Skeptics Welcome—Part 8


For Skeptics Welcome TOC: Parts 1 to 12  (Click Here)

The Spiritual Challenge


Dear Friends,


The Spiritual Challenge  is a big hurdle for many people, especially for dyed in the wool naturalists, materialistic, and atheists. 

How can you believe in an unseen world? But then again, how can you not believe in one?

What is the evidence that supports the Challenge? What evidence opposes it?


Maybe the #1 Spiritual Challenge could be this: Whose Voice do you choose to Listen to?

What are the 4 Different Voices that can possibly be speaking to you … at anytime, in any place, and in any circumstance in your Life?

Personal Testimony is not any more reliable …

Than the person giving the testimony. Many people give testimonies for many differing reasons.
Just because a person is normally sane, objective, and reliable, that doesn’t mean they cannot be
Deceived, Confused, Bamboozled, or playing a trick.  So everything we hear must be taken with a grain of
Salt, but we can hear and weigh what others have said. God is the same today, yesterday, and forever.
Those who would like to limit God, do so to their own detriment. Those who unleash God to Do and Be all 
He wants to Do and Be by Faith … tend to have some incredible experiences sometime in their life time.


This agrees with the Biblical Record: The majority of key players in the Bible have had intimate supernatural encounters with God, and with His Messengers. Radical events of provision, protection, powerful production, and vision came forth from such encounters.

Throughout the Bible men and women have had supernatural encounters with Angels, Demons, Miracles, Healings, Signs, and Wonders. Some of those signs and wonders were performed by unsanctioned magic arts. Like in Egypt by Pharaoh’s Sorcerers.
(Read all of Exodus)

The whole book of Exodus is filled with miracles, angelic encounters, plagues sent by God, and carried out by Angels of Judgement.

So if you don’t believe in miracles you need to rip both Genesis and Exodus the first 2 books out of your Bible.


Check out this Testimony: I have heard many like it, from People I know and trust. This one is open for evaluation. I neither endorse, nor deny it. Neither should others, when they don’t know the facts of the event described.


Are Aliens Spiritual?




Two People can see eye to eye on practical issues … even when coming from different spiritual viewpoints.



Chinese ask for prayer to become like Americans. Minister refuses to pray for them … SEE WHY?


An Angel of Light: A Supernatural Being–Is it automatically Good?

Some people think seeing an angel of Light, is a sure fire way to know God is behind it.
This is not a trustworthy sign. See why below:















Do angels and demons and the devil really exist? Or are they just mythical legends? Or figments of our imagination?