it share all the blessings and curses, promises and warnings, that will result in life, or death, both temporal and eternal, for honoring, and or disregarding God’s recorded will?

    In other words, can you put your finger on any other book or source of information that comes anywhere near close to the truthfulness of the authorized testimony of God, written, and preserved for 6000 years, for his children to read, learn, grow, and be guided by?

    A Side Question: Can you tell me the number one selling book today in modern history? And the most popular book throughout history, especially throughout the last five centuries, since the beginning of the printing press discovery enlarge scale, book distributorship?

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