7 Blessings have been prepared for YOU (FROM THE FRONT PAGE)

A Significant Challenge has been Prepared: for all who would have ears to hear, eyes to see, a heart to receive, and a soul to store up many treasures from Heaven.

Has a friend of yours, ever dared you to do something extraordinary?

Well, oddly enough, you have a friend in Heaven, that has prepared a dare for you and I, and all who would seek to learn to see with “The Eyes of Eternity.”

Ready to Challenge Yourself to See LiFE from God’s Eternal Perspective?

If you take this challenge, after completely surveying this Page:

1) You should be able to identify the First 7 Hurdles that would seek to block your mission.

2) You should be able to “cogently” 1 answer the First 7 of Life’s Toughest Questions.

3) You should be able to logically see: Why so many people cannot answer these Questions.

4) You should be able to know with certainty where you have received your information, and where others are receiving their information, so that you can be confident in your observations, and compelling in your answers to Life’s Toughest Questions.

May you have a Rewarding and Blessed Journey ahead.

May ALL your vital prayers be heard and answered according to His Will in His Perfect Timing: (1 John 3:19-22; 1 John 5:14-15)

John 14:13-14 (KJV)

And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name,
that will I do,

that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

If ye shall ask any thing in my name,
I will do it.

7 Blessed and Crucial Understandings from God to You

Why do people say: “God bless You?”
Where does that concept and practice originate from?
What does “God bless You” really mean?

Below is information on:

  1. The Blessing of God,
  2. The origin of the Covenant Name of God,
  3. The prophetic power embedded in His Name & His Blessing,
  4. What is the Difference between the name Jehovah, and Other God’s?
  5. How does God’s Ancient Covenant and Partnership in Life, affect me today?
  6. Give me one good reason why I can trust the Bible?
  7. Who can you trust to tell you the truth? (And how can you know when someone is lying?)

1. This “Aaronic Blessing” was Commanded by Jehovah (YHWH):

This Blessing was recorded by Moses, and given to Aaron, and his Sons, to bless the Children of Yehovah, in the Name of Yehovah (Jehovah)–indefinitely.

This Blessing was written down, and codified, 3,500 years ago, while the Israelites were still wandering in the Desert. This was before they fully entered into the Promises of God, before entering into the God’s Promised Land. They had been waiting for 400 years to receive God’s Covenant Promise. This Blessing was intended to protect them, to teach them, and remind them, from whence came their help–even when, due to their own sin and rebellion to God, they would find themselves in dire circumstances.

May this Blessing “Follow You” and “Cover You” as you move forward in your own Journey into the promised Land.

Now Mark this Down: Your Promised Land is Far Greater, More Enduring, More Blessed, More Filled with Goodness, Richness, Abundance, Heavenly Mercy and Eternal Grace, than even the Promised Land promised to Israel. May this Blessing also help remind you: from whence your Help comes from (Psalms 121), while you are SEEKING TO SEE Life’s Questions & Answers FROM GOD’S ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE.

Important point made above … this doesn’t even scratch the surface of the subject, but it does set the stage for what is to come.
2. Do You Know God’s Covenant Name?
(Chances are good that you don’t.)

If you are going to receive and give the blessing of God in God’s Name, it only makes sense that you should know: What is God’s Name? Where does God’s Name come from? And How are the Saints to Use His Name to Bless the Children of God? We should also know exactly why we should never blaspheme his name, nor NEVER TAKE HIS NAME IN VAIN.


[Note: The order of the letters are written in English order: YHWH, left to right, but in Hebrew, they are written right to left. The Proper order, in Hebrew, would be “the hand” behold, “the nail” behold. Can you see the picture above of the man beholding the hand (arm), and the man beholding the nail (looks like a tent peg.] What does that picture mean?


Note: the V and the W sound a lot alike in Hebrew, like in German. “Volks-Vagen”. (VW)

[Side Note: These letters were originally written in the picture language of the original script, which read right to left. Which makes an interesting point. Generally speaking: the ancient Western languages in the world, west of Jerusalem, are read left to right, thereby pointing to Jerusalem geographically. Generally speaking: the ancient Eastern languages, originating east of Jerusalem, are read right to left also pointing to Jerusalem.

