100% Accurate Prophecy =
#1 Proof of God

When Ancient Scrolls Predict the Future with Perfect Accuracy,

God demonstrates that He Writes History before it happens,

Often 1,000’s of Years Ahead.

Prophecy is woven into the Very Fabric of God’s Eternal Word,

Even in many of the most common place verses,

There are many unique and unmistakeable evidences

of the Finger Prints of God.


See if you can confirm the Finger Prints of God here:



(Daniel wrote 500 years before Christ,
Isaiah 700 years, David 1000 years, Moses 1,500 years.
Let’s not forget Jonah, Zechariah, Haggai, Malachi, Micah,
Jeremiah, Hosea, Joshua, and many many more.)



The Challenge:  Pick 2-5 clips from the list below to Watch and  Decide for yourself.

Note: Many Clips below are longer that 5 minute.
Has Anyone Anywhere Spoken or Written like this Before?

Where is the Evidence? [Show me if you have it.]


And Please share what you have discovered.


When Ancient Scrolls Predict the Future with Perfect Accuracy,
If nothing else it should cause us to investigate this with a right mind.
This could absolute affect us for a long time,
both positively, and/or negatively.


So, I urge you to examine these with excellence.





Below are just a small sample of the 351 specific prophecies already fulfilled in Christ.

To see the whole list of 351, click here.
This file is a pdf. You can copy it. Download it, Use it however you want to.

It includes the original Prophecy recorded in the Old Testament, and it lists the New Testament fulfillment and description.

The Challenge:  Pick 5 clips from the list below to Watch and  Decide for yourself.

Has Anyone Anywhere Spoken or Written like this Before?


Where is the Evidence? (See List of 351 Specific Prophecies fulfilled by Jesus).
For your own study and edification.


Comments are welcome. [Show what you know.]

And Please share any good thing you have discovered.


Let kick this off with a quick short clip describing the reality, most professors are constantly trying to hide and negate.


Have Bible Prophecies been
Accurately Preserved?

Are They Myths, Legends, or True? What does the Evidence say?

(50 seconds)



“This Bible is a Pack of Lies.”

(Under 1 minute Video Short)


Great, Quick, Jumpstart into Jesus’ Prophecies

(2 minutes, 29 seconds)



6 Perfect Prophecies Fulfilled in Christ

(9 minutes, 50 seconds)




Jesus HIDDEN in EVERY Book Of The Old Testament!

(23 minutes, 6 seconds)





Daniel Wrote this: 500 years before Christ.

Daniel predicted the very year Jesus would allow His Followers to Proclaim him King on his entrance into Jerusalem. (This happened shortly before He was crucified).
Note: Some of the data here is historically defined. So it will take a serious examination, from the reader to familiarize himself with all the circulation data that makes this prophecy air tight. Bible writers referenced: Moses, Nehemiah, Daniel, Ezra, the Gospels, and more.

(12 minutes, 26 seconds)


Jesus Prophecy and Statistics (part 1)

(10 minutes)


Jesus Prophecy and Statistics (part 2)



Jesus Prophecy and Statistics (part 3)




Did Jesus Truly Rise from the Dead?
How ca we know for sure?

If Jesus did not rise from the dead. My faith is in vain. Worse yet, I am a liar, a deceiver, and no liar or deceiver will enter into the kingdom of Heaven. That is true for me and everyone who has gone before me, and everyone who believes that after me. Paul, we are to be those most pitied if Christ did not rise from the Dead. 




 Check this out:



What Book Predicts the Future 100% of the Time?

(7 minutes, 40 seconds)




Learning the Covenants of God 

Will Greatly Help You Understand the Background of Every Prophecy.

(8 minutes, 16 seconds)




More Videos to come:

Having a hard time finding good, clear, well presented, and articulate videos on this subject. Hopefully, I will discover a few soon. Until then, you have the raw data:
351 specific predictions, details, and things Jesus fulfilled while walking the Earth during his short life time of 33.5 years of age.


Also, it seems strange, but I have had more trouble getting this webpage out than almost any webpage on this site. I pray the end result will be worth, not only for you but also for me and my family and friends.













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