A hurdle is something that you need to get over,
in order to continue on your way.

Sometimes the biggest hurdles are not the things that physically are blocking our road before us, like a gigantic tree blocking the highway. More often our hurdles are internal and often unseen to others, but perfectly visible to God. These are often the most crucial hurdles we need to overcome.

7 Hurdles that hinder Us: from Answering Life’s Toughest Questions

God’s knowledge, God’s questions, and God’s wisdom, have been provided by God for the benefit of man. But there’s only one problem: the average man is completely ill equipped to understand, receive, or believe in God’s abundance of heavenly wisdom. Why is that?

The answer to that question is simple. Men have a mental disease. Man thinks he is wiser than God. Man thinks he knows more than God. Men believe and trust in their own false ideas, and false instincts they carry around inside of themselves, that actually oppose God. Why is that?

The answer to that question has been completely laid out from: 1) the very beginning, to 2) where we are today, and to 3) the very end. But men still refuse to receive, and believe God’s information, because of the mental disorder that blocks them from SEEING LIFE from God’s unique and eternal perspective. This mental disease is sometimes called SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS, among other titles.

Apparently, this disease is a rather sticky, persistent, pervasive and invasive sickness. It touches every area of a man’s thoughts, feelings, desires, and worldview. And sadly, this disease is highly contagious and self replicating. It deeply affects and infects the mind, the heart, and the will of a man.

There is only one cure for this disease, but men reject the cure, because they have become spiritually blind to the fact that they have the disease. In order to overcome the disease each, and every single man, woman, and child must overcome the following 7 hurdles, in order to obtain God’s, unique eternal perspective.

Without a man’s sincere, earnest, and diligent personal work in attacking the fatal disease residing in his own mind, and heart, and soul, he can make no real progress in being set free from the disease he has inherited from those around him.

Before a man can be set free from his disease, he must recognize in a spirit of humility, that he has the disease. He also must acknowledge and see the damage that disease has done, not only to himself, but to all those around him. Before he himself will be able to deal with the disease, he must acknowledge, that his own mind, and those around him have been infected. They have been ravaged an pillaged: and have been mentally, physically, and spiritually severely degraded. Until such a man comes to the point of acknowledging this, there is no real way to help such a man overcome his disease, because his own foolishness will keep it locked up in his own mind, will, heart, body and soul. That is the nature of the beast:

“But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” 1 Corinthians 2:14

Only the one who truly wants to be set free from hisown disease of spiritual blindness and eternal death, will continue their journey to uncover their own sickness, and apply the prescriptions ordained from the beginning of time, by the only one true trustworthy physician that can cure his disease.

If that is you, I pray, you will pay careful attention to reading and discerning, the seven hurdles and God’s prescriptions on how to overcome them. And may you be reconnected in your soul to the one who created you for his purposes, that you may experience all of his blessings, and receive all the treasures, and all the inheritance, he has prepared for you from the beginning of time, until the end of this age. Amen.

Keep reading: 7 Hurdles, for a great story and new outlook on LIFE!


7 Hurdles that Block Us from Seeing …

AND BEING ALL that God has called us to see and be.

7 Hurdles: An Introduction
These hurdles can block our eyes, and poison our hearts, if we’re not careful.

The next 3 Hurdles deal specifically with 3 spiritual blockages in the heart, mind, soul/spirit of the man or woman, who does not have, nor walk in agreement with the Holy Spirit (a.k.a., The Holy Ghost) of God.

As we can clearly see below: The Word of God gives an airtight reason why an unspiritual man, cannot discern “the things of the Spirit of God.” He does not understand the things of the Spirit of God, because He does not have the Spirit of God living inside of him to Help him understand. So in essence, the unspiritual man thinks those things of the Spirit are not valuable at all, because they appear as foolishness to him. Therefore, his natural response is to smirk, mock, scoff, ridicule, dishonor or simply disregard anything regarding the Things of the Spirit of God.

These are the very things Jesus says, are being hidden from the wise and prudent. But thankfully, these are the very things that are revealed onto babes, and that is what Jesus calls, “good and thy sight”

This subject will hopefully become more clear as you seek to see from God’s Perspective why certain men, have been barred from having understanding.

In essence such men will: See no Evil, Hear no Evil, and Speak no Evil. Simply because it is all beyond their reach.

Have you ever heard a young man say to you: “It’s ALL GOOD!” Such a person would be a good candidate, to investigate exactly why it is not all good. but in order to do that such a person will need to address the 3 next Hurdles that need to be overcome, in order to realize in the depths of his soul that: “NO, IT IS NOT ALL GOOD, AT ALL.” Not even close.

I can share this information confidently, because I know, I was that person, at one time. And chances are good that you have been that person, or currently are that person this very minute. If so, these hurdles are for you to overcome … and Godspeed to you.

Why is this information on the 7 Hurdles so important–in a nutshell?
——What does it really matter if I see Life from God’s Perspective?
——Who really cares about this anyway?

What happens when men choose to delete God’s Heavenly Perspective from their lives and from their Society. (Isaiah 5:20)

  • Men will lose their moral compass. Just like they have done so today. (Proverbs 26:1) What happens next? (Romans 1:21)
  • Men will sear (burn/harden) their own Social Consciousness as with a “hot iron”. (1 Timothy 4:2) What happens next?
  • Man’s wisdom will become foolishness. 1 (Romans 1:22) What happens next?
  • Men will become morally depraved. (Romans 1:28) What happens next?
  • Men will act ethically, emotionally, socially and spiritually stupid. (2 Timothy 3:2-4) What happens next?
  • Men will behave more like animals (), than Human Beings created in the Image of God. What happens next?
  • Men will Worship Idols. (Romans 1:23) Men who stop serving God, will start serving devils. and ideologies of men and devils. What happens next?
  • Men will Believe Liars; and Hate Truth Speakers. (John 3:20) Men will hate the Truth, and attack those who speak the Truth. (Matthew 21:35) What happens next?
  • Men will enter into a Covenant of Death (Isaiah 28:15–18; ) and will despise God’s Covenant of Life.
  • God will send His Ultimate Judgment, just as He has promised. (2 Peter 3:9-12)

How can we know God will follow through with His Promised Judgments?

How can we be sure? Because what God has done in the past, is just a precursor, and a perfect warning to us, about what God will do in the near future. At one time God cleansed the entire earth with water from heaven (Genesis chapters 6 through 9). At one time God cleansed two Nations from the face of the Earth (two City-States) with Fire from heaven (Genesis chapters 18 and 19).

Those who ignorantly ignored God’s Clear and Devastating Warnings in the past: Set themselves up to be Judged by God in the future. This is a continual pattern that repeats itself over and over again throughout History. Anyone who chooses to open their eyes to God’s Heaven Sent Word will see it clearly. Those who ignore it will never see it, until it is too late.

How can we avoid God’s Promised Judgments? By humbling ourselves first, and then begin seeking to See God’s Creation and our own Lives through God’s Eternal and Heavenly Perspective. If we don’t seek this, guess what? We won’t find it.

Mark this Down: All of human history records our own patterns of death. This is undeniable. From the very beginning to this very hour: Men historically and repeatedly break their moral compass. They cast off their duty to do good, and to fight evil. Instead, they choose to Fight Good, and Do Evil.

Therefore, in the hand’s of men, Goodness Dies; and Evil Thrives.

When Men choose to snuff out their own Light–Darkness Prevails. (Matthew 5:13–16) Then men turn around and blame God for all the evil, they have planned and executed, in their own rebellion towards God. (Acts 4:25–26; Psalm 2:1-2)

But guess what? God is not fooled by man’s duplicity, nor by man’s stupidity, nor by man’s puffed up self righteous self justifications–Nor by man’s fake religion. Very soon a day is coming: when each and every man and woman, from the lowest to the highest will: 1) All stand before God, and 2) Give an account of what they have done with their God given gifts, talents, time, space, and resources that God has given them: to DO GOOD, and to FIGHT EVIL. (See Matthew 25:14 – 46)


~Hebrews 9:27 (KJV)

What will happen: On the Day that Matters Most?

We will hear one of two proclamations that will define our eternal future:

  1. “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” (Matthew 25:21) “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” (Matthew 25:34)
  2. Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was hungry, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.(Matthew 25:41-43)

In case #1) You see men and women actively, and willingly participating with God in Building the Kingdom of God, actively giving their time, and talents to the proclamation of the Kingdom of God, and becoming fruitful Laborers and Servants in His Heavenly Kingdom (John 15:16) much like Jesus and his apostles spoke and taught and exampled for us to follow in their footsteps. They are the sheep of his pasture. His sheep are not of this world, even as Jesus is not of this world. (John 8:23-24)

In case #2) You see men and women who have deceived themselves into believing that they were just fine in their own estimation. Not realizing that they had a chance to see the world through God’s own heavenly perspective, and they had a choice to make: to walk in God’s will, according to God’s ways, but instead they chose to play games with God, do their own thing, according to their own mindset, and the mindset of the world around them.