Who do think established these customs? When And Why? Ever hear of the Tower of Babel?

When Aaron was commanded to bless God’s Children in the Name of the LORD, the NAME “THE LORD” didn’t exist.

God had already told Moses His name in Exodus 3:13-14, and then God said this:

Using a Strong’s Concordance we can more closely examine the Name of God.

Exodus 3:14-15 (KJV)

14 And God H430 said H559 unto Moses H4872, I AM H1961 THAT I AM H1961: and he said H559, Thus shalt thou say H559 unto the children H1121 of Israel H3478, I AM hath sent H7971 me unto you.

 15 And GodH430 saidH559 moreoverH5750 unto MosesH4872, Thus shalt thou sayH559 unto the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478, The LORDH3068 GodH430 of your fathersH1, the GodH430 of AbrahamH85, the GodH430 of IsaacH3327, and the GodH430 of JacobH3290, hath sentH7971 me unto you: this is my nameH8034 for everH5769, and this is my memorialH2143 unto allH1755 generationsH1755.

God {H430}

Original: אלהים
Transliteration: ‘ĕlôhı̂ym
Phonetic: el-o-heem’
Definition: Plural of H433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God ; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates ; and sometimes as a superlative: – angels, X exceeding, God (gods) (-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty.

I AM {H1961}

Original: היה
Transliteration: hâyâh
Phonetic: haw-yaw
Definition: A primitive root (compare H1933); to exist, that is, be or become, come to pass (always emphatic, and not a mere copula or auxiliary): – beacon, X altogether, be (-come, accomplished, committed, like), break, cause, come (to pass), continue, do, faint, fall, + follow, happen, X have, last, pertain, quit (one-) self, require, X use.

LORD {H3068}

Original: יהוה
Transliteration: yehôvâh
Phonetic: yeh-ho-vaw’
Definition: From H1961; (the) self Existent or eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God: – Jehovah, the Lord. Compare H3050, H3069.

my name {H8034}

Original: שׁם
Transliteration: shêm
Phonetic: shame
Definition: A primitive word (perhaps rather from H7760 through the idea of definite and conspicuous position ; compare H8064); an appellation, as a mark or memorial of individuality; by implication honor, authority, character: – + base, [in-] fame [-ous], name (-d), renown, report.

“Behold the Hand, Behold the Nail.”

How does that actually translate into the New Covenant Blessing, and Life into our Lives Today? See the one minute clip below.

3. Is there Power in the Covenant Blessing of God’s Name

The Word a man speaks has power. There is power in the tongue: to do good; and to do evil.

If you are a light to this world, people will begin to see it in you, by what you say, and by what you don’t say.

I dare say: We should be able to spot a Christian, who is actively being a light in this world, within 30 seconds of talking with them. Why? Because Jesus says that people will speak about what they are full of. Whatever fills a man’s heart, that will come out of his mouth. He can’t help it. It just happens. When a man is filled with the Love of God, that message will have to come out of him.

After the Lord God gave Moses his own personal name: God then commanded, his people to speak it. In fact, God commanded the children of Israel to do this: “Thou shalt swear by his name.” In other words, all oaths are to be taken in His Name (which is not LORD, But Yehovah, YHWH, or yehôvâh).

Deuteronomy 10:20 Thou shalt fear H3372 the LORD H3068 thy God H430; him shalt thou serve H5647, and to him shalt thou cleave H1692, and swear H7650 by his name H8034.

What does this mean?

It means that you include God the Lord, and His Name: YHWH, Jehovah, a.k.a. Yehovah, into every aspect of your religious, governmental, marriage, economic, military, educational, legal, and entertainment based lives. In other words, you are partnering with the king of heaven, in all that you think, say, hope, do, believe, and share with others, who are also entering into the covenants of God.

