In just two verses: Jesus lays out the most important decision in the life of every human being. His illustration is simple enough for a child to fully understand, but the implications of his message go deeper than the greatest theologian to explain. In short, Jesus is explaining an experience. But without the necessary conditions in place, it could be like trying to explain ice cream, or snow skiing, to a camel trader, in the middle of Sahara desert, in the first century.


The Narrow Road

The “Narrow Road” or “Narrow Gate” is a significant teaching of Jesus Christ found in the Book of Matthew, chapter 7, verses 13-14. 


  • Two Paths: Jesus presents two contrasting paths: the broad road and the narrow road. These paths symbolize two fundamental life choices: a life centered on God or a life centered on self.
  • The Broad Road: Represents a life focused on worldly desires, self-interest and sin. This path is attractive and easy, leading to destruction (eternal separation from God).
  • The Narrow Gate: Symbolizes a life of faith, obedience and self-denial. This path is challenging and less appealing but leads to eternal life.
  • Many vs. Few: Jesus emphasizes that many will choose the broad road, while only a few will find the narrow road. This contrast highlights the urgency of making the right choice.

Key Principles

  • Exclusivity: Jesus teaches that there’s only one way to eternal life – through Him (John 14:6). The narrow gate represents this exclusive path.
  • Difficulty: The narrow road is challenging, requiring self-denial, repentance and faith.
  • Discernment: Jesus encourages discernment, urging listeners to evaluate their choices and their consequences.
  • Urgency: The contrast between “many” and “few” emphasizes the importance of making the right decision.

Practical Application

  • Self-Reflection: Evaluate your priorities, values and actions. Are you on the narrow or broad road?
  • Repentance: Recognize sin and repent, turning to God.
  • Faith: Trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
  • Obedience: Follow Jesus’ teachings and example.
  • Perseverance: Stay committed to the narrow road, despite challenges.



The Narrow Road teaching emphasizes the significance of choice in our spiritual journey. Jesus calls us to:
  • Recognize the two paths
  • Choose the narrow gate
  • Live a life of faith, obedience and self-denial
  • Persevere on the narrow road
By embracing these principles, we ensure our journey leads to eternal life.

What is God’s design? What are the natural or rather supernatural outcomes of following God’s design? It takes a rare person to see life from God’s perspective, and then to see and walk along the narrow road.

It takes an even rarer person who lay down his life for the Gospel, and will begin to apply all of God’s promises, and all of God’s warnings, and all of God’s commandments and principles to his own life, so that he can be a fruitful vine, in the vineyard of the Lord.
Below is one such individual who put his whole life on the line, and the results of his working in God’s Vineyard changed the fabric of a nation, by changing the spiritual perspective, in the cities where he preached an uncompromising, un-deluded, undiluted, undeniable gospel.
Jesus said you can tell a tree by its fruits. And the fruits of this man’s ministry speak for themselves in the changed lives that it produced.

Let’s dive deeper into the teaching of the Narrow Road.

Additional Insights

The Narrow Gate and the Kingdom of Heaven

  • The narrow gate represents entry into the Kingdom of Heaven, which is a central theme in Jesus’ teachings.
  • Jesus emphasizes that entering the Kingdom requires a deliberate choice, effort and commitment.

Characteristics of the Narrow Road

  • Self-denial: Jesus teaches that following Him requires denying oneself (Matthew 16:24).
  • Humility: Recognizing one’s sinfulness and need for God.
  • Faith: Trusting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
  • Obedience: Following Jesus’ teachings and example.
  • Perseverance: Continuing on the narrow road despite challenges and hardships.

Dangers of the Broad Road

  • Deception: The broad road appears attractive and easy but leads to destruction.
  • Conformity: Following the crowd, rather than standing out for God.
  • Temporal focus: Prioritizing worldly desires over eternal life.
  • Spiritual complacency: Assuming salvation without genuine faith.

Biblical Support

  • Matthew 10:38-39: Jesus teaches that following Him requires taking up one’s cross.
  • Luke 13:24: Jesus emphasizes striving to enter the narrow gate.
  • Romans 8:1-2: Paul writes about walking according to the Spirit, not the flesh.
  • 1 Peter 4:1-2: Peter encourages living for God’s will, not human desires.

Practical Steps

  • Assess priorities: Evaluate your values and actions.
  • Seek guidance: Study Scripture and consult spiritual leaders.
  • Repent and commit: Turn from sin and follow Jesus.
  • Join a community: Connect with believers for support and encouragement.
  • Persevere: Stay committed through trials and challenges.

Overcoming Obstacles

  • Fear and doubt: Trust God’s sovereignty and promises.
  • Pride and self-reliance: Recognize your need for God.
  • Worldly distractions: Focus on eternal priorities.
  • Spiritual attacks: Resist Satan’s temptations with Scripture.


Embracing the Narrow Road teaching requires:
  • Understanding the exclusive nature of salvation through Jesus.
  • Recognizing the challenges and rewards of following Jesus.
  • Making deliberate choices to deny self and follow God.
  • Persevering through trials and hardships.

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