The difference between the two groups is this: Group #1, distinctively decided to repent of their sins (Matthew 21:31–32). Group #2, distinctively decided to continue in their sins and forfeit their destiny in God (Matthew 16:26-27).

The Good News is: We can all have a Champion on our side on the Day of Judgment. He can be our Advocate, our Perfect Heavenly Defense Lawyer. If we truly Make Him our LORD in the Life, He will surely be our LORD in the next Life.

Jesus is ready and willing to take up our legal case. If you let Him: He will be able to go before the Father and say:

Before we can gain back Heaven’s Wisdom (that has been lost) in order to effectively answer Life’s Toughest Questions, it would be beneficial to address all 7 common reasons the average person is blocked from being able to answer these questions–adequately and effectively.

The importance and value of addressing these blockages cannot be overestimated. The failure to see, hear, understand, and live in the benefits of God’s Eternal Perspective, affect not only the temporary present, but even more so Our Eternal Future.

Therefore, in order to not be, Penny Wise and Pound Foolish: It is essential that we address these Hurdles Head-On.

Our primary reason and motivation to overcome these seven hurdles should clearly be to improve: Our Overall Quality of Life, and the Quality of Life affecting everyone we know and love, for now and for eternity.

Heaven is a place Where there is No Sickness: No mental, emotional, physical, nor spiritual sickness will abide in God’s Presence. No wars, no death, no lies, no fake pursuits, no fake evil lifestyles, no selfish plans, no controlling, manipulative nor self exalting people will enter into His Humble Heavenly Healing Home.

No jealousy, anger, lust or greed, hatred or rebellion, violence or depression, frustration or futility, nor injustice shall exist in God’s Presence. There is a place reserved for all these things, and those who cling to such things, that produce such poisoned fruits. But, that place is far from the presence of God.

All those who cling to such things we be sent away from God’s Presence, by their own choices, made hear on earth. Today, We are living in the Great Valley of Decision (Joel 3:12-14). Tomorrow it will be too late to change our minds. More on this subject later.


The sooner we deal with our blockages and jump over our hurdles, the sooner we put ourselves on the pathway to Seeing God, and God’s Kingdom from God’s Heavenly and Eternal Perspective, the sooner we can “be about our Father’s business,” (Luke 2:49-50) helping others to wake up now, before a future nightmare, becomes a living reality, that will never end.

That, by the way, is probably the most loving, caring, thoughtful, and courageous thing one man can do for another man–Help a Man See His Life from God’s Eternal Perspective. May this website, help every soul get a jump start in that good direction. Amen!

By Dealing with our own blockages, we can assist others in their dealing with their own blockages on the roadway of Life, leading us to the Light.
(2 Corinthians 1:3-5)

This walk will bear fruit today, tomorrow, and forever. You will clearly see those who are on this path, even if you yourself are walking in the dark, because their light will shine even in the Darkness. (Matthew 5:14-16). And their fruits will declare who they are, what they are doing, and why they are doing it, and that will reflect the goodness and glory of the One who is leading them.
(Luke 6:43-45)

Below is One Modern Day Example of One Man Overcoming His Hurdles:

Truth in Action: Nick_Vujicic

If anyone wants what Nick has, he or she must follow that path ordained by God that Nick followed (Matthew 7:13-14)


A man without legs or arms:

This Man’s Life and Faith, stand as a challenge to all who will hear his story, and learn the wisdom he himself has received.

Now here is the question for you and I: Could Nick have become the man he is today without Answering Life’s Toughest Questions with God’s Love, Grace, Truth, Wisdom, Mercy, and Power? Could he have done this work as a cynical, bitter, resentful, spiritually dead atheist?

Personally, I do not think that would have been possible. What do you think?


“According to Vujicic’s autobiography, his mother refused to see him or hold him immediately after his birth; instead, she and her husband left the hospital. He was bullied at school because of his medical condition. At one point, Vujicic attempted to commit suicide by drowning himself in a bathtub, but he was saved.[10] While Vujicic’s parents initially struggled with grief and confusion about his condition, they “raised him to look at the bright side of life”.[8]

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Vujicic

7 Hurdles that We Shall Overcome
(If We continue to Abide in Christ, and in the Vine …)

The next 3 Hurdles deal specifically with 3 spiritual blockages in the heart, mind, soul/spirit of the man or woman, who does not have, nor walk in agreement with the Holy Spirit (a.k.a., The Holy Ghost) of God.

Caution: The Longer we Resist the Spirit of God, the further we can expect to drift away from God and His Spirit and His Kingdom and His Eternal Life. This is cause for alarm when we consider, the plight of the Goats in Matthew 25:31-46.

As we can clearly see below: The Word of God gives us an airtight reason why an unspiritual man, cannot discern “the things of the Spirit of God.” He does not understand the things of the Spirit of God, because He does not have the Spirit of God living inside of him to Help him understand. So in essence, the unspiritual man thinks those things of the Spirit are not valuable at all, because they appear as foolishness to him. Therefore, his natural response is to smirk, mock, scoff, ridicule, dishonor, shrink away from, or simply disregard anything regarding the Things of the Spirit of God.

Remember: Those are the “These Things” The Father, has hidden from the Wise and Prudent, but has revealed “these things” unto babes, for so this was pleasing and Good in God’s Sight.

This subject will hopefully become more clear as you seek to see from God’s Perspective why certain men, have been barred from having understanding.

In essence such men will: See no Evil, Hear no Evil, and Speak no Evil. Simply because it is all beyond their reach.

Have you ever heard a young man say to you: “It’s ALL GOOD!” That one would be a good candidate, for one or more of the 3 following Hurdles that need to be overcome, in order to realize in the depths of his soul that: “NO, IT IS NOT ALL GOOD, AT ALL.” Not even close.

I can share this information confidently, because I know, I was that person, at one time. And chances are good that you have been that person, or currently are that person this very minute. If so, these hurdles are for you to overcome … and Godspeed to you.

Why is this information on the 7 Hurdles so important–in a nutshell?
——What does it really matter if I see Life from God’s Perspective?
——Who really cares about this anyway?

What happens when men choose to delete God’s Heavenly Perspective from their lives and from their Society. (Isaiah 5:20)

  • Men will lose their moral compass. Just like they have done so today. (Proverbs 26:1) What happens next? (Romans 1:21)
  • Men will sear (burn/harden) their own Social Consciousness as with a “hot iron”. (1 Timothy 4:2) What happens next?
  • Man’s wisdom will become foolishness. 1 (Romans 1:22) What happens next?
  • Men will become morally depraved. (Romans 1:28) What happens next?
  • Men will act ethically, emotionally, socially and spiritually stupid. (2 Timothy 3:2-4) What happens next?
  • Men will behave more like animals (), than Human Beings created in the Image of God. What happens next?
  • Men will Worship Idols. (Romans 1:23) Men who stop serving God, will start serving devils. and ideologies of men and devils. What happens next?
  • Men will Believe Liars; and Hate Truth Speakers. (John 3:20) Men will hate the Truth, and attack those who speak the Truth. (Matthew 21:35) What happens next?
  • Men will enter into a Covenant of Death (Isaiah 28:15–18; ) and will despise God’s Covenant of Life.
  • God will send His Ultimate Judgment, just as He has promised. (2 Peter 3:9-12)

How can we know God will follow through with His Promised Judgments?

How can we be sure? Because what God has done in the past, is just a precursor, and a perfect warning to us, about what God will do in the near future. At one time God cleansed the entire earth with water from heaven (Genesis chapters 6 through 9). At one time God cleansed two Nations from the face of the Earth (two City-States) with Fire from heaven (Genesis chapters 18 and 19).

Those who ignorantly ignored God’s Clear and Devastating Warnings in the past: Set themselves up to be Judged by God in the future. This is a continual pattern that repeats itself over and over again throughout History. Anyone who chooses to open their eyes to God’s Heaven Sent Word will see it clearly. Those who ignore it will never see it, until it is too late.

How can we avoid God’s Promised Judgments? By humbling ourselves first, and then begin seeking to See God’s Creation and our own Lives through God’s Eternal and Heavenly Perspective. If we don’t seek this, guess what? We won’t find it.

