• What is special about the name of the Father?
  • What do we know about Him?
  • How has the Father chosen to reveal Himself to us in His word?

Why do so many men
lie about God’s testimony 


Why do so many men try to dissuade other men not to believe the Bible is the word of God?

What a profound and complex question!

There are many possible reasons why some men (and women) might lie about or dissuade others from believing in God’s testimony or the Bible as the word of God. Here are some potential explanations:

Personal experiences and perspectives:

  1. Trauma or negative experiences: Some individuals may have had negative experiences with organized religion, church leaders, or self-proclaimed “men of God,” leading them to question or reject the faith.
  2. Lack of understanding or exposure: Without proper education or exposure to the Bible and its teachings, people may misinterpret or misunderstand its message.
  3. Personal biases and agendas: Individuals may hold biases or have agendas that conflict with the teachings of the Bible, leading them to dismiss or distort its message.

Philosophical and intellectual objections:

  1. Scientism and naturalism: Some people may prioritize scientific explanations over spiritual or supernatural ones, leading them to reject the Bible’s accounts of miracles or divine intervention.
  2. Rationalism and skepticism: Critical thinking and skepticism can lead individuals to question the authority and accuracy of the Bible.
  3. Existentialism and humanism: Some philosophies emphasize human autonomy and self-determination, potentially leading individuals to reject divine authority.

Cultural and societal influences:

  1. Secularism and pluralism: The increasing diversity of societies can lead to a decline in traditional religious affiliations and a rise in secular or pluralistic worldviews.
  2. Social pressure and conformity: Individuals may conform to prevailing social norms or intellectual trends that dismiss or downplay religious beliefs.
  3. Media and popular culture: The media and popular culture often portray religion, particularly Christianity, in a negative or satirical light.

Spiritual and biblical perspectives:

  1. Satanic influence: The Bible teaches that Satan, the adversary of God, seeks to deceive and lead people away from the truth (1 Peter 5:8, 2 Corinthians 4:4).
  2. Human nature: The Bible also teaches that human hearts can be hardened or deceived, leading people to reject God’s message (Romans 1:18-32, 2 Timothy 4:3-4).
  3. Testing and refining faith: The Bible encourages believers to test their faith and refine their understanding, which can involve confronting and overcoming objections (1 Peter 1:6-7, Hebrews 11:1).

It’s essential to remember that these factors can interact and influence one another in complex ways. Not everyone who disagrees with or critiques the Bible fits neatly into these categories.

How to respond:

  1. Pray and seek wisdom: Ask God for guidance and understanding.
  2. Engage in respectful dialogue: Listen to others’ perspectives and share your own in a respectful, compassionate manner.
  3. Seek common ground: Focus on shared values and principles.
  4. Study and deepen your faith: Continuously learn and grow in your understanding of the Bible and its teachings.

Remember, faith is a personal journey, and people’s perspectives on God and the Bible will vary. By responding with empathy, understanding, and a willingness to engage, you can help create a more constructive and respectful conversation.


Revelation 21:7-8 (KJV)

7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things;

and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers,

and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters,

and all liars,

shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone:

which is the second death.





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