Undeniable Evidence (Part 1)

One Minute Shorts

The invisible things … are clearly seen


Romans 1:20 (KJV) 

For the invisible things of him

from the creation of the world

are clearly seen,

being understood by the things that are made,

even his eternal power and Godhead;

so that they are without excuse:

[And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof:

but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.]






Incredible Design …

Watch the miracle of life, being born again, and again …

Can you see the contrast?

  • God prepared a body to Give Life
  • Men prepare bodies to take Life



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Creating a New Family Tree

I was a Hell-Raising Hill Billy.

I needed a New Life. I had to learn to be a good husband, and good father, a good businessman, and good community leader.

Because of my new life in Jesus, I have a whole new family Tree.

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When Our Relationship starts with a lie, that makes it tough to be friends.

So True. People want to frame you, to box you into their lie about you, and people are getting bolder and bolder and more aggressive in their efforts to cancel your voice, your perspective, and your contribution to society. 

If you don’t adopt their lies immediately, you may be threatened, slandered, and worse. If they will seek to do this to your face, how much worse will they seek to do behind closed doors.

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A Wiccan (Witchcraft practitioner) Gets a Big Dose of Love from those she had mocked

The beauty and purity of love in the fellowship of God.

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What takes more Faith?

10 to the 82nd power = 10 with 82 zeros behind it.

That represents the estimated known particles in our Universe.

It is estimated that the fine tuning of our Universe to happen by random chance and not by intelligent design, is 10 to the 600th power.

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Coercing students to Worship the sun god.

Be careful whom you allow to teach your children.

Daniel 3:1-30          Remember the Fiery Furnace.

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Standing in an Evil Time 

It is now a Jailable offense to disagree with political and cultural opinions that are contrary to the modern mindset.

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He could not kill God

So he attacks those most vulnerable created in the damage of God.

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He could not kill God

So he attacks those most vulnerable created in the damage of God.

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He could not kill God

So he attacks those most vulnerable created in the damage of God.

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He could not kill God

So he attacks those most vulnerable created in the damage of God.

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He could not kill God

So he attacks those most vulnerable created in the damage of God.

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He could not kill God

So he attacks those most vulnerable created in the damage of God.

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He could not kill God

So he attacks those most vulnerable created in the damage of God.

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He could not kill God

So he attacks those most vulnerable created in the damage of God.

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