Mark this Down: All of human history records our own patterns of death. This is undeniable. From the very beginning to this very hour: Men historically and repeatedly break their moral compass. They cast off their duty to do good, and to fight evil. Instead, they choose to Fight Good, and Do Evil.

Therefore, in the hand’s of men, Goodness Dies; and Evil Thrives.

When Men choose to snuff out their own Light–Darkness Prevails. (Matthew 5:13–16) Then men turn around and blame God for all the evil, they have planned and executed, in their own rebellion towards God. (Acts 4:25–26; Psalm 2:1-2)

But guess what? God is not fooled by man’s duplicity, nor by man’s stupidity, nor by man’s puffed up self righteous self justifications–Nor by man’s fake religion. Very soon a day is coming: when each and every man and woman, from the lowest to the highest will: 1) All stand before God, and 2) Give an account of what they have done with their God given gifts, talents, time, space, and resources that God has given them: to DO GOOD, and to FIGHT EVIL. (See Matthew 25:14 – 46)


~Hebrews 9:27 (KJV)

Who is the Real Villian? Who is the Real Hero?

Who is the Real Hero? That really depends upon which Team you are playing or rooting for. You personal perspective changes every thought, every feeling, every hope, every belief about what is happening on that field?

And it can all change is a blink of an eye if your perspective changes. If you find out your Team Coach is sexually abusing his players and then covering it up, by blackmailing his students and blocking them from getting into college. You might flip your loyalties on a dime.

If God is our True Hero …

This is what we have to look forward to: if only we will choose to enter into His Covenant of Life, and Live it with Him from His Perspective, even as He will abundantly teach us, if we will only let Him do so.

My hope and prayer for myself, my family, my friends, you, and every stranger I meet, is the same:

When God Speaks: We will listen. When God instructs us, we will to do what He teaches. When we fumble and blow it, we will seek God’s forgiveness. When we come to Know the Truth: We will share it with others. That we will risk our lives to save others; Even as God himself has risked His Life to Save our lives. (John 15:12–15)

That on the Day we Enter His Heavenly Kingdom, may our arms will be full of the fruits of our labors, and may our treasures are stored up in Heaven be overflowing to the Glory of God. What will those treasures be: Lives Saved by the Testimony of God, and our partnering with God to Bring Souls out of Darkness into His Immortal and Eternal Life and Light.


May this presentation help us, one and all, to be prepared for what is to come.

May it assist you to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven with Confidence & Clarity, Truth & Humility, Love & Grace. May it you help aid others in their Entrance into His Eternal Kingdom.

Hurdle #1: OUR PRIDE (mental, emotional, and spiritual pride)

Our number one enemy, is not external, but internal.

Until we subdue our greatest enemy on the inside, we will never truly conquer any REAL or IMAGINED enemies on the outside. Until we get free from our own Pride, and the Self-deception, that comes with it: We will always be a puppet on a string (like the man below).

The Pride 5 in a man’s carnal heart can block a man from seeing every flaw, every lie, every injustice, as well as every trap, pit, and stumbling block in his way.

That is why the Messiah addresses this problem directly by saying:

A man’s pride can defile every single relationship in this life, but even more significantly, it can destroy every single relationship that he has for eternity.

Let it be said, and let it be heard that: Pride and Arrogance are enemies that do not have our best interests at heart.


Only a deceived person can think that pride, arrogance, self exaltation, and self promotion are things that make a man Good. But sadly, these are some of the foundations upon which men try to make their fortunes and their future (but such a foundation will not endure with the storm of heaven beats against his House. Such a man may think he is building something great, but he has been deceived from the very beginning. (Matthew 7:24-27)

11identifies who you are.1


As stated in his video clip: Neil deGrasse Tyson’s religious disbelief in God (atheism) stems from his observations of life: he finds no evidence of a loving and benevolent God. In other words, given the magnitude of natural disasters and human misery in the world, he finds no reason to believe what many Christians teach about God: that God is all-good, loving, and benevolent.

From a Christian standpoint, and also from a non-Christian standpoint, I can say, I personally understand the grief and sorrow involved in Neil deGrasse Tyson’s belief system, that there is no benevolent Omni powerful God in the universe–due to the evidence of all the misery we can observe. But, with a quick and clean shift in perspective, Tyson’s unbelief in God, could directly turn into believing in God, if only he would choose to see God’s creation, and even all the misery in it, from God’s eternal perspective.

God never said that it is His desire that men suffer. He gave man a choice. They chose to believe a liar, a thief, a murderer, and a psycho-path, a demonically evil insanely perverse supernatural person, with no scruples, no truth, nor love in any bone in his body: who wants everyone to follow and be like him. And God has allowed men to follow the Destroyer–ever since the first man and first woman were cast out of the garden of Eden. From that day, until today, God has not blocked man’s way from following Satan, and absorbing Satan’s lies, beliefs, lifestyles, cultures, religions, and sinful nature which is at War with God.

In other words: The Misery Tyson sees, is exactly what God predicted and warned man against, from the very beginning. The only way you can not see that is to stick your head in the sand, and pretend there is no evil in the world, and pretend there is no reason for it. That is the insanity of THE RELIGION of unbelief in God, the religion that atheism promotes.

It is ignorance on steroids, that allowed HITLER, MAO, STALIN, LENIN, CASTRO, POL POT, and many others to kill tens of millions of their own citizens, because they had No Fear of God.

God allowed man to make that choice. First: They chose to create a god in their own image, and in their own likeness (thus breaking the first commandment). Second: They chose to bow down, and serve that evil god that would allow them to do whatever their wicked imagination wanted to do (thus breaking the second commandment). The growing demonic wickedness in the hearts of those who serve their own idols, continues to progress: just like any worldly addiction. The farther a man chooses move away from the fear of God, the deeper the darkness God allows the man to be enveloped by. At certain critical points God has chosen to intervene, when the evil got so bad that it threatened to destroy all goodness in world. The two biblical accounts date back to the worldwide destruction during the Flood, and the Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The same principles apply today that have always applied to the human condition. And we are living with the consequences of our actions on a daily basis.

When men like Neil deGrasse Tyson, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hinchens, and others, choose to completely ignore: God, God’s Word, and all the evidence of God’s Creation: God allows them to unhitch their wagon from God’s reality, and dive into the pool of their own making. God even allows them to believe they evolved from bacteria made in primordial soup.

Now one might ask what happened to the millions of people that perished during the conflict of the second World War?

Again, God has clear cut answers: When men die in this life, their existence doesn’t end; it just changes locations. And it is the stubborn Pride in Man, that chooses to listen to the voice of the Destroyer, and follow his religion, rather than to choose to the Voice of God and Walk in His Ways.

The Invitation has gone out: Everyone is invited, but not everyone is chosen. (Read Matthew 22)

Refusal to hear, to see, to think, or believe, in the Word God has given– is a clear choice. It comes with clear consequences, that are a direct result of the Pride of man’s corrupted heart and mind.

God has made it clear, he only wants those who want to accept and live in his love, and learn his ways in the humility of their hearts to receive all the glory his has to given them. But God will not force nor coerce his love on anyone. God is not a rapist. He invites us to come into his house, but he only accepts those who are willing and desirous to live according to His Family Rules. Only those who truly delight in His Will and His Ways are accepted.

Those who reject God, also reject his word, his will, and his Waze, will be separated from his people from his family to the place prepared for them.

In other words, the evil bully, who wants to continue to bully others will one day find out his bullying days will be over for all of eternity. And he will not be invited into God’s house to be a bully in God’s family. God will protect his own people from the evil that is destroying the world as we know it today. But God is preparing a place of perfection, where his holiness, majesty, beauty, and purity, will be valued, honored, and appreciated, and will be the foundation for a totally new kingdom, and even a totally new world that will never end.

Suffice it to say that the proud, the arrogant, the narcissistic, the selfish, the self indulgent, the egotistical, the controlling, the manipulative, the sadistic, the competitive, and all who put themselves above others, and themselves above God, will be separated from God’s house and God’s family for all eternity. (See the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25)

Every evil bully in this life chooses walk done the broad road that leads to destruction. God will warn him, but he will not stop him. Each bully hast to decide for himself if he wants to choose the fear of God, or to continue on in his own religion that sets himself up above others.

Thankfully, even the most evil longest living person on earth, will soon pass away and be gone. This life is but a vapor, and it will disappear in a flash.

