The “Minor Prophets” describes: The last 12 books of the Old Testament (in the protestant format that most modern Bibles follow). These books are considered “minor” not because they are less important, but because they are shorter than the “Major Prophets” (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel). Here’s a brief summary of each:



Below are the 12 books in biblical order with a brief description and the date of their influence:

1. Hosea
: God’s love and mercy despite Israel’s infidelity (750-725 BC)
2. Joel: Call to repentance and promise of restoration (500-400 BC)
3. Amos: Social justice, condemnation of idolatry, and coming judgment (750-725 BC)
4. Obadiah: Judgment on Edom and restoration of Israel (586-500 BC)
5. Jonah: God’s mercy on Nineveh and call to repentance (650-600 BC)
6. Micah: Condemnation of injustice, promise of restoration, and birth of Jesus (750-680 BC)
7. Nahum: Judgment on Nineveh and comfort for Judah (650-620 BC)
8. Habakkuk: Faith and trust in God’s sovereignty (600-550 BC)
9. Zephaniah: Call to repentance and warning of judgment (627-623 BC)
10. Haggai: Encouragement to rebuild the Temple (520 BC)
11. Zechariah: Restoration of Jerusalem, Messiah’s coming, and final victory (520-480 BC)
12. Malachi: Call to repentance, warning of judgment, and promise of Elijah’s return (450-400 BC)
These prophets spoke God’s words to Israel during times of crisis, emphasizing themes like:
  • Repentance and faithfulness
  • Social justice and righteousness
  • God’s sovereignty and mercy
  • Coming judgment and restoration
  • The promise of a Messiah


Below is a brief overview of the entire Old Testament. It is very well done.










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