In other words, you buy property in his name, you get married in his name. You raise families in his name. You take legal action in his name. You punish sinful and evil actions, behaviors, attitudes, and addictions in his name. You build businesses in his name. You make all contractual agreements in his name. You vow to serve your country in the military in his name, protecting your sons, and your daughters in his name. You grow your fruits, vegetables, and cattle in his name. You meet three times a year to celebrate his festivals, and to renew your covenant in his name. You pay the wages of all your workers in his name. You pay your taxes and tithes and offerings in his name. You vow to keep God’s religious services in his name. As such, you build the foundation of your life, the walls of your house, the roof you live under, and the weather, and atmosphere that surrounds your entire community, and the name of the Lord God Almighty.

And that is just the beginning of the covenant of God and the blessing God intended the children of Israel to live under. Within that covenant, there was supernatural, blessing on the food, on the water, and on the promise to remove sickness from among the people.

Under that blessing, there was a promise that one man in an army could put 1000 enemy combatants to flight, and two men could put 10,000 to flight. Under that blessing, God, God would command that the food harvested on the sixth year a blessing, would still be available to the people on the eighth year. Under that blessing, the people of God were commanded to take a rest for an entire year every seventh year, in order to enjoy one another, and all the blessings God had poured out upon his people.

That’s why it is such a severe sin to take the name of the Lord in vain. When you do so you begin to destroy all your covenant blessings. You begin to destroy all your community connection. There are all interwoven between the word of God, the people of God, creating the nation of God, doing the will of God.

The first thing you can see that happens to a nation that travels down the road of deception and dissipation, is that they begin to stop beholding God, in a place of honor.Other words the individual, family, community, or nation, in total loses the fear of the Lord.

One of the first signs of a community of people, turning their backs on God, breaking covenant with God, and entering into the broad road that leads to destruction, is the freedom in the community to speak blasphemy against the god of heaven.

if such a community would seek God’s forgiveness, and choose to repent of their demonic departure, from keeping the ways of God, one of the first signs of conviction and repentance would be the absence of taking the name of the Lord in vain. A.k.a. removal of blasphemy from, the corporate mind and heart of the people.

In other words, it would no longer be an acceptable behavior, it would be a sign of disgrace, and shame to those who would do such dishonor to the creator, who made them. This turn round of behavior is often called revival. It is a sign that the spirit of God is reviving the people to new life pursuing the kingdom of God.

NOTE: Therefore, every Covenant made in the Kingdom of God, begins with the Name of God [YHWH]. Marriages, Land Titles, Business Deals, Legal Documentation, Social and Military Responsibilities, Everything was to be done and executed in the Name YHWH. The Name is recorded in the Original Bible (Old Testament) approximately 7,000 times.

My OT text is about 7,000 pages long. That means God’s Name is written, nearly 7 times on average on every page of the Old Testament. And what does that name Declare?

That Name literally letter for letter translated into English is this:


Now, I know for certain, I am not the sharpest knife in the kitchen, but even I can see: What this Name is Pointing to.

And you will see it to, when you seek to perceive what God has recorded from the Very Beginning, and continues to record throughout the ages: His Plan of Salvation and Redemption for ALL Men to the Very End, from God’s Heavenly Eternal Perspective. This is something you don’t want to miss out on. I am fairly certain on that point.

From the Very Beginning of the Covenant between GOD (YHWH), MOSES, AND ISRAEL, the very Name of God is pointing to the One who would have his hand nailed to a Cross. Thus fulfilling a multitude of predicted prophecies that would identify the Son of God, as the Man, who would RAISE HIMSELF UP FROM THE DEAD.

When you, or I, or any other Gentile seeks to know, and then wants to enter into an Eternal Covenant with God, we must realize that we will be grafted into an Ancient Native Olive Tree that God has already been growing for nearly 6,000 years.

[Note: The Native/Cultivated Olive Tree in scripture refers to the Natural Born Citizens of Israel. The Wild (or Non-native, non-cultivated) Olive Tree, refers to the Gentiles who would some day be grafted into the Native Olive Tree, and therefore would be able to bear the fruit of the combination of the Native and Wild Tree.