The truth be told: there is great suffering in the world today. If Tyson would only open his Bible and read` the clearly stated reason why there is so much suffering in the world, then he would have access to all the answers he needed to not only to grasp the problem, but also to grasp the solution. Even after all the abuse Tyson has heaped upon God, and His Word. There still is a hope that Tyson, can and will humble himself, and be forgiven for all the damage he has done to himself, to others and to God’s Chosen Children. But, Tyson can also choose to continue to ignore God, blame God, hate God, follow the mindset and attitude of the Destroyer, the one who has caused all the misery, oppression, evil, and confusion in this world. And yes, God has allowed all of it. God is not insecure, nor is God Co-Dependent. He allows everyone to make is own decision: 1) To Honor, Love, and Obey, the King of Heaven; or 2) To Dishonor, Despise, and Disobey the the King of Heaven, and instead follow the Pride Filled delusions, lies, and deceptions of the King of this Current Darkness.

In the end, it will all be sorted out. The good fish will be separated from the bad. The wheat will be separated from the chaff. The wise virgins from the foolish virgins, the sheep from the goats. The bad fish will be thrown away. The chaff will be burned. The foolish virgins will be locked out. The goats will be cast into the fire prepared for the devil and his demons.

But the only way we can br sure of our eternal destination, and especially that we are not deceived, like the foolish virgins, and the goats, is to make sure we know, understand, honor, and finally answer with Heavenly Wisdom, that comes down from above, Life’s Toughest Questions from God’s Heavenly Perspective. Up to this point, it appears that Neil deGrasse Tyson’s choice, is ignore Life’s Toughest Questions, in others words: Tyson enjoys his place being, one who is an enemy of God, and is glad to walk with other enemies of God and be identified as those who are Prideful in their own minds, and who will lie, deceive, befuddle, and confound one another, to the point that he cannot see any goodness in God whatsoever, and even deny his existence. The great problem here is that personal pride refuses to believe that there is a solution. This keeps the individual in a perpetual LOOP of darkness. That is the biblical perspective concerning Neil Degrassi, Tyson’s unbelief.

That perspective clearly presented in the above video by Nick Vujicic, is one of humility. Nick has chosen the path of Humility. He has humbled himself before God. He has asked for God’s Forgiveness for his anger, hatred, and evil thoughts towards God and others, even for his own attempted suicide. And God has heard Nick’s prayer, and filled him with wisdom, love, faith, hope, grace, and truth, and a life worth living–because Nick chose to walk the narrow road.

This one minute clip demonstrates how the average human being suppresses the truth about God through his own unrighteousness. This shows us how the pride of a narrow minded limited being tries to block out the reality of the infinite being that created him, and everything around him. All intellectual attempts to eliminate the god of Justice, truth and righteousness fall into the category of foolishness, depravity, injustice, and defilement. This is the very root of ignorance, that prospers in every society that rejects God and his worth.

Hurdle #2: OUR WILL (when motivated by Pride)

When Our Will has sided with Our Pride 6 (which is at War with God): Then, we will have become our own worst enemy, while simultaneously becoming an enemy to the Kingdom of God. Then, we will be in real trouble.

Why? Because when our Will is working in partnership with The Spirit of Pride & Disobedience, it blocks us from hearing, seeing, believing, and/or receiving information from God’s Perspective.

This hurdle will stubbornly will cause us to CUT ourselves off from God’s presence which includes: God’s Word, God’s Wisdom, God’s Ways, God’s Will, God’s forgiveness and God’s eternal Love.

That puts us DEAD IN THE WATER: Until we choose to change sides, our stubborn Pride and Will, will block us from even hearing God’s Voice, let alone allow us to obey his commandments.

Even the very word “commandment” is abhorrent to a man who has partnered with the sons of disobedience to disregard our duty to God. Therefore, God humbly invites us and appeals to our conscience, to see Life from His Eternal Perspective, in order to protect us from the demonic influences of Pride, Arrogance, Selfishness, and the evil addictions that are rooted in the darkness that will result.

We have His Heavenly Invitation: “Come to My Wedding!” Seek my ways. Learn my fruits. Gain and maintain control over your own thoughts & beliefs, words & deeds. Share the Wisdom of heaven freely, without cost, and without greed. (Isaiah 55:1-3)

A man’s pride can be used in combination with his will, to deceive himself that their is no God, no Creator of Life, no Sustainer of our Universe, no one to whom he owes his entire Life. 7 Once a man is severed from that reality, the enemy can then replace God’s Reality, with any one of his own demonic plans to keep a man in darkness, virtually for eternity.

When men and woman WILLFULLY choose: Hate over forgiveness, Lust over love, Lies over truth, Darkness over light, Addictions over Disciplines, and Mental sickness over Heavenly Righteousness, it becomes scintillating clear whose team they are on, and who they are partnering with in the Pride and Will of their heart.


When a man or woman chooses to dig down deeply, and lay the foundation of their spiritual house, upon the rock, bed of Christ, and the apostles teaching, they are choosing to use their own, will purposely in order to walk in the fear of the Lord, and do those things which are pleasing to God, and will glorify God, and will not cause Shane to the name of God, not in their thoughts, not in their words, nor in their actions. This will result as a visible sign of good fruit that is being born from a beautiful spirit, that is given by God.

That beautiful spirit can be clearly seen in the life of Nick Vujicic, and it is a wonderful thing to behold. Conversely, the ugly spirit of pride and self will that is dishonoring to God, and is full of enmity, strife, jealousy, self exultation, self promotion, and the fear of man is an ugly thing to behold.

Photo: Gabriel Medina in Competition 2024 Summer Olympics, Teapoo, Tahiti. Claimed by major news outlets that it is not photoshopped:
LA Times, Washington Post, NPR, and dozens of others.

“Felt amazing to get some good waves and I almost got a 10, so I was really happy with that,” Gabriel Medina said after his heat.

No Doubt, the human Will is Strong and can achieve some exceptional exploits, but when the Will is combined with Pride, Selfishness, the fear of man, greed, lust, the need for recognition–overriding the Fear of God: The evil it can produce is beyond the imagination of sane people.


Hurdle #3: OUR MIND (that is in enmity with God)

Did you know there is a daily attack on your mind? The intensity of that attack may differ from day to day, but it is always there, always in the background, always looking for a way in to cause you damage, loss, with the intent to ultimately lead you to your own destruction.

Once you begin to see LIFE from God’s perspective, you will see the whole world is under attack constantly: Things will begin to shift in your mind rapidly. You will quickly begin to care more personally about God’s Word, God’s Will, and God’s Ways. Because, you will want to be on the winning side of eternity, not only for yourself, but for all of your loved ones, and for your future potential loved ones.

One of the first things you will notice: This spiritual battle has been going on since before the fall of man in the garden of Eden. You begin to gain a sense of what is truly happening behind the scenes. Behind every accident, every personal attack, every social betrayal, every financial manipulation, every lie, and personal injustice: there are players in this war acting out their roles, just as they have been doing since the beginning.

Here is a simple window into the Battle of the Mind: Happening on a College Campus. From the Very Beginning the Attack on God’s Word, has been the most egregious attack. For modern day educated people: the Mass Majority still remains ignorant of the Veracity of the Word of God:

Satan Attacked Eve: With one devious question: “Did God Really Say?” Once the enemy can get someone to doubt God’s True Word, then and only then, can the Devil insert his own False Word to take its place.

Once, You begin to see, that you cannot even fully trust your own heart, even your own mind. Only then will you be able to put greater trust and faith in God’s Word. 8 Why? Because His Word is Unchanging and Never Ending, but my mind is fickle, and often my decisions are like the waves in the sea, being blown about in every direction. Why? because it has been infected by an ancient virus that has entered the blood stream of every human being through the spirit of Pride and Rebellion.

God reveals in Genesis:

Genesis 6:5 (KJV) “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart 8 was only evil continually.” [BTW, those evil thoughts come from the enemy himself. At least he is the source and origin of them.]

We learn from Jeremiah:

Jeremiah 17:9 (KJV) “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”

In Hebrew the terms heart and mind are often the same word and interchangeable in our English Translation. 8

How does a man become and Enemy of God? A man becomes a friend of the world and an enemy of God, when he embraces and internalizes the teachings of men that are designed to separate men from God. These teachings are diabolically designed to turn the minds of men away from God: To supplant God’s wisdom, and God’s eternal truth, with man’s wisdom and man’s delusions of temporal truth.

Has the Enemy planned an attack on your mind from the beginning?

Matthew 13:19 “When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.”

[To understand this concept, you will need to have a solid grasp on Matthew chapter 13 and/or Mark chapter 4, understanding the parable of the sower and the seed.]

