Celebrities Mock Christ Why not mock: Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Shiva, Zeus, Athena, Satanism, Daoism, Atheism? Why do they want & need mock Christ? Why must they blaspheme the Name of Christ? (Part 6) Why is there such a
Category: Atheism
He Mocked God: Then, this Happened. (Part 4) After mocking God in Brandan Robertson’s sermon, he gets interrupted by a lightning strike. The lights and sound system go out. Divine warning or dumb accident–immediately the speaker claims
Church Mocked God’s Values: Then, this Happened. It was … Hit by Lightning & Burned down. (Part 5) Promoting the LGBTQ AGENDA (Mocking God), The First Congregational Church of Spencer, Massachusetts GETS hit by Lightning and burns down.
She Mocked God: Then, Lady Gaga Suffers Concussion (Part 3) After mocking God: Lady GAGA Gets hit by pole during concert: While mocking God with the praise song to Judas Iscariot–the betrayer of Jesus. Divine warning or
She Mocked God: Then, She Fractured Her Skull (Part 2) After mocking God: Comedian collapses on stage and fractures her skull. Divine merciful warning, or disassociated coincidence? Heather McDonald, a comedian (former “Chelsea Lately” star), had a terrifying
He Mocked God: Then, Got Crushed by a Sign (Part 1) . Incident Involving an Indian Man and a Falling LED Wall On December 16, 2023, a tragic incident occurred during a live event in India where an
Here’s a list of scriptures that highlight God’s role in creation and humanity’s connection to Him: Creation and God’s Image Creation Witnesses to God’s Creativity Humanity’s Connection to God Additional Scriptures May these scriptures inspire and remind you of God’s
How many have ever partied with God? How does a heavenly party differ from a worldly party? Would it be less fun, less exciting, than partying with other men/women in a worldly way? Who would you rather invite to
May you have a Rewarding and Blessed Journey ahead. I pray that: You will be strengthened in your Heart, renewed in your Mind, and confident in who you ARE; sure of Where you are going; and certain on How you
The Miracle of Sight How an Atheist Scientist Saw 1 Thing That Changed His Life Perspective: Don’t miss: The Final Challenge, and The Concluding Statement, at the End. Can you imagine? How many of the
How can you Worship Such a mean God? The 1 minute video clip below begs these three short questions: Do you see him? Do you know him? Do you love him? Now, if you can’t see him,
Where do I come from? @ Where do you and I come from? is an easy question to answer, when certain false assumptions (lies) are exposed and removed from one’s own faulty education. I personally,
Apologetics 9:21 minutes
Can you please finish this sentence: It is ok to kill a baby in the womb when … 1:39 (seconds) Is rape a Good reason to have an abortion? 15K views 5 years ago Living Waters Watch this
Is God’s Perspective Higher than Man’s? This is no easy way to answer this question. To truly know for oneself, one must do one’s own personal, full, deep, pervasive investigation, and exploration of the subject. Cherry picking a couple
Source: allaboutgod.net Unconditional love – (truthaccordingtoscripture.com) Posted by thewatchman on June 23, 2017 at 9:08pm in Uncategorized View Discussions 12–16 minutes Note: The term “unconditional love” is not found in Scripture; none of the church fathers ever used
mindmatters.ai If DNA Is a Language, Who Is the Speaker? News 9-11 minutes In a talk at the Dallas Conference on Science and Faith (2021), philosopher Steve Meyer looked at the question of whether a multiverse, as in Multiverse of
creation.com (use link for full resources on the article below) Origin of life – creation.com by Don Batten 52-66 minutes An explanation of what is needed for abiogenesis (or biopoiesis) Last amended 8 November 2021. Introduction The origin of life
Who were the Founding Fathers of Atheism? Were they reliable, stalwart, remarkable, trustworthy, stable individuals? See for yourself … Below is the foundation, and often overlooked, incognito, history of Atheism. Source: ScienceWatch : The insane beginnings
Is There Evidence of a Global Flood? with Dr. Georgia Purdom Answers in Genesis This presentation will equip you with biblical and scientific answers that show that the Genesis account of the Ark and Flood are … Major Flood Evidences |
The Lasting Legacy Of The Lord Source: https://www.seedsofhopedailydevotionals.com/2022/03/the-lasting-legcy-of-lord.html Voltaire, a famous French philosopher, was also a brilliant atheist. He wrote many articles deriding the Bible. On one occasion he declared, “One hundred years from today the Bible will be a
Excerpts below from: apologeticspress.org [Click link for full article] Secular Humanism and Evolution – Apologetics Press Caleb Colley, Ph.D. DOES SECULAR HUMANISM MEET ITS OWN STANDARDS? First, consider whether evolution provides philosophical grounds for adequate social goals. A social goal
A Warning about Deep Darkness Men are Promoting. Opening the gates of hell. Could this be the work of man working in cooperation with devils? Is this: The New Age of Demonic Witchcraft combined with Demonic Technology? … where will