Without Words
And near death experiences
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Something to consider, when preparing for heaven:
What if heaven is a place of openness and transparency, where every person’s thoughts, beliefs, and motives are revealed to every other person in heaven?
What would happen to such a person if they consistently had:
- unclean thoughts, and evil imaginations?
- thoughts of revenge, even murder?
- thoughts of jealousy, and narcissism?
- thoughts of bitterness, and resentment?
- thoughts of retaliation, and victimization?
- thoughts of idolatry, and greed?
- thoughts of lust?
How comfortable would such a person be in the midst of a purified, perfectly sanctified, and glorified congregation of holy beings?
What would it feel like to be the only one with filthy self clothes in the midst of an entire nation of people completely cleansed, and made completely new?
People set free from all guilt and shame? All spirits of bitterness and rejection? All controlling mindsets of greed and lust?
Without one drop of loyalty to the ruler of the evil and corrupt world that destroyed everything good?
That subtle and evil power: no longer had any grip on them; but all that was willingly, and gratefully replaced with joy, and peace, and gratitude in the presence of God.
Such is the new mind, and the new heart, promised in the new covenant of God to the one who will receive it today. Because tomorrow is not promised tomorrow, they likely be too late.
The redeemed: the holy, the righteous souls of God, have been given new garments, new clothing to wear that represent their new nature, and new spiritual divine character which is: clean and pure; holy and good; spotless and without wrinkle?
Could this scenario have been the problem with the man at the wedding feast of God, who was wearing unclean clothes? Check this out:
11 And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment: 12 And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. 13 Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 14 For many are called, but few are chosen.
Today: Most people can communicate without words on a limited basis, by using simple, nonverbal cues. But what if something dramatically different shifted in your environment: where, all of a sudden, everyone in your city, could read, and discern all your thoughts? Do you think that might become uncomfortable?
Imagine if the bulk of your communication with others was without words: What if other people walking by you could openly read your thoughts? Could see all your motivations, like on a computer screen? What if everyone you knew, could instantly discern what spirits you were actively involved with? and could: Know exactly where those spirits were guiding you?
How Might that affect the trust level in your community?
Here are some remarkable near-death experiences (NDEs) where individuals reported communicating without words, often through a form of telepathy or intuitive understanding:
- Pam Reynolds’ NDE: During her surgery, Reynolds reported watching her operation from above. She saw her deceased grandfather and other relatives, who communicated with her without speaking. “I knew what they were thinking, and they knew what I was thinking,” she said.
- Tony Cicoria’s NDE: After being struck by lightning, Cicoria reported meeting a being who communicated with him through thoughts. “I didn’t hear any words, but I knew exactly what he was saying,” Cicoria recalled.
- Betty Eadie’s NDE: In her book “Embraced by the Light,” Eadie described meeting spirits who communicated through thought transference. “We didn’t need words; we just knew,” she wrote.
- Dannion Brinkley’s NDE: Brinkley reported meeting beings who conveyed information directly into his mind. “It was like a download of knowledge,” he said.
- Mellen-Thomas Benedict’s NDE: Benedict described encountering beings who communicated through a form of telepathy. “We communicated in a way that transcended language,” he said.
These experiences, while anecdotal, suggest a profound level of non-verbal understanding during NDEs.
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So here’s a challenge, if this is a real experience that reflects a real reality about life after death, can you imagine what it be like living in a place where everyone could read your thoughts, and you knew you had thoughts of greed, thoughts of lust, thoughts of anger, thoughts of revenge, thoughts of idolatry, thoughts of adultery, thoughts of stealing, thoughts of putting someone else down so that you could lift yourself up?
Can you imagine what would happen? I can halfway see a picture of people going berserk. Because they can’t help themselves having from having bad thoughts, and they can’t stop other people from seeing all their darkness and evil that’s living inside them.
That would be like living in one’s own worst
That would be like living in your own worst nightmare.
Here are a few more near-death experiences (NDEs) involving non-verbal communication:
- Janice Holden’s NDE: Holden reported meeting her deceased mother, who communicated with her through thoughts. “I didn’t hear any words, but I knew exactly what she was saying,” Holden recalled.
- Jeff Olsen’s NDE: After a fatal car accident, Olsen reported meeting a being who conveyed information directly into his mind. “It was like a flood of knowledge,” Olsen said.
- Anita Moorjani’s NDE: Moorjani described communicating with her deceased father through a form of telepathy. “We didn’t need words; we just knew,” she wrote.
- Natalie Sudman’s NDE: Sudman reported meeting beings who conveyed information through thought transference. “It was like a mental download,” Sudman said.
- PMH Atwater’s NDE: Atwater described encountering beings who communicated through a form of intuitive understanding. “We communicated without words,” Atwater wrote.
Some common themes among these experiences include:
- Telepathic communication: Thoughts are directly transferred from one mind to another.
- Intuitive understanding: Individuals comprehend each other’s thoughts without needing words.
- Emotional connection: Deep emotional bonds facilitate non-verbal communication.
- Transcendence of language: Communication transcends linguistic barriers.
Researchers and theorists have proposed various explanations for these phenomena, including:
- Quantum entanglement: Connected consciousness enables non-local information exchange.
- Collective unconscious: Shared archetypes facilitate intuitive understanding.
- Consciousness beyond the brain: Non-local awareness enables telepathic communication.
These near death experience accounts were generated by Meta.AI
Some concluding thoughts:
This raises some important questions about our communication abilities, especially about how they will be used in the afterlife.
- Many people seem to feel that the only thing that’s important is what’s right here, right now, right in front of us. Nothing else matters. But what if the opposite is true? What if the thought that only the physical matters is a lie perpetrated by an evil influencer? What if all that is right here, right now, and happening in this moment, is not the most important thing in this world? Or even in the top 100 most valuable things to us in any real permanent or infinite sense?
- Some people have said that heaven will feel more like hell for those who have not prepared themselves to be there. Since so many people didn’t believe in heaven, they never asked for God’s help to be transformed, to be made clean, and be ready to come into his house, set, free, and purified by, his water and his blood. Ready for service in his eternal kingdom.
- Apparently, those who have not prepared themselves before death, will not have the time, chance, or opportunity to prepare themselves after death, according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, so people will feel that their luck has run out, when they will face a judgment that they have not been prepared for.
- It would be like today, going before a judge, with blood, on your hands, and on your clothes, and a knife, with your fingerprints in the evidence, and the exact movie screen showing you committing the murder, and everyone seeing the same screen, witnessing the same evidence, that you are guilty, and there is no other judgment, but to cast you and your body, and soul, into hell for all eternity.
If this is the case, I would hope that everyone in my life that knew about this horrific scenario would tell me beforehand and warn me about the dangers of standing before a judge guilty with no lawyer, no advocate, no savior, to forgive me for my outward rebellion towards the king of Heaven.
Also, if God is truly in my heart, and his word is living in my soul, then it should be evident that, by my words and actions, I am actively seeking to seek and save those who are lost, and dying, and without hope in this world.
Wherefore we, receiving a kingdom,
Which cannot be moved,
Let us have grace, whereby we may serve God
Acceptably with reverence and godly fear:
For our God is a consuming fire.