Many people do not understand this attack. They don’t see it coming, therefore, it takes them by surprise. In other words, many people are defeated in the war against lying even before they begin to fight it. How effective and how sharp, the enemy plan of attack on your mind is. Men get defeated before they ever even place one foot on the battlefield.

2 Corinthians 4:4 – “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”

Ephesians 6:11-12 – “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

2 Timothy 2:26 – “And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.”

1 Peter 5:8 – “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”

Cliff–The man that changed history and the world (short)

For those who have eyes to see, they can quickly discern that the testimony of the Bible is telling the truth about the human experience. It brings a full picture to both sides of the story, both the physical and the spiritual, and makes common sense out of it so that even a child can understand and communicate it—that is, if they have not been previously poisoned by lies, deceit, and horrendous deception.

THE BIG LIE is a daily planned attack on your mind …

The “Big Lie” concept, is a propaganda technique associated with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. The idea is that a lie, no matter how outrageous or false, can become believable if repeated enough times and with enough conviction, especially when emphasized by accepted leaders and government officials. Oftentimes there is a veiled threat, or an open threat to those who choose to refuse to believe the lie. (Source of info: Meta.ai “The Big Lie”)

This concept is often attributed to Hitler’s 1925 book “Mein Kampf,” where he wrote:

“…in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily [in other words, following the Herd Instinct]; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie.”

In essence, the “Big Lie” technique involves telling a massive, brazen lie that’s so incredible, people may actually start to believe it. Like the emperors, invisible clothes. Why? because they can’t imagine someone would dare to make it up. This tactic has been used by various individuals and groups throughout history to manipulate public opinion and achieve their goals.

Here is a “whale of a lie” being pushed in your schools and homes

This begs the question, why do so many people believe in a category of scientists that: repeatedly, persistently, and adamantly, bring forth false information, fraudulent information, nonsensical information, and dishonest science and research that has no pinpoint with reality or truth. That is the main problem with dealing with liars. They have no moral accountability to tell the truth. Because that is not a part of their worldly paradigm. Once you remove God out of the picture lying is a very utilitarian tool useful upon which to build your agenda.

Here’s an astounding Statistic, I didn’t think that it would be able to so quickly verify this fact:

I asked the Question:

How many times a day:
Does the media make reference to millions of years
and billions of years:
Assuming (by use of media propaganda)
the Darwinian theory of evolution?

I got this answer:

The media frequently references “millions of years” and “billions of years” when discussing scientific topics, often in the context of the Darwinian theory of evolution. However, it’s difficult to provide an exact count, as it varies depending on the source, topic, and audience.

Here are some rough estimates based on Google search data:

  • “Millions of years” appears in:
    • News articles: 100-500 times per day
    • Scientific publications: 50-200 times per day
    • Online content (blogs, forums, social media): 500-2,000 times per day
  • “Billions of years” appears in:
    • News articles: 20-100 times per day
    • Scientific publications: 10-50 times per day
    • Online content (blogs, forums, social media): 100-500 times per day

Keep in mind that these estimates are rough and based on general trends. The actual frequency may vary depending on current events, research breakthroughs, and popular topics.

The media often uses these timeframes when discussing:

  • Fossil discoveries and paleontology
  • Evolutionary biology and species development
  • Geology and Earth’s history
  • Astronomy and the universe’s age
  • Climate change and environmental science

Remember, these references to millions and billions of years are often used to provide context and scale for scientific concepts, rather than explicitly promoting the Darwinian theory of evolution.

Messages are generated by AI and may be inaccurate or inappropriate.

Thank you Meta.AI for assisting me to answer this question.

Now let’s apply this detailed data to the Hitler Big Lie Program:

Check out these 4 quick under 1 minute clips, and see how they relate to this question above. Does this answer the question: How to make fraudulent and sketchy information seem reliable? Or even True and scientific, just by repeating the same old sketchy info, over and over, 100’s of times a day? Doesn’t that smell familiar? What does the public know about Nebraska Man, the USA equivalent to England’s Piltdown Man? See below: Are you able to smell a fraudulent corpse when it stinketh?

Meet Lucy: The best preserved example of monkey to man evolution evidence to prove Darwin’s Theory.
Meet the Rocks, Millions of years old or just decades?
If Evolution is true, should not the science of genetics support the theory? But does it?
After 6 million years of evolution, all the evidence we have can fit into the bed of a pick up truck.

Now we can revisit what Hitler Wrote in 1925 in “Mein Kampf:”

“…in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily [in other words, following the Herd Instinct]; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie.”

This is an attack on the mind. It is used daily against God and his people.
Does the Evidence Support the Facts: You must decide …

Again, Here is the message being pushed: based on Meta.ai data analysis:

  • “Millions of years” appears in:
    • News articles: 100-500 times per day
    • Scientific publications: 50-200 times per day
    • Online content (blogs, forums, social media): 500-2,000 times per day
  • “Billions of years” appears in:
    • News articles: 20-100 times per day
    • Scientific publications: 10-50 times per day
    • Online content (blogs, forums, social media): 100-500 times per day

Does the data above not perfectly fit the plan/strategy of the big lie?

How does a “spin doctor” make fraudulent and sketchy information seem reliable, true, and scientific? What is the magic number? How many times does a “Big FAT HUGE LIE” need to be repeated before it is believed? How many times do we need to maintain the original lie, to keep people in the dark? 100’s of times a day?

How do you kill the competition that is opposing your idea?

  1. You flood the market with your own idea.
  2. You bury any opposing idea under a mountain of disinformation.
  3. You make it illegal to oppose your idea. (Daniel 6)
  4. You execute criminal punishment on those who oppose your idea.
    (Daniel 3)

What does the public know about Nebraska Man, the USA equivalent to England’s Piltdown Man? Why is the fraudulent idea spread abroad, and the exposure of the lie completely buried.

Note: The theory of macro evolution has followed this tactic from its conception. And the lie behind it has become an obsession. It claims to be scientific in nature, when all the true science behind it proves it false.

If this is new information for you. Check out this Article, and take the 5 minute Challenge:

Keep in mind that Hitler and the Nazi Party used this technique to spread harmful and false information, which contributed to their megalomaniac atrocities. (Much of that information is still being circulated today.) For that reason: It’s essential to critically evaluate all information, and its source to avoid falling victim to such manipulation.

Did you know that Hitler in Germany, Mao and China, Stalin, in Russia, and hundreds of other wicked dictators of the 20th century, who mass murdered their own citizens, all believed in the false science of natural selection, macro evolution, and especially the barbaric doctrine of “the survival of the fittest“? They founded their reins of terror on these doctrines, and completely obliterated the doctrines of God that teach, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of understanding. They plunged the World into the mindset of the Dark Ages, when men and even churches made it illegal to read the Bible in their own language, or even own your own Bible. Even tortured, and burned at the stake those that would not comply, and who tried to print or translate the Bible so others could read it.

Personally, when I first began to believe in the message of the Bible, I was still in evolutionist and fully believe that I could somehow integrate evolutionary theory into my Bible knowledge. For a long time I made several convoluted constructions that would accept all my evolutionary training as a child in public school systems, but after a while and deeper study of the subject, I found that the evolutionary arguments were not as credible as I was taught to believe. And once that pinhole in the balloon of evolution was pricked, the whole lot of it started to unravel and deflate today I feel I have a strong understanding of the subject and no longer need to worry about the ramifications of rejecting the theory of evolution specifically macro evolution. I don’t know where you might be in your own journey. All I would say is that you shouldn’t take any persons word for granted, especially not mine. All men are capable of being deceived, and as such capable of being deceivers. Even people you and I trust can be deceived and are no doubt deceived on certain subjects.

and I can say this with absolute conviction, but if the word of God is not an exciting and stimulating and powerful revelation of truth and wisdom, that can penetrate your soul, and your bones, then it is probably a true statement that your mind has been hijacked by the kingdom of darkness, and you will need to extricate yourself from its grip, before you can even begin to see the majesty, beauty, glory, and amazing love written to you personally, and inviting you personally to enter into an experience beyond anything you can think or even imagine. oddly enough, that experience is simply called “The Truth”. Not my truth. Not your truth. But “The Truth”.

The choice is yours to believe what you will. You can believe in millions of years. Are you can believe in six days. Neither choice can be proven scientifically. That is beyond the realm of the scientific method. So by all means make your decision based on your beliefs.

As I see it, both beliefs are religiously based. Only one is based on the Word of God that comes down from heaven. The other is based on the words of Men, that have a pitifully poor record of telling the truth, and not changing their story over and over and over again, because reality keeps poking holes in their fragile bubbles and popping them.

