It’s probably not what you think:

The Faith of Unbelief

Example: Thomas Jefferson


We are going to see: Two sides of the Coin of Unbelief.

  • One side of the coin says: “There are no miracles today,” and then tries to prove that, by pointing to all the false  teachers, fake healers, and snake oil salesman, parading as Bible teachers.
  • The other side of the coin says: “Come to me to get your miracle: If you only have enough faith; and if only you enough seed (the money, which you will give to me) then you can have your miracle.”


Neither of these two viewpoints or belief systems bring Glory, nor Honor, nor do Justice to the Word of God.


Let’s start with one stark example of Unbelief coming from one of the Founding Fathers of our country (the United States of America): Thomas Jefferson. 


I asked this question of Meta.AI:

Did Thomas Jefferson use his scissors
to cut out the supernatural events from his Bible?

Yes, Thomas Jefferson did remove sections related to the supernatural and miracles from his Bible, but he used a razor rather than scissors.

  • Jefferson created his own edited version of the Bible, known as “The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth,” between 1816 and 1820. He aimed to distill the moral teachings of Jesus, removing elements he considered supernatural or irrational. This included miracles, healing, and the resurrection.
  • Jefferson’s actions reflected his views as a Deist, emphasizing reason and natural law over divine intervention. His edited Bible focused on Jesus’ moral teachings and ethical principles.

Would you like more information on Thomas Jefferson’s views or his edited Bible?

Yes, I replied.

Thomas Jefferson’s edited Bible, “The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth,” offers insights into his philosophical and theological perspectives. Here are some key aspects:


  1. Deism: Jefferson believed in a rational, non-interventionist God, emphasizing natural law and reason.
  2. Separation of church and state: He sought to promote a moral foundation for society without relying on religious dogma.
  3. Historical Jesus: Jefferson aimed to uncover the historical Jesus, untainted by what he saw as superstitions.


  1. Cutting out sections: Jefferson used a razor to remove passages related to miracles, healings, and resurrection.
  2. Focusing on moral teachings: He preserved Jesus’ ethical principles, parables, and teachings.

Key removals:

  1. Virgin birth
  2. Miracles (e.g., turning water into wine, walking on water)
  3. Resurrection
  4. Healing stories
  5. Supernatural events (e.g., angels, demons)


  1. Jesus’ teachings on love, compassion, and forgiveness
  2. The Golden Rule
  3. Parables (e.g., Prodigal Son, Good Samaritan)
  4. Jesus’ conversations with disciples


  1. Jefferson’s Bible reflects his commitment to reason and Enlightenment values.
  2. It highlights tensions between faith and rational inquiry.
  3. His edited Bible has sparked debates on Jesus’ historical significance.

Interesting facts:

  1. Jefferson’s edited Bible was not publicly known until 1895, long after his death.
  2. He created two versions: the first in 1816 (in English) and a second in 1820 (in Greek, Latin, and English).
  3. The Jefferson Bible is now housed at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History.




Now here comes the question:

How many modern Bible:

  1. Teachers,
  2. Evangelists,
  3. Pastors,
  4. Prophets, and
  5. Apostles,

Do the same things essentially as Thomas Jefferson did, only with more subtlety, and finesse?

Note: the five fold ministry offices listed above are the Bible ordained ministry offices defined in the word of God. Some Bible teachers and modern theologians want to erase two of the five biblically ordained ministry offices. Similarly, many Bible teachers want to erase several of the gifts of the spirit outlined by God in the biblical text. Why do that? Many claim to have biblical reasons for removing both gods ordained offices and gods ordained gifts, and gods ordained wisdom, but does this wisdom come from above?  

It is the viewpoint of the writer of this article that, anyone erasing offices, and gifts and promises given by God: is not using God’s wisdom, nor following God’s plan.

But rather, adopting the wisdom of man, and the anti-faith of men. For whatever reason: they have decided to limit God to be contained, and restrained within their own human made boxes.

But when we look closely at the testimony of God from Genesis to Revelation, all those who shrink God into man-made boxes are not the ones who become heroes of faith, and examples that God approves, but rather the opposite.

Yes, we do need to have discernment. But no. We do not need to put God in the box.

For without faith, it is impossible to please God.

It is the viewpoint of the writer here, that anti-faith faith, never was, never will be, and is not now, the kind of faith that brings glory to God. Both those in the Old Testament, and those in the New Testament, who walk before God, as heroes of faith, believed in God’s miraculous authority, power, ability, and by their precious faith, they saw God’s mighty hand perform wonders among them.

What does Jesus say about those who remove parts of the Bible from God’s word?



Matthew 5:17-20 (KJV)

17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

How can a genuine believer in the word of God, not have the fear of God, and not tremble before God before removing portions of the word of God from his Bible? 


Revelation 22:18-19 (KJV)

18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

Let us all be careful to carry the Fear of God and not promote teachings of men that delete or dilute the Word of God, in either faith or practice of God’s Word.

There is a whole ‘nother side to this story and problem.

Yes, there is a whole milieu of false Bible teachers, promoting: fake faith, fake healing huskers, and fake snake oils salesman. We cannot deny that. 


But how can the proper response be ANTI-FAITH TEACHING?

Should we: DENY THE VERY WORD OF God, to correct, the false teachings and practices of others? How on earth could that in any way be honoring to God?

Here’s more food for thought: if indeed, there are fake teachers,  promoting, fake healings, and false faith teachings, doesn’t it stand to reason that there are true teachers, who promote true teaching, and walk in true healings, and experience true miracles–just as the Bible declares, they will, promises they will, if they act in faith? But if the faith group does the ministry to promote themselves, and not for the glory of God then such a ministry will be in opposition to the word of God, so that in the end it will also prove to be fake, unless it’s six only to honor God, and all of its ways.

You may have noticed I listed the five fold ministry offices above, including the two many believe have passed away.

But I’ll have to address that issue in another post.






What will happen to hypocrites who claim Christianity as their religion, but don’t follow, nor obey, the truth of the gospel?



What do you become part of when you believe and obey the gospel of Jesus Christ?




What is the true reason that people reject the gospel of Jesus Christ?



What is one thing that will hinder you, and destroy your faith in Jesus Christ?


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