LaShon HaRa = The Evil Tongue

  • “LaShon HaRa kills three people:
    1. the speaker,
    2. the listener, and
    3. the person spoken about.”
LaShon HaRa (also spelled Lashon Hara) is a Hebrew term that refers to the prohibition against spreading harmful or derogatory information about others, whether true or false.
LaShon HaRa (לשון הרע) is a Hebrew term that means “the evil tongue” or “gossip.” (slander, backbiting, whispering, implacable, divisive).
 In Jewish tradition, LaShon HaRa is considered a serious sin, as it can cause harm to individuals, damage relationships, and destroy communities.

Torah teachings:

  • Leviticus 19:16 – “You shall not go about as a talebearer among your people.”
  • Exodus 23:1 – “Do not spread false reports.”
  • Deuteronomy 19:16-19 – Punishment for false witnesses.
Talmudic teachings:
  • Talmud, Arachin 15b – “One who speaks LaShon HaRa is considered as if he denied the existence of God.”
  • Talmud, Yoma 4b – “The tongue is a small organ, but it can kill.”
  • Talmud, Bava Batra 164b –
“LaShon HaRa kills three people:
      1. the speaker,
      2. the listener, and
      3. the person spoken about.”


  • Speaking negatively about others, even if true.
  • Spreading rumors or unsubstantiated information.
  • Sharing confidential information.
  • Engaging in gossip or slander.


  • Damages relationships and reputations.
  • Causes emotional pain and distress.
  • Leads to conflict and strife.
  • Erodes trust and unity.
Repentance and prevention:
  • Guard your tongue and thoughts.
  • Speak positively and kindly.
  • Refrain from gossip and rumors.
  • Seek forgiveness from those harmed.
  • Cultivate empathy and understanding.
Related concepts:
  • Motzi Shem Ra (spreading false information).
  • Rechilut (talebearing).
  • Avak Lashon HaRa (hinting at negative information).
  • Chofetz Chaim (Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan).
  • Sefer Chofetz Chaim (The Book of the Wise Tongue).
  • Jewish Ethics and Law.

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