Hurdle #3 is all about dealing with the intellectual problem of being deceived: Through the gateway of the mind. This is where a man can harden his mind, and stiffen his neck, against the truth. The Bible in the Old Testament often talks about men having a forehead made of flint. Just for the record flint is a very hard substance.

Next we are going to look at Hurdle #4, where a person can be attacked through their emotions, their feelings and a person can harden their heart against the truth, because of the lies they have received, digested, and absorbed into their own psyche.

Hurdle #4: THE HEART (a.k.a. The Hardened Heart: that is in love with “the world”)

Your Soul, created by God, is Eternal. It was designed to Live with God forever.

As a result: Your heart is seeking a place to belong. It is longingly looking for its identity.

Our Identity is a vital part of our human soul. Identity establishes who we believe we are, as well as what we believe and why it is important to us. Identity helps us establish our convictions and our connections. 11 Our identity helps us lay a foundation for our lives, it helps us choose our leaders, and what principles we will choose to follow, and which ones we will choose to reject.

Like little ducklings we need a role model to follow, and a destination to aim for.

The Truth be told: every human being will gravitate to One particular Ultimate Leader in their life, and that leader will be connected to one particular Ultimate Place. And therefore, each and everyone one of us have two specific and identifying choices to make:

  1. Who?
  2. Where?

You and I have been given free choice, to choose where we want to spend eternity.

Living under God’s Rule, requires that we Seek Him, Find Him, Learn and live in His Ways.

Living under this World’s Rule, requires that we reject God’s Rule, reject God’s Ways, reject God’s Call, reject God’s Honor, and typically despise his leadership, so that we turn our backs on God’s Word and his Will.

We as human beings are constantly being pulled in One Direction, or the other.

This life from God’s Perspective is a testing ground. We have been given one ultimate choice, To Choose Life (living it from God’s Perspective) Partnering with God to accomplish His goals for your Life, Living according to His Royal Kingdom Reality.

The only other ultimate choice is to live by the rules, ideas, motivations, and interpretations of the one who is not the god of heaven, but as identified as the ruler of this world, the one who rejected God as his own personal, life-giving authority. The ruler of this world is the one who rejected God’s person, rejected God’s word, rejected God’s will, rejected God’s ways, rejected God’s honor, and God’s goodness, so that he could go his own way. Those who follow him will become like him, like little ducklings, will walk in his footsteps and model themselves after his rebellious nature. That nature will be imprinted on their minds and hearts, and will direct their ways to follow him. All who become like him will also share in his permanent residence. It’s really that simple.

We get to choose life.

Or we get to choose Death.

According to God’s perspective: DEATH = living in an anti-God Perspective; partnering with the anti-God of this world’s darkness. That darkness denies the right of God to speak, act, judge, and/or rule over what is good, or what is evil, in this life.

For this reason, God’s word commands the believer to: Not love the world (nor the ruler of the world). Do not let the imprint of the world dictate one thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, direction, or future.

The hurdle here: is to see that this Life, and that this world is soon passing away. Soon it will be no more. 12 Therefore it is in the best interests of the soul, to steer it with the will and the mind towards God and His Eternal Kingdom (who lives forever and Promises us eternal Life through His Son–the Forgiveness of Sins against Him). He who navigates that journey successfully, will end up doing the Will of God and abideth in His Kingdom forever.

Satan’s plan is to make you a slave to your emotions. A slave to your feelings. A slave to your carnal addictions. That is what temptation is all about. Temptation simply put is taking the rich blessings of God and twisting them, perverting them, and robbing them of their proper place in God’s kingdom.

A lot of what we experience in the realm of temptation is simply taking things out of order. This causes chaos as a result.

Consider the gift of sex. In God’s kingdom it is protected. The wife is protected. The husband is protected. The fruit of the womb is protected. The family is protected. The community is protected. The whole nation is protected that willingly and openly obeys the word of God.

That’s why God’s perspective is so essential. God is looking at the eternal fruit that is born from a family that would love and share his word, and his blessings, and his protection from one generation to the next. And those blessings will overflow and create incredible lives and accomplishments among those who receive them.

But, through Satan’s temptations, men and women are tempted to jump the gun to take (or rather ROB) something, or someone their true value before it’s time. For example: To use the gift of sex as a way to satisfy an addiction: That destroys the gift, dishonors the giver of the gift, and harms everyone involved in the destruction of the gift, and often results in the murder of the gift. This defiles one of the greatest gifts, ever given to mankind, the gift to reproduce children in the image of God.

A Graphic Illustration of a Life Protected under the Blessings of God through 5 Generations, and a life traumatized and tormented by the curses of rejecting God is demonstrated Here:

The Family of Jonathon Edwards compared to Max Jukes–the living proof of five generations.

Theft is a similar issue of timing. It is not wrong to want an income for work done. But to rob the cash register, instead of waiting for the paycheck to come is theft. To steal money out a parent’s (or anyone’s) wallet, destroys the relationship of honor and trust and dignity between those involved.


How Jesus Rips us Off! (short)
The Abortion movement has robbed, The Testimony of God from some of the most holy words recorded in the testimony of Christ. Jesus told his disciples. “This is my body.… which was broken for you.” One of the greatest emotional and spiritual needs in every single person has, is to know they can be accepted, loved, and forgiven by God for every wrong they know that have committed agains Him and against all His Children that he created.

When a man, commits adultery, he doesn’t just sin against the woman. He is sleeping with it legally. He commits a sin against the husband of the woman. He commits a sin against the potientional or real child that will be a producer of that act of adultery. He commits a sin against the family of the woman. He commits a sin against his own family.

He commits a sin against the community, and especially the spiritual community, the church, he commits a sin against God and against heaven. Just punishment for that sin is death by stoning. Through the miraculous power of the cross, a man can be set free from his sin. And can be forgiven. And he can choose to stop the flood of evil that would otherwise enter into himself, his family, his community, and the world. When a man commit the sin of pornography, many of the same kinds of damage are done, albeit, more secretly. Because pornography can be hidden.

Only the One who committed no sin, could pay for the sin of others.

Cliffe Knechtle | The Historical Evidence (short)


When a man is spiritually blind: He will not be able to SEE the Work of the Kingdom of Heaven, nor the King himself, though He stand right in front of him.

What happened in Jesus Day: when a man born blind, and was Clearly Miraculously Healed of His Blindness?

The Spiritually Blind Religious Leaders could not see it. Instead of Praising God, the normal thing to do–What did the Blind Leaders Do?

  1. Some of them blamed the healing on the Devil.
  2. Some of them refused to believe the man was born blind.
  3. The majority blamed the blindness on the sin of one or both of the parents, or the baby born blind.
  4. But very few, if any of the leaders, openly acknowledged, or openly gave glory to God, for Jesus healing a man born blind by the Power given to Him by the Holy Spirit of God. Why? Because they Feared man, more than they Feared God? Everyone was afraid of being “put out of the synagogue” which basically ended the life a Jewish person from that day forward. It was something like the equivalent of shunning in Modern Day religions, like the Amish, and Mennonite do today.
  5. Why? Because the leaders were too busy being jealous, envious, mocking, scoffing, ridiculing, angry, hating, slandering, and devising ways to Destroy Jesus: Calling Jesus’ Ministry of the Devil. Therefore, they could not SEE nor RECEIVE the work of the Kingdom of God in their Midst. Thus fulfilling the Scripture: “The Stone the Builders Rejected” (Matthew 21:42-46; )
  6. In the End: the blind leaders Punished the Man Born Blind for Speaking the Truth about His Miraculous Healing.
  7. Of course, the blind leaders thought they were wise in what they were doing–and even on the side of God, but clearly, Jesus did not agree with them:

Matthew 23:16-24 (KJV)

Woe unto you, ye blind guides

Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater … the gold? ….

Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater … the gift? …

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone…

Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.

As we can see above when a man is spiritually blind all of his life priorities are out of order. All his value systems are in opposition to the King on His Throne, in the Kingdom of God.

As we have seen previously; when a man builds upon a foundation of worldly carnal, self-centered, pride and ego, as well as, willful disobedience birthed from a hardened heart, and a poisoned mindset that comes from the World that is at War with God–Such a man has little choice but to be spiritually blind. And you can quickly tell the man by his fruits.