That is enough on that subject for the time being.

I hope this has laid a little bit of a foundation for what you are about to encounter next.

Do you break your covenant in God, when you fight, argue, and desecrate your marriage relationship in God?
4. What is the Difference between Yehovah, and Other God’s?

The difference between YHWH and all other religions and faiths, is that Yehovah clearly lays out all of His Plans and Purposes in Plain Sight, and then tells you exactly what is going to happen, in what sequence, and when certain events are going to happen with pinpoint accuracy, like no other God, or any other book ever written.

And God tells us what He is going to do sometimes centuries, sometimes millennia before He fulfills HIS PLANS–WHICH HE COMPLETELY FULFILLS In Plain Sight, even to the minutest detail.



That’s Right: Israel. How did that happen? This is fulfilling, the very word God foretold thousands of years ago, in my Life Time.

Never has an ancient nation been so miraculously re-established the way Israel has.

They have revived a dead language, and made it the current official language of the nation–according to the prophecy of God. (Zephaniah 3:9)

Two times Israelites became slave of other nations, and both times God brought them out of those nations, and brought them back to himself to the city of Jerusalem. That has never happened before. And the whole world seems to hate Israel, and the majority of the United Nations supports the enemies of Israel. And several times the nations have risen up and said, “We will destroy, annihilate, and exterminate Israel, from the river to the sea!” But Israel is still alive and kicking. And God has done all this in plain sight.

Yehovah does not withhold His Teaching or Instructions from anyone willing to Seek Him. He is not Some Mystical or Mythical Ghost that cannot be understood, nor some whimsical Mean Tyrant that requires you to Sacrifice your children to please Him. No.

The God of the Biblical Record, the God of the Blood Covenant, spoke clearly, and reasonably for 4,000 years, diligently reaching out from generation to generation, and then closed the Scriptures Two Thousand Years ago, because He had accomplished the Goal that He had promised to fulfill, in the first coming of His Son. And He has already laid out in specific detail, what is going to happen at the Second Coming of His Son, and into Eternity.

Note: All of this information is freely available all across the World. The fact, that the Bible has not been banned from the internet is a sign that we are still in the last hour of grace, but there is no promise that door will remain open much longer. The last hour is getting shorter and shorter, even as God has already predicted, and the Plain of Salvation, and the sequence of Events, He has already clearly laid out in dramatic detail–for anyone willing to investigate it. (We will hopefully be getting to those things in the near future, that is if time is granted us.)

5. How does God’s Ancient Covenant and Partnership in Life, affect me today?

Here’s a brief (1 minute clip) explanation of the Blood Covenant Yehovah (God) made with Abraham.

The Covenant between God and Abraham was unique in that the responsibility for maintaining the Covenant was unilateral. In other words, the responsibility rested completely on God himself. God swore to Abraham by Himself (by his own Name), that He would fulfill the terms of the Covenant to Abraham and to His Seed (his children) forever. It was an eternal covenant. The fact, that Abraham’s Children are today back in the Land of the Covenant, is further proof that God is able to keep his Word. See Genesis 15, to get the context of the Covenant. Read all of Genesis to get the Big Picture, to see how This Blood Covenant with Abraham was just a starting point, an access point, in order to fulfill the greatest promise of Life, to all of mankind.
The above description is the common mode of establishing a blood covenant with another man.

The New Testament is in the old concealedthe old Testaments is in the new revealed.”

In the Old Testament, God promises to remove Death. In the New Testament, God shows us how he did it.

How the Blood Covenant is explained in the New Testament.


6. Give me one good reason: why can I trust the Bible?

Is “The Bible is the Best interpreter of itself” ?

Please take a moment and check out this graphic illustration below. It is amazing! It illustrates with graphic brilliance that there is no Book on Earth written and integrated like the Bible has been written covering over 6,000 years of history, containing 66 books, by 40 different writers (scribes, prophets, vessels chosen to record God’s Voice to their generation), writing throughout the rough history of Israel.

The Electrifying Picture below, Gracefully illustrates our 1st Law of Bible Interpretation:

“The Bible is the Best interpreter of itself.

