The One Thing … What is the One Thing the husband wants for his wife? Bet you’ll never guess. It is so simple it may escape most people.
Category: Life vs. Death
The Top 5 Reasons Your Wife Has No Interest In Sex (The REAL Story) Talk about shooting ourselves in the foot!!! How crazy is that? Why not just cut off our arm? Why not just take sickness
Doth God intervene in the affairs of men? The question of whether God intervenes in the affairs of men is a significant theme in the Bible, particularly in the context of divine sovereignty and human experience.
Can one false doctrine ruin a church? Part Three—Good Works: Are they being taught correctly?? Many anti-good works preachers quote from Ephesians 2:8–9 Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV) For by grace are ye saved through faith; And that
Can one false doctrine ruin a church? Part Two—Good Works: Are They Necessary? Can one false teaching ruin a church? You bet it can. Does God care about you and I doing the Good Works pre-ordained by God
Abel, A foreshadowing of Christ In what way does the leadership and Life of Abel in the Bible, foreshadow the Life and Leadership of Christ? To put it another way: How does the conflict between Cain and Abel
Your Life was Designed to be Eternal Is it fair to say that some people don’t have a clue about who they are? Or, where they’ve come from? Or, where they are going. Your Life was
Can one false doctrine ruin a church? Short Answer: Yes. According to Jesus, and his message to the Church at Thyatira (Revelation 2:24), even one false doctrine can cause ruin a church. I mean according to Jesus,
What is special about the name of the Father? What do we know about Him? How has the Father chosen to reveal Himself to us in His word? Why do so many men lie about God’s Testimony? Why
How many have ever partied with God? How does a heavenly party differ from a worldly party? Would it be less fun, less exciting, than partying with other men/women in a worldly way? Who would you rather invite to
The limit anyone places upon themselves is often due to the limit they place on their own Power of self examining their own strengths and weaknesses: their own areas of pride vs. humility, greed vs. generosity, lust vs purity,
Molech: The Abomination of Child Sacrifice Many modern souls today would condemn the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Phillistines, Israelites and hundreds of other religious groups that practiced Child Sacrifice. Right? But what will happen on the day of Judgement when
Strange Fire What happens when men offer unauthorized or strange fire to God? What happens when men walk in their own fire that they have lit? Behold, all ye that kindle a fire, that compass yourselves about
How to Witness: Without Getting Trapped HOW TO AVOID: Those “I Gotcha” Traps, Pits, Sticky Webs, and Snares. Ever try to share your point, and then this happens: You get … Ambushed Trapped
A Hurdle is something that You need to get over , In Order to continue on your way. Sometimes the biggest hurdles are not the things that are physically blocking our road before us, like a gigantic tree blocking the
May you have a Rewarding and Blessed Journey ahead. I pray that: You will be strengthened in your Heart, renewed in your Mind, and confident in who you ARE; sure of Where you are going; and certain on How you
CAN YOU TRUST GOD’S PERSPECTIVE? God’s Unique Heavenly Perspective is something we can trust in and rely upon. Why? Because, for one: It is unchanging , for two: It is unbiased and without prejudice. All other narratives are shifting and
They plotted to kill Jesus A list of scriptures where people plotted the death of Jesus: Early Plotting (Pre-Ministry and Early Ministry) Matthew 2:13-16 (Herod’s attempt to kill Jesus as a child) Luke 4:28-30 (Nazarenes’ attempt to throw Jesus off
How can you Worship Such a mean God? The 1 minute video clip below begs these three short questions: Do you see him? Do you know him? Do you love him? Now, if you can’t see him,
Communication Without Words And near death experiences Don’t Miss: Short Clips at the End Something to consider, when preparing for heaven: What if heaven is a place of openness and transparency, where every person’s thoughts, beliefs, and motives are
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What is the Purpose of Life? Common Sense that can Save a Nation (Ignoring it can Destroy One) What’s the Purpose of Life? From God’s Perspective. The answer is simple: to know God. And to know God’s direction, and to
Song of Deliverance In Acts 16:25-26? What Psalm did Paul and Silas Sing? My Wife just shared this Psalm with me last night, even in the midst of her heavy trials. Dear One: Thanks for sharing Psalm
The Unknown God of Mars Hill The Original, Supreme Creator, God of ALL “The One whom you worship without knowing Him, I proclaim to you” Who was: The Unknown God of Mars Hill? In Acts 17:22-34,
Shang Di The Original, Supreme Creator, God of China. Shang Di: the original ancient Chinese God, was worshiped long before the many idol gods after him. What distinguished Shang Di from the other idols/gods of China? Shang Di had
What is the Good Person test? @ If a man can admit and own the fact, that He Came from God, and is somewhere in the process of returning to God; [either for blessing & favor;
Article Coming Soon: The Will of the Father “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in ‘Land for peace’ is dead, long live ‘peace for peace’ James Sinkinson 13–17 minutes (August 30, 2020 / JNS) To bring a knife to a gunfight [definition]: “to enter into a confrontation … without being adequately equipped or
The New England Primer (with Wood Cuts) The New England primer is a fantastic tool to begin training children in the basic principles and values, and background information that the Kingdom of God is based up. It introduces
ARTICLE TO BE EDITED SOON … Learn, Grow, & Share —Bear — (Part 5) 3—Do I “Bear” [Take] the Name of the LORD in Honor or in Vain? This is a huge commitment which is often misunderstood
ARTICLE TO BE EDITED SOON … Learn, Grow, & Share —Abide — (Part 7) 5— Do I Abide in His Vine? John 15:1-27 (KJV) 1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.