Cliff–Historical evidence for the resurrection. (Shorts)

They heard with their own ears the finest teachings ever spoken to the people of God, and yet at the crucifixion, there were only a couple followers mentioned, Mary the mother of Jesus, John the apostle, a few women, and a couple others. They all had abandoned him even most of the 12 apostles apparently had abandoned him. The rock, Peter himself, had abandoned him.

So why should a man say if I only see him with my eyes, I will believe. The Evidence is: that won’t make a difference.

Again, we see: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Jeremiah 17:9 (KJV)

“Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness:
but a faithful man who can find?” Proverbs 20:6 (KJV)

Truth be told a man will believe what he wants to believe, just like Judas Iscariot. Why because a man will see only what he wants to see. And his sight whether spiritually blind, or spiritually seeing will be determined by this factor:

How well has he handled his 7 hurdles?

Let’s wrap this up here:

This Miracle that Jesus performed was purely astounding. 13 It was the Proof of God, the Father’s Authentication of His Son. It is substantial Evidence of God’s Handiwork, creating eyeballs out of clay and spittle. God’s finger prints here are declared to the Whole World, that God was endorsing Jesus’ Ministry.

Jesus was not only fulfilling God’s prophecies, that the blind will see: But he performed a miracle that had never been performed since the beginning of the world. And yet it looks like the majority of the spiritual leaders were completely spiritually blind to what God was doing right in front of them.

Now, many modern men falsely believe that if they had seen these miracles, they would not have followed in the footsteps of those who are spiritually blind.

But the fact remains that all who do not overcome their own personal idol(s), including spiritual blindness, will think, feel, speak, just exactly and predictably, as those who did not overcome their spiritual hurdles in the days that Jesus walked the Earth.

If we deceive ourselves, His Truth will not be in us. Even John the Baptist, the One who proclaimed Jesus’s Coming and Ministry, even John doubted. That is a lesson for us. We will ALL be tested, and tried in the fire. The purpose for our testing is that we will come forth as silver purified in the fire seven times.

Psalms 12:6-8 (KJV)

6 The words of the LORD are pure words:
as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 Thou shalt keep them, O LORD,
thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.
8 The wicked walk on every side,
when the vilest men are exalted.

His Message is to ALL the People of Israel, and the rest of the Gentile World as well. By healing us of our own Spiritual Blindness, we enter into His Covenant Promises: His Word simultaneously fulfills many different Biblical Prophecies in our Midst, today, every bit as much as they fulfilled their purpose and power in Jesus’s Day on Earth.

But again, if you or I refuse, and just neglect to deal with our own spiritual hurdles and blockages, we will think, act and live, just like the spiritually blind in Jesus day.

You could say the difference between Peter and Judas, is that Peter, in the Fear of God, knew he had to overcome his own spiritual blindness, and all of his spiritual hurdles to become the Man God wanted Him to be. But, Judas, lacking the Fear of God, would seek to design his own plan, and go his own way, and set his own destiny, and receive the wages he felt he deserved. And guess what. Judas got exactly what he pursued and deserved. But in the end his spiritual blindness was incredibly damaging to both his short term future on the earth, and his long term future after his death.

The fact is there is little difference between you and I, Peter and Judas, it all depends on the choice we make here and now.

What are they going to be? How will they play out in the end?

The Choice is up to us. [There once were only Two Sons of Adam and Eve: Which one best represents you? (Genesis 4) There were two Sons in the Father’s house who were commanded to go work in the Father’s Vineyard one day: Which one best represents you? (Matthew 21). Which ones had overcome their spiritual blinders, and which ones did not?

So far we have skimmed the surface on 5 Spiritual Hurdles: we have 2 more to go. After that we will hopefully be better prepared to attack and investigate 7 of the Toughest of Life’s Question, with hopefully the advantage of SEEING both the questions and their answers in the Light of God’s Heavenly and Eternal Perspective!

Chances are good that the majority of readers here have not gotten even this far.

So Congratulations, in your diligence and perseverance thus far.

May it pay back to you eternal rewards.

May God be with you as your progress forward.


Brother Thomas

Here are some follow up scriptures that speak to the subject of Spiritual & Physical Blindness:

Feel Free to add a ton more to this list, there are many to choose from.

Isaiah 29:18-19 (KJV) 18 And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book,
and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness.
19 The meek also shall increase their joy in the LORD,
and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.


Isaiah 35:4-7 (KJV) 4 Say to them that are of a fearful heart,
Be strong, fear not:
behold, your God will come with vengeance,
even God with a recompence;
he will come and save you.
5 Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened,
and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.
6 Then shall the lame man leap as an hart,
and the tongue of the dumb sing:
for in the wilderness shall waters break out,
and streams in the desert.
7 And the parched ground shall become a pool,
and the thirsty land springs of water:


Isaiah 42:6-9 (KJV) 6 I the LORD have called thee in righteousness,
and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee,
and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles;
7 To open the blind eyes,
to bring out the prisoners from the prison,
and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.
8 I am the LORD: that is my name:
and my glory will I not give to another,
neither my praise to graven images.
9 Behold, the former things are come to pass,
and new things do I declare:
before they spring forth I tell you of them.


John 9:39-41 (KJV) 39 And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind. 40 And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also? 41 Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.


Isaiah 42:16 (KJV) 16 And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not;
I will lead them in paths that they have not known:
I will make darkness light before them,
and crooked things straight.
These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.


Isaiah 43:8-9 (KJV) 8 Bring forth the blind people that have eyes,
and the deaf that have ears.
9 Let all the nations be gathered together,
and let the people be assembled:
who among them can declare this,
and shew us former things?


Zechariah 11:17 (KJV) 17 Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock!
the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye:
his arm shall be clean dried up,
and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.

Matthew 23:16-24 (KJV) Woe unto you, ye blind guides, which say, Whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing; but whosoever shall swear by the gold of the temple, he is a debtor! 17 Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold? 18 And, Whosoever shall swear by the altar, it is nothing; but whosoever sweareth by the gift that is upon it, he is guilty. 19 Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gift, or the altar that sanctifieth the gift? 20 Whoso therefore shall swear by the altar, sweareth by it, and by all things thereon. 21 And whoso shall swear by the temple, sweareth by it, and by him that dwelleth therein. 22 And he that shall swear by heaven, sweareth by the throne of God, and by him that sitteth thereon. 23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. 24 Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.


Blind Guides are Those who listen to and receive False & Ignorant Testimonies of men:



The prophet Isaiah talks about having heavy ears.

Isaiah 6:9-10 (KJV)

And he said, Go, and tell this people,
Hear ye indeed, but understand not;
and see ye indeed, but perceive not.
Make the heart of this people fat,
and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes;
lest they see with their eyes,
and hear with their ears,
and understand with their heart,
and convert, and be healed.

Jesus quotes the prophet Isaiah. Jesus uses the prophecy in Isaiah to launch the parable of the sower, knowing full well that his audience will have heavy ears, and not understand his parable. He will need to interpret it for them, and still, even his own apostles, will not fully understand his parable, but in time, but in due time, he will know that his disciples will grow in their understanding of the parable, and, use it with great efficiency to launch their own ministries and present it to others with heavy ears.

The simple truth is before a man is born again, according to the spirit of God, his ears are heavy. We can call this symptom spiritual deafness.

So this begs the question how can a man
Overcome his own spiritual deafness?

Jesus took his disciples on a spiritual journey that began the first day they heard his voice, and continued on until the last day, they took their last breath on earth. And yet their journey was still, not complete. All of this training, all of these spiritual disciplines, that Jesus equipped his disciples to gain, and maintain, all of them pointed to a glorious ending, with the hope of a brand new beginning. This is what it’s called the hope of the glorious gospel of Christ.

When we examine our own hearts, we may realize we are just barely treading water in the spirit. Yet, As we begin to tread water, Jesus, trains and equips us, to not only swim across the training pool, but to swim across the current of a raging river. That river is bent on conquering of the soul of a man. But those who move out of spiritual deafness, will inherit the kingdom of God in their inner man. As they do so, they will begin to hear, walk, talk, think, and believe the same things that the son of God, the son of the blessed One, who came down from heaven to earth, to give to his faithful and chosen children.

The truth be told, the parable of the sower is the key that unlocks the door to all of the rest of Jesus’s teachings about the kingdom of God. This parable is foundational to removing our spiritual deafness. It opens our ears and our mind and our life, to seeing the world and the mission of Christ from God’s Heavenly Perspective. It sets the stage for us to grasp and understand all the parables of Jesus.

Once the young believer begins to grasp and see all of life through the parable of the sower, he can then prioritize his life, according to God’s number one priority: Reproducing the kingdom of God through the preaching of his word.