Another way people like to say this is: “Scripture interprets Scripture.”

The Bible contains 63,779 cross references in total (photo used with permission). Let that sink in …

The Bible cross references itself, (I can only imagine), more than any other book ever written, covering more confirmed and validated historical places, people, events, and prophetic promises then any other book ever written it is estimated that the Old Testament is approximately 1/5 prophecy. And in order to be an Old Testament profit, it was mandated that the profit would speak the truth and his prophecies would be confirmed or he would be sentenced to death.

Therefore, the quality and character of biblical prophets was head and shoulders above other heathen, and pagan religion and their religious prophets. Therefore the 63,000+ cross referenced prophecies and promises of God, and all of his teachings in his word are intimately interwoven into a tightly arranged, beautifully executed and heavenly ordained book that has proven itself to be reliable to every generation of people living on the planet. These cross references jump 1,000’s of years into the future, and pull 1,000’s of years of ancient wisdom into the present.

The entire corpus (Body of Content) is intimately and inextricably bound to communicating, verifying, confirming, protecting, double checking, and cross referencing its information so that those who seek to attack it will quickly be discouraged. Why? because the Bible will quickly expose their faulty thinking, and false analysis.

Try comparing the Bible’s Integrity to any other written document, and you will soon discover why Jesus said: “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” Matthew 24:35 (KJV)

As you begin to discern the veracity, and validity inherent, in the word of God, you shall see that the attack of enemy of God always begins by attacking the word of God.

All Jesus needed to do to defeat the Devil, and all of his enemies was to Say: “It is Written” … and he irrevocably debunked the attacks against Him, and against God, and against God’s Word, by cross referencing the word of God. In other words by applying God’s word to his current situation.

Each one of the 63,000+ Arches above represents a link from one Bible Reference to another.2 This brings clarity, depth, insight, contrast, and comparison and is a teacher in itself.

Look carefully at the High Arches. This graphic display dramatically shows how the very beginning of the book is inextricably linked to the very ending of the Book.

Below the horizontal line are all the individual books of the Bible being represented. The bar charts, hanging down from the line, are graphically displaying how many chapters are in each book. (This graphic is a computer generated piece of artwork. 2 )

Again, I encourage you to take your time–doing your own study, during your supplement reading on this Website.

Also, Don’t take anything I say, for granted. If you come across something that seems fishy to you. Don’t just take it, or believe because, someone said so. You may be on to something. You may be called to expose some false misunderstanding. Some fallacious quote, or misrepresented concept. Be diligent in your own study. And be vigilant.

And be warned, I may choose to throw in some gaffs, just to test the waters, to see if you’re truly are paying attention.

Note: You have my permission to: Download whatever you want–copy and paste, use the information here to glorify God. Share it with Friends, Neighbors, Enemies, whoever.


Make sure you do yourself this favor: KEEP SEEKING to See All of God’s Questions & Answers, according to His Eternal Heavenly Perspective. Once, you have that down, you will have the foundation to make the REAL DECISION:

How Far Do I Really Want to Go with God?

7. Who can you Trust to Tell you the Truth?

What about all those Contradictions in the Bible?

Question: Do the People who make those accusations ever do any real research and seek to verify those accusations?

Or do they just go with any hearsay evidence that any Tom, Dick, or Harry has to offer without ever checking the facts about their accusations?

If you want to believe a false accuser just because he has the same agenda as you. Well, so be it.

But if you have believed false accusers without hearing the proof against them, well, that’s on you. Because in just a few short minutes you can hear the other side of the story, and then make your own informed intelligent evaluation.

Great Topic. Super important in every person’s understanding.

May this teaching genuinely assist you along your journey as you seek to see everything from God’s Perspective.

This Video exposes the reason why there are so many false teachers misunderstanding, misinterpreting, and mis-communicating the Teachings and Messages, God recorded in His Word.

If you have any questions about these issues, I pray that you will reach out and get solid information that is reliable, and authentic, and uncorrupted by the fallacious intentions of duplicitous men.

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