ARTICLE TO BE EDITED SOON … Learn, Grow, & Share —Keep — (Part 6) 4—Do I “Keep” His Commandments? This will be a continuing theme you will encounter throughout this website, and throughout the Word of
ARTICLE TO BE EDITED SOON … Learn, Grow, and Share —Walk — (Part 4) 2—Do I “Walk” in the Ways of the Good Shepherd? Matthew 25:34-40 (KJV) Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the
ARTICLE TO BE EDITED SOON … Learn, Grow, & Share —Listen — (Part 3) 1—Do I Listen to the Voice of the Good Shepherd? They, His sheep, will refuse to follow any false shepherd. They
Learn, Grow, & Share —Minority — (Part 2) Am I in “the Majority” or “the Minority” ? This begs the question: How can you or I know for sure: That we are indeed bonafide members of the chosen “Few”?
Learn, Grow, & Share —Majority — (Part 1) Am I a Part of “the Majority?“ Sometimes it really feels good to be a part of the Majority, But … Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
What is Sex? Sex, simply put, is the Gift of Giving Life: The Gift of God, Enabling Man to Give life to Man ; A Life beyond Himself; A Life Complete & Unique; Made in the Image of
What is Death? Death, simply put, is the absence of God, the greater the absence, the greater the Death. In other words, the farther you move away from God, The farther he removes himself from you, The greater experience of
What is Life? Life, simply put, is the presence of God, the greater the presence, the greater the Life. In other words, the closer you draw near to God, The closer he draws nearer to you,
Can you please finish this sentence: It is ok to kill a baby in the womb when … 1:39 (seconds) Is rape a Good reason to have an abortion? 15K views 5 years ago Living Waters Watch this
What is Truth? Short Answer: The Truth is Eternal Reality from God’s Perspective. It is non-negotiable, unbiased, unchangeable, and forever the same. “The Truth” is not and idea in a man’s head. The Truth is not subject to man’s
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Jesus’ Message to the 7 churches “He who has an ear let him hear, what the spirit says to the churches.” — The Call to Spiritual Discernment [Repeated 7 times, in Revelation 2 & 3] “I know
One Day… I will ‘Wake Up’ and Ask this Question: Will what I do today “Really Matter”? Will Anything I Do Today ‘Really Matter?’ Will I seriously matter to Anyone Today? My Best Friend? My Family? My neighbor? My World?
Author’s retraction: Before I begin, I acknowledge that in the Living Body of Christ , there are many members. Every single member is to be directed by the Head, who is Christ Himself (and not by me or another believer).
Bible Search:. “May God do to me and more also if I don’t __________.” A common both repeated in the Scriptures (at least 11 times). Search results for: “god do so to” More than 11 verses found. 2 Samuel 3:9
Source: Miscellaneous What are the offences that required the death penalty in the OT? 2 minute read This post is also available in: हिन्दी (Hindi) The Lord instructed Moses to administer the death penalty for at least sixteen capital crimes
Word Search: rains fire down Psalm 11:6 On the wicked He will rain down fiery coals and sulfur… Psalm 18:12 From the brightness of His presence His clouds advanced–hailstones and coals of … Luke 17:29 But on the