In a nutshell, that is what Jesus came to do to Save the World from Sin and Death.

That is the summary vision, mission, and reason for Jesus coming to earth. Anything short of that mission, and that understanding of the parable of the sower, will cause spiritual deafness: though, hearing a man will not hear.

Though, listening to the words of God, he will not comprehend the thoughts of God. Just as spiritual blindness makes some men blind, so spiritual deathless, makes some men deaf, and unable to hear the precious and glorious commandments, warnings, blessings, curses, judgments, and the very laws of God, given to the prophets, and given to Jesus to give to us, so that we may give them to the world around us, so that the world be saved.

This problem is especially rampant today. People get offended when they don’t instantly understand something. People are already skeptical, and anything they don’t immediately grasp, they tend to distrust, and in response to their own ignorance, they will mock, attack, and Scoff at what they do not understand. This is a set up, by the enemy, a trap, if you will to keep men and women out of the kingdom of God.

This kind of belligerent, immediate knee jerking, and mocking response: is the gateway to the broad Road that leads to destruction mentioned earlier. May it not be the road that you and I choose for our own lives, and may it not be the road we lead our children, family, friends, and neighbors down. That road of destruction will last for eternity. And to those who, harden, their hearts, block their ears, and continue to walk in spiritual blindness and spiritual deafness, will not be able to hear the words of God, in such a way that it changes their hearts from the inside out.

Therefore, it is imperative, that we discipline, our hearts and minds, and give our full attention to the words of Christ, and let them penetrate our being by the sword of His spirit, cutting through the layers of our hard heart, so that we will not be left behind when the roll call is announced for the faithful to come in to the house of God. For on that day, there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth. This is something we should choose to avoid. And this is something we have complete Control over, which way we will choose to go: that is, if we can effectively deal with seven hurdles presented here, and the many more, that aren’t presented here, but will be presented to us, to test us along the way, to see if our hearts will be fully devoted to the king of heaven.

So that in the end we will hear the less of words: “Well, done, my good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your master.”

Bottomline: You can only hear what you want to hear.

Over 5,200 Manuscripts that agree with one another to an undeniable degree.


Dealing with the Sin of Silence.

How many times have we kept silent when we should have spoken? If my understanding on this topic is correct, I believe that there will be much weeping and sorrow over the hundreds and possibly thousands of opportunities we let slide through our own fingertips, where we were given the opportunity to speak, and the opportunity to be used as a vessel of God to pour out his will, word, wisdom, and life, but we remained silent.

The writing above is plain as day. It could not be any more clear. The action that will be taken by God for those who confess his name, and his word, before men, and those who deny his name, and deny his word before men–will be devastating to say the least.

I believe the strict interpretation of this scripture will include: the sin of silence.

Jesus said that a city on a hill cannot be hidden, and neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel. In other words, the very purpose of the candle is to bring light to the world, but if you keep the candle underneath a bushel, how shall that light shine before men? That is definitely not the plan of God for our lives.

Our own spiritual muteness will gravitate toward the sin of silence. This is due to the fear of man.

When a person fears what others think about him, more than what God thinks about him, he will likely commit the sin of silence on a daily basis. I know about the sin, because I struggle with it on a daily basis. That is to my own shame. I stuttered as a child, and couldn’t express myself in words, and even today my mind and thoughts lock up, and are often not able to be expressed in conversation due to my own lack of ability to overcome the fear of man in many situations.

Thankfully, this is not a permanent death sentence, it is simply another hurdle that needs to be overcome, and for many it may be one of the most critical hurdles to overcome, especially those who tend to be shy, reserved, and nonverbal.

The Truth cannot be ignored. Jesus is looking for servants who will do his will in this life.That clearly includes overcoming the hurdle of spiritual muteness–a.k.a., the Sin of Silence.

Ye are the salt of the Earth. The main value of salt is that it is able to preserve food from spoilage, and is necessary to the health of the body. So valuable in fact was salt in ancient culture that it was used as money/currency. Soldiers were often paid in salt. They then used that salt to go and buy food, and drink, and lodging, etc. Horses could be bought and sold for salt. That’s where the saying comes from: “You are worth your weight in salt.”

As far as the gospel is concerned, you will lose your weight and salt, when you choose to remain silent when God has commanded you to speak.

Throughout the new testament: You will notice that the apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers, and normal every day deacons, and believers we’re not sitting around, waiting for someone to give them a platform to speak. Not at all. They often broke into the conversation that others wanted to avoid. They often spoke directly to kings, and governors, and leaders of nations without any invitation whatsoever. Because they knew they had been commissioned by God to take the gospel to every creature and every nation on the Earth.

Like the prophet who was commanded to speak, the word of, God said woe to me, if I choose not to speak, if I choose to remain in the sin of silence, even the rocks will cry out.

To be honest, I put this hurdle last, because it is the last threshold of the self will that needs to be broken in order for the believer in Christ to become a fruitful branch on his eternal and heavenly vine. (John 16)

When a man overcomes his own proclivity, to following the herd instinct of those in the world, (who are afraid of this thing called the fear of rejection; who carry in their hearts the fear of man, more than the fear of God), only then can such a man gratefully, receive the great challenge presented to us in the gospel.

Will I deny Christ? Will I continue in the sin of silence? Will I choose not to proclaim the good news of God’s salvation? Will I not call the sons of man to repent of their sins? Will I not call, the children of God to walk in submission and in obedience to the commandments of God? Will I not proclaim the warnings of God, and make plain the destruction of God against the ungodly before it is too late?

Or will I continue to believe that I can be a true follower of Christ, continuing in the sin of silence and spiritual muteness, walking in a Miasma of Spiritual Death: living in spiritual blindness, walking in the pride of my own heart, creating an image of God in my own mind that is warm and fuzzy, and does what I want him to?

Yes, my friend you and I have hard choices to make. And God does not let us off the hook, because of our past, because of our own weakness, our own insecurities, our own sinful passions, our own lack of education, our lack of understanding, all of these can be remedied by the soul that chooses to overcome the seven hurdles, and all other spiritual hurdles that the enemy will try to use to block us from doing the will of the father. It is only those who choose to do with the will of the father, who will be invited into heaven. It is not those who choose to only hear the word of God, but those who choose to do the will of God that will be accepted by God. (Hearing without Doing is not an option for entering the Kingdom of God.) The fact is we have a race to run, and everyone who completes this race will gain the victor’s crown.

The truth be told, many will quit running the race before the end. They will turn back to following their own ways, their own minds, their own desires, and be embroiled in their own sins as they were before.

That is the spiritual reality of possibly the majority of those who have it one time, proclaimed their own salvation in Christ.

Jesus said that if a person at one point decided to kick out all the darkness out of his life, and swept his house clean, but never chose to fill his house, and every room in it with the presence of God, following the commandments of God, soaking in the richness of the wisdom of God, while doing the will of God, such a man would leave himself empty and open, for the demon that left to return. And that Damon would be able to invite seven more demons more terrible than himself, and Jesus said the end result of that man would be worse at the end, then at the beginning.

Jesus warning here cannot be ignored. Many try to sides step the hard sayings of Jesus, tried to deceive themselves that they are truly following the king of Heaven, but are not producing the fruits of heaven. The fruit of heaven is this. Men are saved from their sins, and preparing themselves to enter into the kingdom of heaven for all eternity. The fruits of such labors will be evident and clear to all, at the work being done on the inside of the soul well, barefoot on the outside as well.When we overcome our seven hurdles in all of our challenges, we enter into a place of intimacy with God, that is necessary for our continual faith to grow into the fruitfulness, God has prepared for us.

May our arms be heavy, laden with the fruits of heaven, as we enter into the court room of our king. May you and I together overcome the sin of silence, and the fear of man, fully replacing it with the fear of God, the wisdom of God, the will of God, through the word of God.

Turek–why God doesn’t stop all the evil in the world? (Short)

Follow Up Thought: One reason many are spiritually mute, is that they have not armed themselves to handle the spiritual weapons they need to overcome the lies believed by the majority of people. But, one armed man in the midst of a pack of wolves, cannot only defend himself, but do great damage to the wolf pack.

How will you know if you have overcome the seven hurdles?

The answer to that question is simple: you will know by your own changed life. You will know from the inside out. It can begin by just doing one simple thing a day. But as it progresses, as the word of God, predicts, your whole life will be transformed.

transform your life with one simple act (short)

The short video clip below, is the weapon of choice, for a believer to share with an unbeliever. When we don’t share the bread of life, with those who are starving: How can we say we love God? How can we say we love our fellow man?

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